Николай Конюхов - Economic crisis: Cosmos and people

Economic crisis: Cosmos and people
Название: Economic crisis: Cosmos and people
Жанры: Макроэкономика | Технический анализ
Серии: Нет данных
ISBN: Нет данных
Год: 2018
О чем книга "Economic crisis: Cosmos and people"

Resonances of the gravitational and magnet field of the celestial objects appear to be one of the most important factors that impact the development of the mankind. Economic crises are the consequence of the actions of people. And these crises begin more often when the Earth gets into the zone of the unfavorable affection of cosmic forces, so the aftermath of this fact is the alteration of quality of the economic active population.

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“All the history of science was the gradual recognition of the fact that the events do not happen spontaneously but reflect the definite hidden order which could or could not be stated by divine powers” Stephen Hawking


Crisis of the modern society – financial, economic, spiritual and civilization – has its own reasons. All these crises are on Earth. But Cosmos actively impacts the Earth. The comparison of crises with the dynamics of planet motion shows that there is the coincidence which is not by chance. Gravitational-magnetic fields within the periods of resonances of the Sun and the main planets of solar system as well as the solar activity change the hormonal background of people and we start building the relationships between ourselves.

Both these factors in their comparison serve the favorable and unfavorable periods of development of our civilization: passionary and subpassionary periods. Their activity reveals cyclically the contradictions between the social motivators – persons who are successful in social sphere and communication and also domain experts – persons, who are successful in practical subject activity, – cyclically sharpen. Social motivators cyclically get power and submit domain experts, they start cutting off the most part of the cake of the social richness, and the society gradually loses its potential to the intensive development.

Of course the domain experts’ coming to power and the powers of Cosmos do not exhaust all the reasons of crises. We do not stand for expelling the traditional economic factors from the analysis – currency circulation, etc., though these factors submit to cosmic resonances. Our purpose is to enter the non-obvious system of determinants into the analysis methodology, which is connected with the fight not just between poor and rich, educated and non-educated, sated and starving, owners of property and those who have nothing, etc, but also between different psycho-types. The acute peak of this fight and alteration of psycho-types happen in accordance with cosmic cycles.

Chapter 1. Games of Cosmos: through crises to the harmony with the World

There is a widespread opinion in the West that the reasons of crises are connected with the wrong policy of financial regulator, namely FRS. Economists understand such approach easier then the opinion about the influence of cosmic forces on these processes that are able to change the personal specific features of the market participants and the character of their thoughts.

The reciprocal connection of cyclical solar activity and social situations on the Earth is not studied well enough. Before the most important crises of mankind the increase of intensiveness of solar activity was watched or the planets lined up in a definite kind. The Earth was under the big influence of gravitational and electro-magnetic indignations that affected the physical, hormonal and psychical condition of a person.

The alteration of people under the influence of cosmic forces leads to the change of decisions as well that they make in the sphere of economy and at the fund markets. Sometimes these decisions are the same as the decisions of the hysteroid or psychopathic persons. Our life makes us this way as well as the circumstances but they also change us through crises and make us be rational and clever. Or crises lead to the low bottom everyone who does not become this way. After that people start imitating not the bankrupted owners but the new economic elite who could take the reasonable lessons from the crisis.

1.1 Original data for understanding the cosmic games

In our nature we can react only on some alterations. Organism supports the equilibristic state (homeostasis) through such reaction including the production of hormones. When the big external influence comes the organism starts creating more hormones necessary for more activity. It requires the opportunity to reveal this activity. If the newly appeared additional forces and hormones are not used to find a way out of the situation then the organism will burn these hormones with the physiological necessity through any activity, increased emotionality and worries. Social usability of such activity is secondary for the necessity to burn the odd hormones. Such effects constantly appear in our organism. Due to this fact and depending on individual features the effectiveness of thoughts and powerful external impacts can both increase (more inventions, discoveries, higher physical labour activity) and decrease. Each type of activity requires different levels of additional hormones of different position for optimum of its effectiveness. Physical activity requires more hormones for optimum effect than intellectual one. The odd emotions by thinking activity can hurt its effectiveness. It happens not seldom and because by the high emotionality we often analyze the situation by less selection, and in head by lesser information about this question. The result is the mistaken conclusions. By powerful unusual external influences of many people the effectiveness of thinking activity falls. Everything is according to the motivation optimum by Yerkes-Dodson.

We are constantly influenced by different cosmic fields.

All the cosmic bodies are in constant motion. Planets move in accordance with the Sun, and the Sun is in the centre of local star gathering, etc. Finally all the cosmic bodies constantly speed up its motion and than slow it down. Their gravitational fields by means of which they influence each other also change. The changes in magnetic spheres of the Sun and planets of the Solar System also change and become the source of the great radiation spectrum.

We are on the surface of the Earth protected by its atmosphere and magnetic field from multiple dangerous cosmic radiations. However nothing protects us from the constant alteration of its own gravitation and the alterations which take place in their magnetic sphere. All these alterations are in strong dependence in how the Sun “behaves” itself and where the planets of the Solar System are. The alterations are cyclical. Many cycles of these alterations we know well enough and take them into consideration in our life.

People have been studying the relationships with the Moon for thousands of years. The gravitation of the Moon causes the tide waves namely the rise of both water and Earth surface each 12 hours 25 minutes. In one of the bays of the Canada coast a tide up to 18 meters is noticed and the hesitations of the Earth surface reach 78 sm. Even the gravitational impact of the Sun is averagely 2,2 times less.

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