Елена Васильева - English verb tenses for lazybones

English verb tenses for lazybones
Название: English verb tenses for lazybones
Жанр: Современная проза
Серии: Нет данных
ISBN: Нет данных
Год: 2014
О чем книга "English verb tenses for lazybones"

One of the most effective skills in studying English is the ability to feel confident in using different grammar structures. The reference guide helps to find your way through the maze of numerous English verb forms in a short time. Such categories as voice, mood, basic verb forms, sentence structures are defined and explained in a form of tables with several examples to each rule. The combined chart of tenses is given in the guide too.

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УДК 811.111'36(075.8)

ББК 81.2Англ-923


Vasilyeva E. A.

One of the most effective skills in studying English is the ability to feel confident in using different grammar structures. The reference guide helps to find your way through the maze of numerous English verb forms in a short time. Such categories as voice, mood, basic verb forms, sentence structures are defined and explained in a form of tables with several examples to each rule. The combined chart of tenses is given in the guide too.

УДК 811.111'36(075.8)

ББК 81.2Англ-923

© Vasilyeva E. A., 2014

© Ltd. «Prospekt», 2014

Table of English Tenses

1. Basic Forms

2. Types of Verbs

3. Regular and Irregular Verbs

4. Mood

5. Voice

6. Sentence Structure

The word order is fixed: the subject (S), the predicate (P), the Object (O), the Adverbial Modifier (Adv).

1. Simple Tenses Active

1.1.1. The Present Simple Tense

• General actions; e.g. People build houses of different materials.

• Universal truths; e.g. The sun rises in the east.

• Habitual actions; e.g. Sam reads a newspaper at breakfast.

• Time expressions: never, seldom, hardly ever, rarely, occasionally, sometimes, from time to time, regularly, often, frequently, every day/ month/year, usually, always. e.g. We often meet Liz in the sports club.

• Instructions, directions; e.g. Clean your teeth twice a day.

• Demonstrations, step by step instructions; e.g. First I wash the potatoes, peel them, cut and add a little salt.

• Timetables (verbs of movement): to arrive, to come, to start, to leave и т. д. e.g. The classes start at 9 a.m.

1.1.2. The Past Simple Tense

• Statement of facts; e.g. Columbus discovered America.

• A succession of past events; e.g. We met in the club, played a game of snooker and then went to the cinema.

• A single action in the past; e.g. Bob finished his dinner half an hour ago.

• A repeated action in the past; e.g. Every summer the Potters visited their friends in Australia.

• No connection with the present situation; e.g. I didn't have a car when I was young.

• Specific time – yesterday, some time ago, the other day, in 1995, during the trip, last Monday, then, when, just now e.g. Judy phoned just now.

1.1.3. The Future Simple Tense

• A single action in the future; e.g. I'll stop smoking one day.

A repeated action in the future; e.g. Tom will go to the swimming pool three times a week.

«Time expressions – next week, tomorrow, in 2010, in a month, later, one day etc.

• Feelings, doubts, thoughts without any objective evidences. (I think, I guess, I suppose, probably, perhaps, etc.) e.g. I won't pass the exam. e.g. It will be cold tomorrow. e.g. Cars will be very different in the year 2050.

• A future action is definite with some objective evidences at present (am/is/are going to); e.g. Look! Jack is going to jump off the tree.

• A future action is unplanned, spontaneous e.g. What will you do at the weekend? – I don't know. Perhaps I'll invite friends to my place.

Конец ознакомительного фрагмента.

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Вы хотите быстро выучить основные грамматические правила английского языка? Без труда разобраться в построении английских предложений, в классификации и характеристиках всех типов предложения? Тогда эта книга для вас! С ее помощью вы сможете усвоить или закрепить необходимые вам знания. Книга предназначена для школьников, студентов, а также всех желающих самостоятельно изучать английский язык.
Жизнь второгодника не балует, и хуже всех невзгод контрольные. В принципе не экзамен, можно отказаться, но от их выполнения, как всегда, зависит жизнь Жеки и жизни его друзей, близких. Пусть снова нет правильных решений, на каждом шагу подвох, предательство, ведь нет и сомнений в шпаге и чести вольного рыцаря космоса!
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Порно-повесть о ярких воспоминаниях и сексуальных приключениях успешной девушки-извращенки.В рассказе есть все: и сюжет, и интриги, и, конечно же, море секса "приправленного" различными аспектами BDSM. Этот рассказ точно не оставит вас равнодушным!20 внушительных глав, 199963 слова, 1267809 знаков – этот рассказ с вами надолго!
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