Nikolay Lakutin - Family friend! A play for 4-5 people. Comedy and a little drama

Family friend! A play for 4-5 people. Comedy and a little drama
Название: Family friend! A play for 4-5 people. Comedy and a little drama
Жанры: Кинематограф / театр | Пьесы и драматургия | Зарубежная драматургия
Серии: Нет данных
ISBN: Нет данных
Год: 2021
О чем книга "Family friend! A play for 4-5 people. Comedy and a little drama"

Are you familiar with such a phenomenon as simple-minded arrogance? Sometimes you meet such amazing characters in your life, which you try to keep away from yourself, but as luck would have it, they are attracted so close that it already goes beyond all boundaries. Meet the "Family Friend"!

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Play for 4 or 5 people "Family Friend»

Comedy. Drama. Duration: 1 hour and 20 minutes.


male GENE


family friend-STASIK



The role of Pantelei can be combined, if necessary, with the role of Gena or Stasik.


The lyric introduction – the musical theme of the play (the composition "Yuri Tarasenko and Victoria Artyukhova – You are here and I am now" is recommended) is played until 1 minute 45 seconds, then the speech of the actors begins.

So, the music starts playing, after a few seconds, the curtain opens.

The evening square conveys its atmosphere of warmth of a tired city.

In the square there is a bench, around nature, freedom, spacious and easy. A street lamp is dimly lit.

With a tired step, but with a happy face, practically dragging a lady's purse on the floor, Albina enters the stage. She's coming home from work. He takes a few steps, stops, remembers something, remembers pleasant moments. He takes a few more steps, looks around, and sits down on the bench. She puts her purse down next to it, leans back, and inhales deeply.

At this point, the music stops (1 minute 45 seconds pass)

ALBINA (thoughtfully): Yes …

Albina with a slap puts her hand on her forehead, rubs her face, sits back, resting her chin on her hand, and resting her elbow on her knee.

ALBINA (thoughtfully): No, not exactly a "Yes" … but… You've got it, Albina Alexeyevna… in my old age… Well, not that in my old age, not yet forty, but somehow still not at the age that this is all happening to me now…, and the situation is not the same, oh, not the same … Ah…, you fell on my head… Pantaleika … the

music continues to play.

Pantelei appears in the square. Albina notices him at once. Their views intersect and speak for themselves. They are happy, they are young again, they are stupid and naive again. Pantelei takes timid, playful steps towards Albina, and Albina jumps down from the bench and hides behind it.

They play catch-up, around the bench, frolicking like children. They smile and laugh. They feel good. But they don't touch each other. Their relationship is sublime, no lust or even a hint of it.

Albina runs off to the side, turns around, says goodbye to Pantelei with an apologetic look, and reluctantly leaves.

The music ends.

Pantelei sits down, inspired, on the bench where Albina had just been sitting.

The song ends, and the music stops.


Pantelei sits down more comfortably, rubs his knees playfully, and with a sly smile and a twinkle in his eyes continues his delicate thought.

PANTELEI (thoughtfully): Yes…, there is no other way to say it. No, Pantelei, this young lady will not leave your mind, your heart, your imagination so easily… Albina… That's life, isn't it? You live yourself a little calm, you don't touch anyone, and suddenly ON! You meet a person who…

Pantelei tries to portray something with gestures, but he is not very good at it.

PANTELEI (emotionally): That's how they do it, huh? Men? Does anyone know how they do it? After all, here you look – and the height is like everyone else's and the figure is plus or minus. Two arms, two legs, some kind of hairstyle on the head, perfume, manicure… Well, it's just like everyone else. But here they take something that is not in anyone else! And this is different… you can't explain it to yourself, but you can feel it! And so you feel that you do not know where to go.

Pantelei gets up nervously from the bench and walks around.

PANTELEI (emotionally): You start behaving like a fool, talking all sorts of nonsense. Smile like a blockhead and… Yes, you all know what to explain… Oh, women… Interesting characters.

Lyrical music sounds.

Pantelei leaves the stage.



Albina returns home. Her mood is high. A radiant smile shines on his face. She hums to herself, twirls, dances. He changes clothes, starts to do the housework, and starts cleaning. He puts the stool back in its place, checks the dust on the shelves with his finger. He notices a bunch of things on the couch. He picks up the pile, lifts it to carry it away, and suddenly hears a man's cry from under the things.

As it turns out, Stasik is sleeping on the couch under the things.

STASIK (loudly, frightened): A....!!!

Albina drops her things back on the sofa, screams, and jumps to the side.

ALBINA (loudly, frightened): A....

Stasik looks discontentedly at Albina, judging her with a look that has swum from sleep.

STASIK (loudly, indignantly, holding his ear): Aaaaa!

ALBINA (nervously, indignantly, shaking and stammering): Stasik! Scared the hell out of me.... dddddd… to the point of shaking. What the hell are you doing here?

STASIK (indignantly, holding his ear and writhing in pain): I get serious injuries, by your efforts! Albin, give me the peroxide, will you? You caught my ear with your fingernail. I slept to myself, I didn't touch anyone. So come and visit you.

Albina shakes her hands nervously, indignantly, and goes to get the peroxide. He returns with a tube of peroxide and cotton pads.

ALBINA (unscrewing the lid of the tube as she goes): Come on, I'll see what you have for injuries …

Stasik kindly provides his ear.

Albina handles it.

Stasik hisses, for he pinches the wound.

ALBINA (examining the ear): Normal. You'll live… unfortunately.

Albina sits down next to me on the sofa.

Stasik also sits down more freely and comfortably, looking at Albina with displeasure.

ALBINA (EXHALING): Gena gave you the keys, didn't he?

STASIK (annoyed): Who else?

ALBINA (reproachfully): What is it this time?

Stasik looks at Albina with resentment. He gets up from the sofa and walks silently into the kitchen.

Albina throws up her hands indignantly.

Stasik returns with a mug of tea, and a steering wheel in his hand. And not only in the hand, some of it is already in the mouth.

STASIK (chewing, reproachfully): Here! That's why they say that there is no female friendship! You are not able to sympathize, compassion is not your patrimony!

ALBINA (with sarcasm): Oh! Oh… the words are what I have gathered. Compassion, patrimony. Where does it come from? Stasik, I really don't recognize you…

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