Alicia Ruva - Foxberry the Little Witch

Foxberry the Little Witch
Название: Foxberry the Little Witch
Жанр: Сказки
Серии: Нет данных
ISBN: Нет данных
Год: 2021
О чем книга "Foxberry the Little Witch"

The first leaves flew, being twisted by the wind, which everyone in the forest called Sweet Tooth. He always smelled like pastries and spices. Such wind appears only in autumn, it is fun to play catch-up with him and climb trees. Foxberry the Little Witch was spinning in the lawn, holding her head up to the sky. Leaves and small drops of warm rain were falling on her. “Hooray!” she screamed, “autumn has come! It’s autumn!”

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Foxberry the Little Witch and the first autumn leaf fall

The first leaves flew, being twisted by the wind, which everyone in the forest called Sweet Tooth. He always smelled like pastries and spices. Such wind appears only in autumn, it is fun to play catch-up with him and climb trees.

Foxberry the Little Witch was spinning in the lawn, holding her head up to the sky. Leaves and small drops of warm rain were falling on her.

“Hooray!” she screamed, “autumn has come! It’s autumn!”

The pantries were already full of jam and apples, dried flowers and herbs, pickled mushrooms, and cucumbers. Raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, and even a bag of cloudberries were stored and stood on strong wooden shelves.

Foxberry the Little Witch loved autumn for gathering on the veranda, for stargazing, and for rains, for fragrant air and anticipation of the miracle, because it is autumn that the most exciting miracles take place!

She ran into the hut, took a black teapot from the top of the kitchen cabinet, poured boiling water a mixture of chamomile, melissa and calendula in it, and began to write a letter:

My dear granny Nana,

When will you come? I miss you so much! Autumn has come to our forest today. So, the stars will be brighter, the sky darker. You should be in my autumn, you should be my miracle! Come soon, I have drained a whole pile of currant leaves and rosehip fruit, and I have learned how to bake a blueberry muffin. We will drink tea and talk about everything in the world.

P.S.: The gift for you is in the envelope. Kisses

The witch put a letter and a silk bottomless bag of chocolate forest nuts in the envelope, which she cooked herself, and whispered:

“Fly, my letter, fly,

Noticing no one,

Fly fast with all your might,

To one the most I love!”

And the envelope flew out looking for the addressee.

Foxberry the Little Witch and the kite

Foxberry the Little Witch got out of the forest on a huge field; the wind fluttered the skirt and clotted her golden hair. The purple flowers were bowing under the gusts of cool air; the grass was shining with all the shades of green – from olive to emerald.

“Blow harder! Don't be lazy!” The witch commanded the wind.

Having released the rope, Foxberry straightened out the tail of her triangular kite and threw it into the sky; it rose up obediently, picked up by the wind and, dragged a rope behind him.

“Higher, higher,”teased a little witch, until the coil completely spun and the kite became the size of a half-finger.

Puffy cloudswere walking through the sky as if they were choux pastry. The soft sunset was shining with orange rays, staining everything around.The horizon, beautified with lace of pine heads, darkened from the east and burned from the west.

Foxberry the Little Witch ran across the field, holding a kiterope, which hovered high above the ground, and sang an old autumn song:

“A bird flies free and sees a field,

The wind strokes itsmighty wings.

The bird knows the place the river feeds the sea,

The bird knowsthe world secrecy…”

Foxberry the Little Witch and Starling

The witch Foxberry, having decided to have a bite in the fresh air, put a cup of honey tea with cloves, pepper and cinnamon, a piece of chocolate cake and a bowl of pine nutson a silver platter. She went out onto the veranda, where there was a round table with wicker chairs and a bench, and she shouted: there was a black starling on the table. Its featherswere disheveled and his footwas broken.

“How did you manage to do so?” She asked a bird,but it only lowered her head in response. “Don’t worry, I will set itup, be patient.”

The Little Witch brought the starling into the house, mixed some roots and powders in the mortar, made an ointment, and put a bandage on the sick foot.

“How shall we call you then? May I call you Starly?”Suggested Foxberry, building a nest of woolen neck cloth.

The bird nodded, its black beady eyes shone, saying «good name for me».

The Little Witch had been looking after the starling for almost two weeks. She fed the bird, treated, told fairy tales, asked the magic flute to play only healing music and no dull melodies!

As time wore on, the leaves were falling outside the window and, it seemed, there would be no end to leaf falls. When the starling got stronger and his foot healed, it was time to say goodbye.

“Come over, I always have some tasty grains for you and the flute will be happy to play for you,” said Foxberry, stroking the Starly, “and take care of yourself and no more fighting! Look here, be smart, step back, gain strength, and then attack from behind. Oh, I need to teach you everything. Don’t look like that, fly away.”

The witch opened the window wide.

“I’ll be of use to you,” chirped the starling and flew out…

“Make sure you don’t need me!” Foxberry shouted back to the leaving black bird.

Foxberry the Little Witch and a bad mood

Foxberry the Little Witch got on the wrong side of the bed. Everything that day was against her: the porridge was tasteless, and the tea was sour, and the weather was disgusting. In general, even the reflection in the mirror was annoying!

Striding about for a while, a little witch decided there was something that needed to be done about this and started to throw various roots and twigs into the caldron.

Half an hour later, the potion was ready. Foxberry poured it into a cup and waved her black magic wand, which, by the way, had a tiny golden star on its tip.

“My sour mood, go away!

May joy and happiness fill the house!

Let the new dress appear in the wardrobe,

And all that evil thoughts be grindedinto dust!”

At the very moment, the potion exhaled with green steam from the cup, and everything started to work out itself: the windows glowed clean, the sun looked out, and a new black dress embroidered with lace, collar and a big bow on the back appeared in the wardrobe.

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Жорж Сименон писал о комиссаре Мегрэ с 1929 по 1972 год. «Мегрэ и привидение» (1964) повествует о стремительном и захватывающем расследовании преступления в мире искусства, нити которого ведут из Парижа в Ниццу и Лондон.
Жорж Сименон писал о комиссаре Мегрэ с 1929 по 1972 год. Роман «Мегрэ в меблированных комнатах» пользовался особой любовью Сименона: «Лично мне он очень нравится. Немного приглушенный, размытый, словно этюд в миноре» (из письма Свену Нильсену, 23 февраля 1951).