Edgars Auziņš - Get married in 100 days

Get married in 100 days
Название: Get married in 100 days
Жанры: Современные любовные романы | Короткие любовные романы | Эротические романы
Серии: Нет данных
ISBN: Нет данных
Год: 2024
О чем книга "Get married in 100 days"

Nadya has a serious problem: she needs to find a groom, get married and give birth to a child as soon as possible, otherwise in the future family happiness will be in big question. The matter is complicated by the fact that Nadya is an Orthodox Christian, and she needs one husband for the rest of her life. How should a modest and pious girl act in such circumstances? Relatives, friends and dating sites are rushing to help. But happiness, as usual, wanders somewhere nearby, at arm's length…

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Nadya sat on a shabby bench in the whitewashed corridor, nervously fiddling with the ultrasound results in her hands. What could be there? She felt fine, underwent medical examinations regularly, like all the teachers at their school – she was never sent for additional examinations. Friend and part-time colleague Natalya, with whom Nadya was the only one to share her bewilderment, categorically stated that this was all due to the lack of intimate life. Like, everyone knows this: abstinence at a young age is harmful, and who in our time would voluntarily give up something that has not been publicly condemned by society for a long time? Nadya had other information: the harm from abstinence is exaggerated – this is what the Holy Fathers say, whom you can certainly trust. And even if it causes damage to the body to some extent, fornication is much more harmful to the soul. And the soul, in turn, is more important than the physical shell.

But now Nadya was nervous, and the minutes passed endlessly.

Finally, the last pregnant woman came out of the door, and from there came the sharp cry of the doctor:

– Melnikova!

Nadya felt a chill in her stomach. But she took a deep breath and, forcing herself to take her time, calmly walked into the office. She put the documents on the table, hung her purse on the back of the chair, and sat down carefully. She smiled.

The doctor – a plump, middle-aged woman, wearing glasses, with a tuft of blond, dyed hair in glasses – looked at the sheet with the ultrasound report and muttered thoughtfully:

– Nadezhda Vyacheslavovna… Uh-huh… – She put the paper on the table, tapping it on top with her palm, and looked sternly at Nadya: – Well, everything is as I thought during the examination…

– What's happened? – Nadya’s voice trembled. She felt the blood drain from her face and hands, filling her heart with panic.

– You have problems, honey.

– Which?

– Rare genetic disease.

Nadya’s overflowing heart fell into her stomach.

“It’s not even really a disease,” the doctor continued, “rather… mm, an organic deficiency or, in other words, a physiological disorder in the structure of the uterus.”

Nadya opened her eyes wide:

– And what… does this threaten me with?

– Problems with reproductive function.

– Ah!

– In future.

– Oh…

“Unless you…” the doctor again looked at Nadya’s documents, searching for something with her eyes. – You're not married, are you?

– No…

– Maybe there is a groom?

Nadya shook her head negatively.

“Then… the problem gets worse.” The fact is that this defect can be eliminated at your age. If you are having a baby soon.

Nadya leaned back in her chair and opened her mouth.

– Will I give birth… to a child?

The doctor nodded:

– A child. Not a mouse, not a frog, not an unknown animal, but an ordinary human cub. The task is quite feasible for a young, otherwise healthy girl.

“But not alone…” Nadya muttered sadly.

She never engaged in a targeted search for a groom, although she did not intend to remain an old maid all her life or go to a monastery. Nadya loved children with all her heart and really wanted to have her own someday. Only now she got used to relying on the will of God in everything, and lived in confidence: when the time comes, the Lord himself will send her a suitable man. But God, it seems, decided to put her before a choice, and also test Nadina’s determination for family life.

– What if I don’t give birth to a child in the near future?

“Then there is a chance that you will never give birth to him again,” the doctor threw up her hands.

She paused, pursing her lips.

– Why are you so upset? In the end, in our time such issues are resolved quite simply, and without great loss to reputation. Nowadays, being a single mother won’t surprise anyone. And then you will calmly get married and have a second child in a legal marriage.

Nadya rolled her eyes:

– No, no, this doesn’t suit me.

Who knows, Nadya will definitely burn with shame in front of her brothers and sisters in Christ if she does this. Yes, she won’t even raise her hand to this.

The doctor shrugged:

– So, look for a groom.

Nadya sighed heavily.

– How much time do I have?

The doctor frowned:

– A year is the maximum.

Nadya grabbed her head with her hands:

– Will you give birth in a year?

– At least get pregnant.

Still very little. After all, you need to find a man, get acquainted, meet for a while, fall in love, wait for an offer, submit an application to the registry office… It turned out that there were two or three months left to search, no more.

– Why are you so scared? – the doctor clasped her hands. – In the end, you are a pretty girl, and from everything you can see that you are positive. Any decent man with his hands will tear you off. “She beckoned Nadya towards her with her plump palm and said, lowering her voice: “You just don’t talk to candidates about your “shortcomings.”

* * *

“My dear, don’t be upset, everything will work out somehow,” mother wailed, stroking Nadya’s head with her full hand, as in childhood.

She sat on the sofa in the living room, disheveled and in tears. After leaving the hospital, Nadya first called her mother and immediately went home, and already in the family nest she was overcome by a full understanding of the current situation. Right now, within a couple of months, her fate will be decided: if she does not find a groom, she will have to go to a monastery. Because living alone in the world means leading yourself into temptation every day. And her conscience will not allow her to get married: who needs a wife who is unable to conceive and bear a child? But does it really happen that a groom, and a good one at that, with whom you can live your whole life, would appear as ordered in such a short time? But Nadya, as a believer, was not interested in the temporary option.

When she calmed down a little, mom decided to be frank.

“I so hoped that this wouldn’t affect you…” she said with a sigh.

Nadya stared at her mother in shock.

– You too..?

Mom nodded.

“I was twenty-two then, and the doctor said the same thing… He says I need it right now.” Your dad and I weren’t married yet, but I told him everything as it was, and he took on this responsibility. I prayed to God that this would not be passed on to you, but alas… The only joy the Lord sent me was that the next two children turned out to be boys.

Nadya's brothers, Misha and Gavrila, were still studying: the first at the medical academy, the second in the tenth grade of school. She herself taught at an elementary school and loved her job.

“But at least you had a fiancé,” Nadya sobbed, “but I can’t imagine what to do…

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