Ulbosyn Shaleken - How to avoid becoming a spinster?

How to avoid becoming a spinster?
Название: How to avoid becoming a spinster?
Жанр: Возрастная психология
Серии: Нет данных
ISBN: Нет данных
Год: 2021
О чем книга "How to avoid becoming a spinster?"

The book you’re holding is based on the author’s experience. At the time of your reading, Ulbosyn Shaleken turned 33. She’s happily married for two years. However, previously she was successful at work remaining unlucky in love. She was afraid of becoming a spinster, to be honest. It’ll take you just fifteen minutes to read. The narrative is traditionally engrossing, vivid and sprinkled with a humorous undertone. The author shares the mistakes she made in search of a husband and gives valuable advice. This book is intended for women of all ages.

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Author's note

Hello there! My name is Ulbosyn.

I'm 33 and I’m a journalist. My zodiac sign is Virgo.

I started thinking about family life when I turned 29.

Until that moment I worked, hanged out with friends, went on business trips, studied, attended workshops.

However, the thoughts about starting a family and having beautiful and healthy children occurred to me when I turned the age of 29.

At some point, I even started dreaming of a marriage certificate with its distinctive blue jacket.

This is what I wanted in the first place.

Civil marriage?


However, it wasn’t for me.

I'm one of those young ladies, who like telling everyone: 'Please, meet my husband'. I wanted to put on a wedding dress and call all my relatives. Tell everyone: his name is…

They always call an unmarried girl of 25 years of age or older a spinster. Not everyone could stand the disapproving looks and whispers behind their backs. In my book 'How to avoid becoming a "spinster"', I’ll share my brief experience in finding a husband.

I’m aware that there are a lot of television and radio broadcasts, books covering this topic and providing various, sometimes quite mind-bending, tips. I’ve read many of them. They typically contain a case study and advice. So I decided to share my own experience.

Why not?

Chapter 1

Dating sites: shh! First-hand experience…

If a woman closes her profile on a dating site, then she has got married.

If a man closes his profile, then he has got busted.

Author unknown.

First: yes! Of course, I was courted by young men. I mean, I didn’t remind people of a lonely, sad, prickly cactus. However, I didn’t imagine any of my fellows as a prospective husband.


I thought one was too tight-fisted and greedy. The other was drinking too much beer and talking a lot. The third lied to me for two months that he’s an avid bachelor and ended up being the father of three boys. It happens too. Overall, they weren’t for me…

They say you must try everything in this life, and I agree with that! I think this saying shouldn’t be interpreted as falling into homosexual relationships, threesome and heavy drugs. However, dating services weren’t too bad to try. So I took my chance. For some reason, it always seemed very shameful! How come? Sign up for a dating site and upload your real photo!

A close friend of mine at that time encouraged me to step up. She assured me that many of her friends got married and everything was fine with them. On top of that, two of my friends managed to get married well thanks to online dating.

One day, while sitting in a cafe and sipping my favourite Frappuccino with ice, I thought: why not? And I signed up for a dating site. At that time – and even now – it was one of the most popular dating sites in Kazakhstan.

I signed up for the website under the name "Maral" and set my real, but rather blurry photo for an avatar. I started learning about the process and almost immediately met a very clever guy. He wasn’t from Astana, so our communication somehow gradually fizzled out.

I find it important for a guy to have fine communication skills.

Many of the messages I received were plain and beaten:

– What are you doing here, baby?

– Let's get acquainted.

– I really like you.

There were also messages with sexual content, where men offered casual sex from the first lines. They were banned immediately. After all, I was looking for a husband, not a sexual partner or lover.

Looking ahead, I’ll say that almost none of the candidates were interested in my work and hobbies, but everyone wanted to know whether it was me in the photo.

My first online friend was Aslan. Lets’ call him that. He had a good looking profile. This cute, from the photo, guy wished me a good day every morning, bon appetit at lunch, and asked me about my day in the evening. We were penpalling for a couple of weeks and then decided to meet up. It was Sunday. I wanted to impress him. I had my hair and makeup done, put on the most smart and elegant dress I had had in my wardrobe.

Anyway, we met.

To say that I was deeply surprised is to say nothing.

It was a forty or forty-five-year-old man.

It was Aslan, no doubt. However, it seems that the photo was taken when he was young.

Thin, unpresentable, but intelligent.

We spent a wonderful evening and text each other for a few days… Until the day, I received a message from a girl with the sonorous name Roxana, saying that her ex-husband avoids paying child support for three years hiding somewhere. She gave me her phone number so I could tell her where we'd meet next, so she could come and rip his 'skinny ass' off. At least that's what she wrote to me.

That was the 'grand finale' for the story.

The second case was also funny. A profile photo portrayed a smiling, cute guy with brown eyes. About thirty. He said that he was 35 and worked in the city as an architect.

We chatted for two weeks and then I decided to meet him.

A young guy with long hair neatly combed back met me that day. He was wearing long polka dot bell-bottoms and a red sweater. He seemed to be much lighter than me. He was too skinny.

I was 68 kilograms at that time.

All evening he was shy, spoke haltingly and at the end he offered to rent an apartment, watch a movie and drink some beer.

That made me laugh.

We paid the bill and I left.

A joke on point:

Ladies, don’t go to dating sites, go to employment sites.

Same profiles, but pictures and CVs are real.

The third candidate has been fooling me for a week saying that he had just come back from the States and wanted to get married urgently. He said his parents want grandchildren, and he really liked me. That’s what he said. My heart 'sank'…

Wow, I thought…

However, it turned out to be a great deal simpler. Like in this joke.

Online dating:

– Hi! Where are you from?

– Hi! I from Russia. And you?

– I from France.

– Pizdish.

– Chestnoeslovo…

Exactly one month passed since I signed up for the site. More than 200 people wrote to me during this time. Many of them told me they were up to serious relationships and would marry. Some wanted to meet to make sure we fit together.

I met three other young guys, but it did go beyond cafe dating. From my experience, profile photos have little in common with their owners.

So, don’t trust the photos on dating sites. Men tend to 'rejuvenate' or 'embellish' themselves a bit. A handsome guy will turn out to be an oily old man with a sagging belly or a married guy with three children, who want to have fun on the side.

There were also those without a profile photo, but with the 'premium' icon on. Premium account is a paid service that allows you to send messages without a profile photo.

С этой книгой читают
В книге рассмотрены физиологические, психологические и философские аспекты проблемы старения. Приведены классификации периодов жизни человека и различия между календарным и биологическим возрастом. Указано на особенности индивидуального восприятия личностью собственного возраста. Проанализированы современные демографические процессы и их особенности на постсоветском пространстве, выражающиеся нередко в разрыве поколений.Детально охарактеризованы
Грег – среднестатистический отец семейства, который знает как зарабатывать. Сьюзен – шаблонный пример хорошей жены и матери. Их союз кажется абсолютно нормальным до тех пор, пока не наступает обычное утро в уютном районе Браш-парк.Содержит нецензурную брань.
Животные. Добрые и доверчивые, с разными характерами, но верные. Встречают, провожают и обязательно верят вам
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