Викки Вандо - How to be more self-confident

How to be more self-confident
Название: How to be more self-confident
Жанры: Саморазвитие / личностный рост | Зарубежная психология
Серии: Нет данных
ISBN: Нет данных
Год: 2023
О чем книга "How to be more self-confident"

The book is a practical guide to developing self-confidence in various areas of life. The author offers a wide range of exercises and techniques to help the reader develop self-confidence, improve self-esteem, work with the inner critic, overcome fears and develop effective communication skills.The book contains 9 chapters, each of which deals with a different topic related to self-confidence. Each chapter begins with a theoretical overview of the topic, after which the author offers the reader a series of practical exercises to help develop self-confidence and put the new knowledge into practice.The book is addressed to a wide audience, from those who suffer from low self-esteem and insecurity to professionals who want to develop their leadership and communication skills.

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From the Author

Dear Readers!

You made the right choice by opening this book. You have already made the first step to achieving your goals. And now make sure that you are capable of more.

Now it's time to act! Don't put it off until tomorrow, start today! All you need to do is focus on your goals and keep moving toward them.

Remember that every chapter and every exercise is an opportunity for you to step outside your comfort zone, overcome yourself, and become a better person. No obstacle stands in front of you when you believe in your strength and act with persistence and purpose.

Do not forget that you are not alone on this path. Your empathy and support for each other can help you achieve more than you could on your own.

So let's begin this journey today! Together we will reach our goals and be better than we were before!


This book is a workshop or marathon, a long, intensive session aimed at achieving specific goals that will help you improve your well-being, increase your confidence and become more successful in various areas of life.

The book will be useful to people who want to improve their communication skills, be more confident in public speaking, overcome their fears and insecurities, increase self-discipline and increase their productivity. And it may also be useful to those who want to strengthen their psychological health and improve self-understanding.

The book is suitable for beginners as well as those who are advanced in the field. Even if you have no previous experience in working on your confidence, the workshop will help you get started on the road to a better version of yourself. If you already have some experience in the field, the book can help you consolidate your knowledge, improve your skills, and achieve new results.

The main goal is to help readers become more self-confident, discover their potential, and achieve success in various areas of life. To achieve this main goal, several specific goals can be identified:

– to get rid of fears and insecurities, increase confidence in one's abilities, and improve self-esteem.

– to learn how to communicate effectively with others, to improve one's communicative competence and to learn to find common ground with any interlocutor.

– learn to overcome your fears, fear of failure and lack of self-confidence.

– Strengthen your psychological health and learn to manage your emotions and stress.

– learn to control your actions, improve your self-discipline and increase your productivity.

– To define your personal goals and learn how to achieve them, even if it requires extra effort and overcoming difficulties.

All of these goals are closely related and are designed to help readers develop self-confidence and achieve personal goals.

Set yourself up for success; it is important to have a positive attitude and confidence in your abilities while doing the exercises. This will help you overcome difficulties and achieve your goals.

You should also be clear about your goals and expectations for the practice. This will help you focus on what is really important and achieve the results you want.

Expectations for the book may vary, but in general readers can expect the following:

– Increased confidence in oneself and one's abilities.

– Development of effective communication and communication skills.

– Improved self-control and self-discipline.

– Increased psychological resilience and ability to cope with stress.

– Acquisition of new knowledge and skills that will help participants achieve success in different areas of life.

Chapter 1: What is self-confidence?

Self-confidence is a feeling of inner confidence and conviction in your strength and abilities. It is the feeling when you know you can handle a difficult task or situation despite possible difficulties and obstacles.

Self-confidence is not an innate quality that is present in people from birth. It is a skill that can be developed and improved like any other skill. It takes time, effort, and persistence, but the results are worth it.

The key signs of self-confidence are:

– Feeling confident in your abilities and knowledge. When you know you can pull it off because of your knowledge and experience, it gives you confidence in your abilities.

– Independence and decision making. Self-confident people are able to make decisions on their own without expecting constant support and guidance from others.

– Willingness to take risks. Self-confident people are not afraid to take risks and go forward, even if it involves some risk and uncertainty.

– The ability to accept criticism and learn from their mistakes. People who are confident don't shy away from accepting criticism and learning from their mistakes, it helps them grow and develop.

– Respect for themselves and their values. Self-confident people respect their values and do not allow others to violate their boundaries.

All of these attributes of self-confidence are important, and each can be developed and improved through appropriate practices and exercises. In the following chapters, we will discuss these practices and exercises to help you develop your confidence and become more confident

Factors that affect your level of self-confidence

Past experiences, including upbringing and education, can greatly influence one's confidence level. If a person had positive experiences in early childhood, it can lead to a higher level of confidence in the future.

A person who has knowledge and skills in a certain area will be more confident in that area. Lack of knowledge and skills, on the other hand, can reduce one's confidence level.

Support from friends, family and coworkers can boost confidence and help overcome challenges.


Too much self-criticism can have a negative effect on self-confidence. If a person is constantly comparing themselves to others and not acknowledging their accomplishments, it can lower self-confidence.

Toxic relationships.

Toxic relationships can greatly affect self-confidence levels. If a person is in a toxic relationship, it can lead to low levels of self-confidence and poor mental health.


A person who feels comfortable with his or her appearance will be more confident. Conversely, dissatisfaction with one's appearance can decrease one's confidence level.


High self-esteem and a positive attitude can help boost self-confidence. Low self-esteem and a negative attitude can decrease self-confidence.

Common myths and misconceptions about self-confidence

There are many myths and misconceptions about what self-confidence is and how to achieve it.

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