Михаил Булгаков - How to earn 1 million dollars with 100$ in your pocket or win-win trading in the Forex market

How to earn 1 million dollars with 100$ in your pocket or win-win trading in the Forex market
Название: How to earn 1 million dollars with 100$ in your pocket or win-win trading in the Forex market
Жанры: Социальная фантастика | Ужасы | Мистика | Литература 20 века
Серии: Нет данных
ISBN: Нет данных
Год: Не установлен
О чем книга "How to earn 1 million dollars with 100$ in your pocket or win-win trading in the Forex market"

In this book you will learn:– 3 semi-automatic trading options are given (daily, weekly, weekly+)– 2 options for trading on the robot are given (automatic, automatic +)– Forex secrets that have been hidden for more than 15 years…– How to earn 1 million dollars, a step-by-step financial plan is given.– A demo version of the software is presented, which will help you earn consistently every week- Provided text and video materials for study

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How to make $1 million with $100 in your pocket

Roman Smirnov

Or win-win trading in rhe Forex marker



Part 1. (installation, configuration)

– Install metatrader 4

– Download our product

– See how to install and configure

Part 2. (vps, installation, configuration)

– What is vps

– See how to install and configure

Part 3. (Earning options, semi-automatic)

– View 1 earning option (daily)

– View 2 earnings option (weekly)

– View 3 earnings option (weekly+)

Part 4. (Earning options, automatic)

– View 4 earnings option (automatic)

– View 5 earnings option (automatic +)


– Financial plan or How to make $1 million with $100 in your pocket.


Before we begin to consider the materials of this book, I want to separately express my gratitude.


From the bottom of my heart I thank all those who believed and still believe in my work, as well as all those who, in one way or another, accompanied my work.

First of all, I thank all those who did not believe that it was possible to curb the trading markets, all those who "put spokes in the wheels" by their word or deed. Each of you has been an integral part of my life experience and stepping stones in my growth.

I want to express my gratitude to all those who, in one way or another, at different points in time, helped in the work on the book

Thank you all my friends!!!


We are starting to teach unique trading in the market, you have never heard or seen or known anything like this! This is a New approach to trading, which is based on our software product. All who pass the training will be able to earn in this area from $ 1000 per month without any problems. Our software can make more than 100% per annum in a short time, this is now the best business ever created!

Training Advantage:

– No homework

– No requirements met

– No deadlines

– There is nothing to learn!

Earn your first money in a few weeks! Trading will be very simple, just 10 minutes a week, and the rest of the time you are free! We place orders according to our trading system, and turn on our software product, wait and take profits, that's it! Every person's dream!

The advantage of trading with our software:

+ You don't have to sit in front of a monitor all day and follow the charts! + You do not need technical analysis, fundamental, or any at all!

+ You do not need to waste your nerves and analyze what is happening + You do not need to think where to buy and sell!

+ You are not afraid of any news, GDP, NFP, even a black or white swan! + You are not afraid of high trends, pullbacks, flat!

+ We do not care where the market goes, in any case we will be in profit!

Software cost:

Friends, in order to purchase the software you need on a real account, here is the link: httD://fxautorobot.com/softenq.htm

Software for 1 computer, 1 currency, rent for 6 months = $1000

Software for 4 computers, 4 currencies, rent for 12 months = $2000

If it's too expensive for you, we'll rent software for you for 1 month = $200

Soft unlimited (no restrictions on rent, currencies, computers) = $3300 Ready-made source code (you can organize a business for others, correct, refine) – $ 8000

Friends! we train you for free, if you don’t understand something in this book, Skype, telegram training, 30 minutes! you pay only for software rental, you need to set up the software either on Saturday or Sunday, so that there would be trading from Monday!

This book will change your understanding of Forex trading forever.

Good day friend!

I am writing this text so that people do not lose more in the Forex market. This market does not allow you to take profit, but only drowns you, further and further preventing you from earning all the time, for this, 1000 different situations are generated every day. For 15 years, being engaged in trading, we have created such an algorithm that will allow you not to lose at all. Everyone will probably say that this is not possible, because it is not possible to earn consistently every day. I agree with you, if manually, then you will probably be merged very quickly. We have developed a system in which we do not care where the market goes, in any case we will always be in profit! Do you want me to prove it to you?

Try it on a demo account, See what we need from you:

1. Install terminal metaraider 4

2. Download our product

3. Set up vps

4. watch the video, ( how to install and how to set up)

5. View 1 earning option (daytime)

6. View 2 earnings option (weekly)

7. View 3 earnings option (weekly+)

8. View 4 earnings option (automatic)

9. View 5 earnings option (automatic +)

10. Profit! (useful info in there)

All materials here (video, instructions, software): https://disk.yandex.rU/d/95-VvLLsZGJhoq

All materials here (backup link): http://fxautorobot.com/soft/enqsoft.rar

Friends, in order to purchase the software you need on a real account, here is the link: http://fxautorobot.com/softenq.htm

Below is a text version of our training, if something is not clear to you, then watch the video in the materials.

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