Ilia Vasilov - How to lose weight quickly and stay in a slim figure

How to lose weight quickly and stay in a slim figure
Название: How to lose weight quickly and stay in a slim figure
Жанры: Похудение и диеты | Здоровое и правильное питание | Спорт / фитнес
Серии: Нет данных
ISBN: Нет данных
Год: 2022
О чем книга "How to lose weight quickly and stay in a slim figure"

A complete man, who is he? This is a person with a disturbed metabolism, that is, metabolism! But how it is regulated and what to do, you will learn in this short course with illustrations in a simple and understandable language without medical terms, you do not need to run to lose weight, you do not need to follow a diet to lose weight … You need to understand how your body works and apply the recommendations of this course. By the way, the course provides a methodology for how to stay in a beautiful figure all the time, that is, you can eat anything, the main thing is to observe certain body signals and follow simple recommendations. It is published in the author's edition with the preservation of the author's spelling and punctuation.

The administration of the LitRes website is not responsible for the information provided. There may be medical contraindications, a specialist consultation is necessary."

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Hi, my name is Ilya, here you will see familiar things from a different angle, it will radically change your attitude to many things, namely, what is dominant in the structure of our body.

Let's think about the circumstances under which we are often visited by the desire to have a delicious snack?

Firstly, we are living beings and we just need attention, affection, intimacy … that is, when we are alone, we eat up the need for daily emotional close contact with gustatory emotions, that is, delicious food.

The second option: when everything is fine in our relationship, but there is insufficient creative realization of the personality, a couple without creative realization just starts to slow down, they are not mobile enough, they like to watch TV shows with a full set of goodies.

Once we know how it psychologically affects us, then the consequence can be easily predicted, isn't it, we simply begin to get fat.

This course shows how to get your figure back into a slim body, and you will figure out relationships and creative realization yourself, but I think I will release these courses soon, follow the news by subscribing to the newsletter on the website.

So for the physical side of the question, namely, how to cope with excess body volume, I call it that, since I highlighted the importance not of weight in kilograms, but of body volume as a form, which is responsible for metabolism- metabolism, that's what we need, or rather its efficiency should be returned back, and how to do this we will consider in this course. This is a great solution, I'll even say it's the only one …, you'll understand for yourself.. , the essence will be described quite simply, you will understand easily).

If you are a full person, then our task is to restore the normal functioning of the metabolism, by reducing the volume of the body to a harmonious one, the method described below will give a quick result, at the same time it is very useful and rejuvenating!


A little bit of science, literally a small paragraph)

Everything starts with the nature of things, there is a golden mean, that is, harmony. The world is arranged in such a way that if any parameter in it begins to exceed 50% (the golden mean) then the growth begins to increase with acceleration, striving for 100% and vice versa, if the parameter decreases below 50%, then the value tends down to 0%

the same thing happens in humans…

That is, the fuller the body volume, the slower the metabolism, the more substances that have not had time to be processed are deposited in the body!

Let's say a person with a normal physique, harmonious (slender figure) has a body volume parameter in the region of 50% in the illustrations below, he is in the middle, he has a normal metabolism.

– a full person has a body volume parameter above 60% (the person on the right) his metabolism is slower and the wider the person, the slower the metabolism, the more the body tissue grows.

– a thin person with a body volume parameter below 40% is also with a disturbed metabolism, he has a fast metabolism, food simply burns out, without lingering in the body!

These illustrations show people with different parameters, based on this description, choose your body volume parameter:

in a person on the left, the body volume parameter is slightly less than 45%, the risk zone = hard to gain body weight even with a full diet, a pronounced sign is protruding bone joints in the shoulders, hips and waist! metabolism is fast!

In order for a person with such a parameter of body volume to recover, it is necessary to apply physical exercises (we will consider them below) in combination with a full diet.

in the second person, the body volume parameter is close to 50%, this is the norm, here the figure has oval harmonious shapes, you can eat different foods and stay in shape while maintaining the body with minimal physical exercises, which we will consider below.

and the third person has a body volume parameter of about 60% (metabolism slows down) a risk zone – it can quickly gain weight, even with snacks, signs: a hanging belly and bulging sides, the inner part of the thighs clearly stands out.

This illustration shows that a person with a body volume parameter of 55% inside, and a shell of 70% outside = so we will strive to reach this center – this is our goal!

If it is easier to explain about the parameters of the body, then the "bottom" is 20% – anorexia and the body volume parameter of 80% = a very wide person, moves with difficulty.

In this illustration, starting from left to right, the following body volume parameters are presented:






Girls are represented here:

The first body volume parameter is about 70%

, the second is about 65%

, the third is 60%

, the fourth is 55%

, the fifth is 50%. Our goal is to "blow away" our volume to this parameter.

Based on these illustrations, you can choose your body volume parameter in %.

The essence of this information is as follows and this is the MOST IMPORTANT THING!!!:

Our body begins to actively fill the body volume when going beyond the parameter of 60%, the metabolism is disrupted and the body begins to expand like yeast, and the larger your body becomes, the more difficult it is to stop growth, even if you start eating less, following a diet or jogging!

That is, if we left the center and recovered, let's say at least up to the body volume parameter of 60%, then even with a small intake of food, we quickly begin to gain weight and then more.. and only after returning back to the body volume parameter of at least 55%, our metabolism is restored and we can again safely eat a lot of what we want and not get fat.

Hence the conclusion: it makes no sense to follow a diet or go to the gym if your body volume parameter is 65-70%, you need to reduce your body volume to at least 55% at the beginning, and this can only be done by hunger strikes, which is very bad! or the only and best way is to switch to body cleansing products of vegetable origin, fruits, raw vegetables, berries and herbs, in general, everything that is raw! believe me, you will not have hungry fainting spells, the excess body volume will quickly go away + the intestines will be very well cleaned, even liquid at first, so don't be afraid of this, it's even very good!

And when you reach the body volume parameter of 55%, then the metabolism will accelerate and you will be able to eat anything as much as you want and at any time, your body will stop getting fat, since you will do relief exercises every day for 10 minutes at home, without a gym and a treadmill! I will tell you about the exercises below.

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