Anya Annetsun - Hungry Moon

Hungry Moon
Название: Hungry Moon
Жанр: Книги про вампиров
Серии: Нет данных
ISBN: Нет данных
Год: 2021
О чем книга "Hungry Moon"

The ordinary Day in Moscow. Petya meet a vampire outside the city. What he should do now? Shout out to police or keeping the secret?

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A hollow moon hung over Moscow, its yellow disk seemed not to shine at all, but only gleamed yellow against the background of a gloomy green sky.

Residents of the capital were in a hurry in every direction on this cold January evening. Some were dressed festively – in a hurry to celebrate the Old New Year, others – casually, knowing exactly that this evening they were waiting for a warm blanket, a cup of cappuccino and a warm purring cat, in an embrace with which they were going to fall asleep.

Petya Solntsev, a young, inexperienced trainee of a glossy magazine, was looking for his girlfriend with his eyes. They agreed to meet at about eight, at the entrance to Timiryazevsky Park.

There was no light yet, although it was already eight thirty-five on the clock.

Petya dialed her number. There were beeps, and immediately her answering machine spoke:

"Hello! If you call, but I do not answer, then I am rushing at full speed to the place of our meeting with you! Orevoir! Goodbye! See you!" – and there was a laughter in the receiver.

Svetka! Petya smiled and hung up. He stood in the cold for another half an hour, occasionally glancing at his watch, when he realized that Sveta would most likely not come. Apparently, some urgent matters arose, or simply forgot, but Petya realized that it was pointless to wait any longer. He opened the package with McDonald's food that he had prepared for Svetka and began chewing with enthusiasm.

“If Svetka went by taxi and got stuck in a traffic jam, then she can still come.

– Petka! Petka! Sorry for being late! Going! – Sveta waved, standing across the road, and clutching a dog leash in her hand. At her feet, wagging his tail, obediently sat Pupsik. Sveta waited until the traffic died down, and she and Pupsik crossed the road to meet Petya's arms.

– Hi! – Sveta kissed Petya on the lips and smiled.

– You look great. – made a compliment to Sveta Petka.

– Oh, thanks, but I was really going in a hurry. There are such traffic jams, you have no idea …

– I can imagine … January 14th. New year old style, everyone goes to club and celebrate.

– Yeah, that's it. No, to sit at home, roll up olive oil! Petya and Sveta laughed in unison.

– Would you like nuggets? I'm almost finishing my Big Mac …

– Infection! – feigned scolded Petya Sveta.

– Okay, come on nuggets. Petya took out a smaller one from a large paper bag, oiled, climbed into the bag again, took out the sauce and handed it to Sveta.

– Well, what are we going to do? Maybe in the movies? – Petya looked inquiringly at the girl. Sveta wrinkled her forehead.

– Can! And what are we going to do?

– Now Dracula is in 3D, you can go to him.

– Yeah. Let's. Sveta, Petya and Pupsik turned towards the City Center and headed towards the metro. Today a new movie adventure awaited them.


– Petya, I don't believe, are you serious ?? She agreed? Allow me to try? Aaaaa! Krasava! – Sveta jumped around Petya, so that her joyful screams could be heard even on the lower floor.

– Yes, Maria Alexandrovna looked at your pictures and appreciated them as quite worthwhile. She said I was ready to work with this girl. If she is not against the intervention of our stylist, Oksana.

– Yes, of course not against! It's a dream !!! Shoot for Vogue !!! Aaaaa! Peter! I am the happiest bun in the world! – Sveta began to hug her beloved, so much so that she almost strangled in her arms.

– Be ready tomorrow at 11. We start at the Krasnye Vorota metro station.

– I will, darling. Let me kiss you one more time !! Ah, I still can't believe it !!! – Sveta continued to jump, screaming with delight.

Petya left the jubilant Sveta alone with him, took the elevator down to the first floor and went out into the street.


The weather was darker than gloomy. Black clouds filled with lead, as it were, summed up everything that exists.

Petya walked along Chistye Prudy and reflected. "If Sveta stays to work in Vaughn with me, then we will see each other more often! Maybe then offer her to move to me? Or make an offer right away? I don't even know … I need to consult with Roma."

Night fell gradually on Moscow.


Maria Aleksandrovna Polunina went through the fashion shots from the last photo session for their magazine. The rising star of the modeling business, Sasha Russ, looked just fine in these pictures. The shooting came out bright and saturated. Thanks to the photographer Petya found. The girl clearly has talent. She dialed the trainee Solntsev's number:

– Sing! Good afternoon! Remind me what is the name of the girl photographer you recommended to us? How? Sveta? Can you give me her number, please? Throw off in telegrams? Ok I will wait.

Maria Alexandrovna hung up and continued to look at the photo.

– No, this is definitely an amazing job.

Suddenly the secretary, Lida, looked into the office.

Maria Alexandrovna, you demands creative director Gucci.

Oh dear! Connect immediately!

Bone Sir, Vitoldo! How are you doing? she spoke fluent English.

– How do you feel about filming Monica for the cover? Yes, Bellucci! I have an amazing photographer in mind! She is still young, but she is definitely talented! I agree? OU! Perfecto! Today I will start preparing for shooting.

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