Anya Annetsun - Scary Tales

Scary Tales
Название: Scary Tales
Жанр: Ужасы
Серии: Нет данных
ISBN: Нет данных
Год: 2021
О чем книга "Scary Tales"

Three a little bit scary tales about every fear that grown people have.

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Ooh. A sailor named Aigul sat on the shore and looked into the water. He had just escaped from a sinking cruiser, and he did not know where the others were. Aigul wrung out the sailor, poured water from his boots, and lay flat on the ground. Judging by the sun, the time was even less than noon.

Aygul exhaled. When you look death in the face, everything else seems so insignificant! Now he thought only of Natasha. She was waiting for him in Siberia. In Khanty-Mansiysk.

And he, here on the shores of the Black Sea, apparently … got stuck.

Aigul turned over on his stomach and fell face down in the cool wet grass. It's good … to live! Just in the world.

Just live! An hour ago, he could have died and would never have seen this sky, sunlight, and this grass again.

Suddenly, someone tickled his heel.

Aigul looked around and saw a little girl standing (or sitting?) Waist-deep in water. She gently tickled his swollen heels and giggled.

Hey! Where are you from here?

The girl looked affectionately into his eyes and laughed even more.

I'm Nathan!

Very nice, Nathan, I …

I am a mermaid.

Aigul did not finish. He couldn’t believe his ears, but just in case he glanced at the place where Nathan’s body went under the water. She really had a tail under the water instead of legs.

Aigul looked at the little girl, puzzled.

And you're all alone here?

Natana shook her head.

With sisters. They hunt in


Aigul had sweat on his forehead.

For fish, I hope?

No, beavers.

Well, that was still nothing. The main thing is not to people, thought Aigul.

Come here. – called Nathan

Aigul, and only then realized that she had no legs. – Oh, I'm sorry. I myself. He got up and moved closer to the girl.

Are you cold baby?

Not. Natana shook her head.

Aigul rummaged in his pockets and took out a candy.

Do you like candy?

He placed it in Nathan's palm.

Nope. The sisters won't let me

eat sweets.

And what is allowed? – anxious

asked Aigul.

Frogs, quail eggs,

worms … – Nathan answered after thinking.

Whoa! I thought mermaids only

eat fish! – Aigul exclaimed.

Nope! Not only. – answered


Aigul frowned.

Listen, I have to go, but I don't

I can leave you here alone … Call your sisters, probably, and when they answer, I will run away and hide in the thickets. And when you sail away, I will go wherever my eyes look. Okay?

Natana shook her head.

If they see you, they will

will kill.

Aigul's forehead was sweating again.

Really? Bloodthirsty y

are you sisters? Or are you exaggerating?

I'm not exaggerating. They are

hate people.

Ooh. This is what I got. Aigul told himself.

Okay. Then I have to go


Natana nodded.

Aigul got up, dusted himself off, grabbed a boot in each hand and, saying goodbye to Natana, began to climb the slope.

But suddenly an adult female voice called out to him.

Hey little man!

Aigul instinctively turned around.

Three long-haired women stood in the water next to Natana. We stood on our feet. Which is amazing.

Yes? – asked Aigul?

Come here! -

the one in the center commanded.

then Aigul realized that it was time to leave. He turned towards the top of the slope and began to climb very quickly to the top. But not even having time to get to the top of his head, he felt strong female hands, which dug into his shoulder.

Let go! – yelled Aigul.

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