Николай Лакутин - In the compartment. Play for 5-6 people

In the compartment. Play for 5-6 people
Название: In the compartment. Play for 5-6 people
Жанры: Кинематограф / театр | Пьесы и драматургия | Зарубежная драматургия
Серии: Нет данных
ISBN: Нет данных
Год: 2019
О чем книга "In the compartment. Play for 5-6 people"

A connoisseur of morality, honor and canons, which were still taught in Soviet times, returning from a business trip, gets into a compartment with a rampant and rollicking company. They will go together. With the male part of the neighbors-passengers, the main character manages to remain neutral, but to the girl there are tender trembling feelings, which are also mutual. The hero is married! Would he now be able to keep within the usual framework of morality? The rails are rattling, time is passing, the final destination is approaching, and the temptation is so great…Содержит нецензурную брань.

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Для подготовки обложки издания использована художественная работа автора. Обложка книги разработана автором в дизайнерской программе и является интеллектуальной собственностью НиколаяЛакутина.

Attention! All copyrights to the play are protected by the laws of Russia, international legislation, and belong to the author. Its publication and reissue, reproduction, public performance, translation into foreign languages, changes in the text of the play when staged without the written permission of the author are prohibited. Staging of the play is possible only after the conclusion of a direct contract between the author and the theater.

Comedy, romance. Duration 1 hour 15 minutes


NAZAR is a man about 33 years old. Family man, hard worker. A connoisseur of moral principles;

PETER is a man about 33 years old. Alpha male. Leader-merry man;

Stas is a man about 33 years old. Golden child not devoid of a sense of humor;

NASTYA-girl about 25 years. Charming, skater, young, developed;

The CONDUCTOR is a man about 45 years old;





Late evening.

The stage lights are not too bright.

On the scoreboard of the Krasnodar railway station the inscription is displayed:

"Flight 242C Adler-Novokuznetsk arrived on the 2nd way. The departure time of 22.49»

Nazar runs to the stage, looks at his wristwatch, runs to his car.

NAZAR (to the conductor): Adler – Novokuznetsk?

CONDUCTOR: Yes, Hello, let's see what You have.

The conductor looks at the ticket.

CONDUCTOR: Yes, that's right, just our car. May I have your passport?

Nazar submits his passport, the conductor checks the data with the ticket.

CONDUCTOR: Please come in.

Nazar goes on the car, looking for his compartment.

NAZAR: So (looks at the ticket). Thirteenth place, fourth compartment… The fourth compartment… (finds.) Here it is.

He approaches the fourth compartment.

PETER (cheerfully, fervently): and here is our lucky man!

NAZAR: Good evening, may I join you?

STAS: go Ahead.

Stas frees the thirteenth place and moves to the lower shelf opposite. He sits down next to Peter.

On the top shelf to the left above Nazar's place, someone is asleep, or pretending to be asleep, without manifesting himself in any way.

PETER (good-naturedly): Far?

NAZAR: to Novosibirsk.

PETER: Stasyan and I go out early.

NAZAR (to Peter, having put things): and why you told-the lucky man?

PETER: Ah, place something, have you what?

NAZAR: the Thirteenth.

PETER: Well… that's what I mean…

NAZAR: I See. And I'm not superstitious, I don't care, as long as the company pleasant the road was.

PETER: On this account don't worry, a day or two will shake together, a conversation develops like, come on, what do to meet you (holds out hand)? Peter!

NAZAR (holds out his hand in reply): Nazar!

STAS (holds out his hand): Stas!

NAZAR (holds out his hand to Stas): Nazar!

A graceful girl's hand descends from the top shelf, awkwardly trying to say Hello in a manly way.

NASTYA: Nastya!

Nazar raises eyes upward, Stas and Peter, too, pay attention on the handle and on voice.

Nazar sees a pretty smiling girl's head with disheveled hair sticking out from under the blanket.

NAZAR: Nazar, nice to meet you.

NASTYA (looking out from the top shelf, smiling): Also going to Novosibirsk?


PETER (mockingly it's a shame): And us not said "very pleased" when got acquainted. Ah, Nazar-Nazar, just appeared, and already you bring confusion and uncertainty to the ranks of passengers. Double standards everywhere, what a country!

Nazar looks at Peter, smiles, looks back at Nastya, catches her fleeing smiling look.

Nastya immediately turns to the wall embarrassed, pretends that he continues to sleep.

Nazar sits down on his seat.

NAZAR (loudly, to all): On the occasion of the truce offer fifty!

STAS (playing along with Peter): E… no, brother, you hurt us to the heart. So only on a hundred!

NAZAR (winking): No question!

Nazar takes an expensive, exclusive bottle out of his bag.

PETER (enthusiastically): Oh… the evening ceases to be languid. Well, nastyuha, hold on, now apply stronger fall our shackles of timidity I…

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