Narsha Bulgakbaev - Learn to be happy! Confidence and Success

Learn to be happy! Confidence and Success
Название: Learn to be happy! Confidence and Success
Жанры: Книги по философии | Нейропсихология | Общая психология
Серии: Нет данных
ISBN: Нет данных
Год: 2023
О чем книга "Learn to be happy! Confidence and Success"

Don't expect anything from the outside, just keep in touch! From the moment of understanding the truth, a person is freed from the captivity of this life, saved from slavery and returns his life to the will of God and begins to live a life worthy of happiness. And now what is the truth? The Creator and his Laws of Life, in other words scientifically proven Laws of Life. The purity of rakat is in God's laws, and their power is established by love. In fact, being in this life is happiness.

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«You are happy until you see someone happier than you.» (Author’s words)

Have you ever thought that most of us keep a chest of gold in our heads all our lives, but never use it? In fact, all wealth is not in the hands, it is in the brain! A person does not get rich with his hands, he gets rich with his brain. In general, famous people (stars) and rotten rich people are very worried about the loss of their reputation, personal safety and worldly property. Most famous and rich people are happy on the outside, not on the inside. Many people think that it is useful and even necessary to kill their time, waste it, become addicted to bad habits, limit their consciousness, receive harmful information, the reason is Slave Consciousness. In the flow of information, a person quickly and easily remembers useless information, and often ignores useful information. Willpower (self-deception) alone is not enough to solve the everyday problems we face in life, so the solution to all problems begins with «stopping the perception of false/harmful information.»

Marketers conduct audio-visual brainstorming to capture your attention as much as possible when using the Internet and social media. Who are you willing to give your attention to? And how much money is your attention worth? There are people who worship man. Many people have dedicated geeks and nerds (fans), almost everyone in fact. They are often wealthy businessmen, sports or artistic stars, and these fans openly admit that they are their fans, that is, their slaves. Like beggars hiding in a field or sitting in an empty house without light or water, we sometimes do not know the value of the gold that is in our brain, and we do not realize that there is a chest of gold inside us. Unhappy people, whom we call «sinners» or simply «bad people», do not look at the situation within themselves and at life around them from the point of view of Truth, so they desperately believe and say: «I’m right, shut up, this life is wrong.» These people have lost contact with real life (the laws of the Creator) and live in Slave Consciousness. Who drove them into the shadows? Who left them in the dark? The truth is that they force themselves to live in darkness, in the dark darkness of ignorance. I hear the advice of many wise people: «Don’t say you’re poor,» «Don’t say you don’t have a job,» «Don’t say the government is bad,» «Use only what God has given you.» If you ask me what gold is, I will answer this. «Health», «Time», «Opportunity», «Ability», «Will to choose and make decisions», «Mind and heart», etc. I can continue… You will make the right choice, and for this the Unconscious must be open to the wisdom of its source, the Universal Mind (Creator). Deep above the level of thinking is a wonderful part of our consciousness called the «unconscious». Much has been said about it, but no one has yet managed to fully understand its true meaning and limitless possibilities. You have to be able to see the light in the dark, it doesn’t burn outside you, it burns inside you, and people still want to see the light outside. That is why all the sages say that «true happiness is within a person.» Our Unconscious can be used usefully in everyday life. He will not tire of working for you, working hard, doing things, doing business, if you can guide him on the right path. Until you learn to properly control your Unconscious part of consciousness, your thinking will be slavish, and you will never feel what true independence is. Always remember that your Unconscious must be open to the source of universal wisdom – the Universal Mind. Trust this wisdom and you will make fewer mistakes and become healthier and happier. You will live a fruitful life. Positive thoughts are good, but since most of them are based on lies, it does not lead a person to complete perfection and true happiness. Positive thinking is changeable, unstable, temporary, and Rational thinking is serious, realistic, proven, specific. Positive thinking is a beautiful inspiring fairy tale, and Rational thinking is achieving real results and writing your own destiny, and not repeating someone else’s. Even a person who appears to be positive, positive and good in all aspects may have failures, difficulties and problems in life – this is the consequence of the wrong use of positivism. And the reason is that at a certain time he did not understand and did not correctly apply the laws of the Creator.

Therefore, positive thinking should only be with the Truth and in accordance with the Truth.

There are no lies in this life, everything is true. In this life there is only Truth and Imaginary. Unpleasant, negative, negative reality is harmful, pleasant, positive, positive reality is not harmful. But in fact, only the real Truth benefits a person. What is Truth? The Word of the Creator, the Laws of Life created by him, that is, the laws of life (Nature), which are proven by science. You may not know all the laws and rules of metaphysical science. But it is up to you to decide whether to obey him or not. The laws of the Creator are the same for everyone. The outcome of our choices and decisions depends on how we understand and apply God’s laws. In the game called life, ignorance of the «Laws of Life of the Creator» is stupidity and ignorance. The truth gives real freedom, so we must obey all natural (worldly) and invisible (afterlife) laws created by the Creator. Each person can harmoniously, harmoniously and joyfully act out the play and scenario called life, but for this it is necessary to know the Rules and Laws of life and master the playing technique. Whatever the situation you are in, be with the Creator, don’t hide, don’t run away, it won’t help you. It is impossible to find the Creator without knowing what Truth is. Truth is the word of God, that is, His Laws of Life. Laws of Life proven by science (nature). Without knowing the Laws of Life and without understanding yourself, you will not be able to create your life according to the will of the Creator. From the moment of comprehending the Truth, a person is freed from the captivity of this life, saved from slavery and returns his life to the will of God and begins to live a life worthy of happiness. Misfortune will be forgotten in the end, we will overcome it, because man was created to be happy forever. But there is one problem – this is a test (testing a person’s qualities), but this is the only path to happiness, because by this method of the Creator we are strengthened spiritually. In fact, being in this life is the beginning of happiness. But we do not know the real cost and significance of what is really happening to us. Happiness, wealth and good health. It all starts with not shirking responsibility for your past, present and future.

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