Madison Gray - Magic symbols to cleanse haunted houses

Magic symbols to cleanse haunted houses
Название: Magic symbols to cleanse haunted houses
Жанры: Магия / колдовство | Практическая эзотерика | Эзотерика / оккультизм
Серии: Нет данных
ISBN: Нет данных
Год: 2024
О чем книга "Magic symbols to cleanse haunted houses"

Since ancient times, mankind has known special symbols or sigils designed to exorcise ghosts and energy cleanse the house. This book is dedicated to these symbols: сlosing portals and astral holes, cutting off ties with the lower worlds, protecting the house from ghosts.

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We live in the twenty-first century, society and technology are developing rapidly, people around the world are increasing their knowledge, which is helped by useful gadgets. However, inside, the human, has not changed, his/her primal fears still live somewhere far away in the subconscious. Such a phenomenon as ghosts have not disappeared anywhere. Ghosts continue to actively manifest themselves in the modern world and scare people, just like hundreds of years ago.

The rules for dealing with ghosts over all these centuries have also not changed, and one of these rules say: if the ghost is not exorcised, it will not go anywhere of his own free will. Ghosts feed on human fears and other manifestations of negative emotions. They take positive life energy from people, and they, themselves, release negative energy into the surrounding space. Ghosts are dangerous because they can not only frighten, but also make the life of people in a particular house completely unlivable.

But there is also some good news. Since ancient times, mankind has known special symbols or sigils designed to exorcise ghosts and energy cleanse the house. This book is dedicated to these symbols.

I assume there is no need to describe the features of the haunted house. The signs are widely known, described in popular literature and in Hollywood films. Nevertheless, the theme of this book obliges us to give here at least a very short list of such signs:

1. Unexplained odors (sulphur, wilted flowers, singed feathers, burnt hair, rotten eggs etc.).

2. Otherworldly noises, creaks, rustles, sighs, groans.

3. Unexplained temperature changes: afterlife cold and hellish heat.

4. Strange, vivid or nightmarish dreams.

5. Unexplained movement or even missing household items.

6. Sudden mood swings.

7. Pets acting weird. Cat hissing or looking into the void for a long time, as if there is someone there. Dogs barking and growling for no reason if they sense otherworldly activity.

8. Houseplants get sick and wither.

9. Unpleasant feeling that someone is watching you.

10. You see ghosts out of the corner of your eye. It can be shadows, running legs or even human figures.

11. Unusually high power consumption, electrical appliances turn on and off for no reason.

12. Unpleasant sensations: as if something is driving you out of the apartment, you don’t want to be in the house and it’s scary to be alone in the dark.

13. Spontaneous water flows from taps, plumbing break downs.

14. In especially severe cases, fires , which can occur due to the fault of ghosts.

Of course, all rational causes must be excluded. Unexplained noises can be produced by neighbors, they are also often sources of unpleasant odors. Electrical appliances may turn off due to the most common problems, and so on. But if you have ruled out all rational causes, and at least one of the above signs is still present, in this case, there is a high probability that your house is the abode of ghosts.

There are also special magical devices that allow you to detect the presence of ghosts with great accuracy: there is a magic pendulum, dowsing frame, or Ouija board. Mastering the use of these devices is quite easy, but this is the subject of separate serious studies, so we will not go into details.

In short, in everyday life you do not need to have any special skills and knowledge to understand that you are dealing with ghosts. Their negative energy is so strong that in most cases an ordinary, unprepared person already knows very well that ghosts have settled in their house, which means that they have or will have problems, because nothing good can be expected from ghosts. In such cases, you can call expensive specialists, or you can solve the problem with ghosts on your own – with the help of magic symbols.

Generally speaking, if you are going to drive the ghosts out, your work consists of three parts: closing the portal, clearing the house of ghosts, and setting long-term protection for the house. First there will be a short chapter explaining how to work with these symbols. If you follow my instructions in this book correctly, you can clear the house of ghosts yourself. In most cases, ghosts never return, but if they do, the procedures can be repeated. It all depends on individual characteristics: how old is your building, unpleasant or criminal events that took place earlier in the house, the proximity of geopathic zones and faults, and others. But the symbols presented in the book are so powerful that they clean houses even with a very bad history, and the protections put on the building reliably guard the inhabitants of the house from new other-worlds-guests.

The symbols from this book can be applied in any premises. It can be private houses and cottages, or it can be apartments in high-rise buildings. They can also be used in offices, warehouses, industrial and municipal buildings. If you use these symbols in apartment buildings, there is, of course, a chance that ghosts from other apartments can immediately fly in your just cleansed area. But if you use the symbols from this book correctly, such uncontrolled things will not happen, because in the fourth part of the book I give symbols to protect the apartment and house. Protective symbols create a space around your apartment or house where ghosts can no longer get in.

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