Natalya Diyak - Make your dream come true in 1 day

Make your dream come true in 1 day
Название: Make your dream come true in 1 day
Жанры: Общая психология | Развлечения
Серии: Нет данных
ISBN: Нет данных
Год: Не установлен
О чем книга "Make your dream come true in 1 day"

The book is the journey from complete shut-down into my personal freedom.This was a 30-day challenge, arranged by my friend, and it inspired me so much that I decided to make it into a book. I hope you will also enjoy reading it, and, who knows, probably, you might decide to try some of the ideas for yourself. I know one thing for sure – the journey is transformative, after you have accomplished it, you will definitely be a better version of yourself. Have fun!

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© Natalya Diyak, 2020

ISBN 978-5-4498-9847-0

Создано в интеллектуальной издательской системе Ridero

Make your dream come true in 1 day. Even if you stay at homе*

(If you cannot get outside, you always can get outside the box)

«The majority of people have a dream, which can be accomplished within a week. But they make it into the dream of whole life» (an unkown author)

How many wishes and dreams are getting covered with thick layer of dust in the backyard of your heart? As for me – I have lots of them, forgotten and forsaken. A mountain of wishes, to be honest.

So, once (although I didn’t know then, WHAT it will all turn into), my friend Assel declared that she starts a 30-days challenge «Say YES to the NEW things».

The rules were simple: to try something absolutely new every single day during this period, or try doing usual things in an unusual way. By the end of the day we were publishing the report about our experiences.

I just took my wishes which had been put away long time ago, forgotten and forlorn, and put them into the «Accomplishing machine» (this is how I call the principle of our Challenge functioning). To put into the Accomplishing machine means to declare your intention to try and manage something within one day, and then, willy-nilly, everything goes towards the set goal (not without your active participation, of course).

And every day my old patterns and beliefs about what I can and what I can not do – were thrown up in the air, broken and torn.

Clouds of dust. The old construction of beliefs was getting ruined.

And then this dust was washed away with the rocking waves of the New life, coming into my reality in more and more interesting ways.

Are you craving for real happiness? The recipe for it is simple, and it is accomplished in such a project.

Even from the point of view of hormones of happiness, there is a complete cocktail:

– joyful anticipation of something new every day – dopamine;

– fulfillment of the plan, sometimes at the limit of your possibilities (the flow) – dopamine;

– feeling like a winner in any case – testosterone;

– recognition of this victory, support of the group – serotonin and oxytocin.

As a result, you get the fabulous sensation: «I can do whatever I want. It may take more than one day to do something, but thank God I can still do a lot!»

Yes, it will take more than one day to reach a goal, requiring regular actions during longer period (getting rich, buying a house for a million dollars, getting in shape or building ideal relationships). Then, the formula will be a bit different: 1 day +1 day +1 day + … = result. The question is simply what these days are filled with: actions towards the goal or inaction? Are they filled with reeadiness to take lessons and move on, or with apathy?

The main trophy that you receive by fulfilling your long-standing one-step dreams (to try, to learn, to launch a project – everything what requires just one decisive step) is the solid belief that you can do more than you always thought about yourself.

* for historical reference: the book was created at the time of universal self-isolation, which was established to prevent the spread of coronavirus).

It’s like an affirmation «I can do everything! I am capable and smart. I am rich and successful.» You can pronounce these statements over 1000 times a day, but if you don’t take action, if you don’t really take steps to confirm these beliefs, then all these words will remain just words.

So the only thing that COUNTS in the implementation of dreams is your ACTION. Challenge helps you enter the state of the game when you either just do or complicate and avoid doing.

You start to think: «How can I implement my dream with the opportunities available? If this was all a game, what would I do?

For example, you have a long-standing dream of visiting Mexico.

You can dream all your life and never get to this beautiful land, or, you can get a lot of impressions about people, culture, music, cuisine and traditions of the Aztec country in one day without leaving your home. How?

You can order Mexican food for home delivery.

Play Mexican music.

Watch a video tour featuring the beauties of this country on YouTube.

And you can even find ways to chat with real live Mexicans via video…

Yes, I agree, this is not a real journey. But, if you try to do your best managing what you are ABLE to MANAGE, then you will get REAL impressions about this country (the taste and aroma of food, the rhythms of music and songs, the manner of local communication …). Yes, the trip is unreal, but the IMPRESSIONS you get – are REAL! Isn’t it marvelous?

So, what is better – to dream all your life about some beautiful faraway country and never get there, or to immerse into the ocean of impressions, which are available right now? It is just the question of creativity.

So, in the following chapters I will share impressions of my 30-day adventure, based on the photos and text of my Instagram posts.

A few words about myself: I am a 37 years old Russian mom of two kids (4 and 2 years old), living in Yekaterinburg. I am married to a super-patient hero. We have no assistance with kids and household, so everything is run by me and my husband. I have a blog on Instagram (@natasha_idi), where I share the insights from books I’ve read. You can subscribe, and, although the texts are written in Russian, you can always hit the «translate» button under the post and get the notion of what it goes about.

Ok, off we go with the Challenge reports!


«Some doors are forever closed, while others open in the most unexpected places» (TV series «Game of Thrones»)

I joined Assel’s 30-day challenge @assel_happiness)

The idea of challenge is to try something new every day, and then write about my feelings.

So, my task for today is to 2X-slow down my usual speed of doing things. To do everything 2 times slower.

Oh, if you only knew what kind of f… challenge it is for me! But I said to myself: «Whatever I manage today- is enough, even if it is just small things.» Anyway, I always can catch up tomorrow.

By the way, today I’ve recorded a new episode of the Teitelbaum’s book «The Complete Guide to Beating Sugar Addiction». Today I was speaking slower than usual, and this is also not easy).

So, I am reporting from the image of «Natakha-the-Turtle»: daylight is coming to an end. Slowing down is difficult. As if a mad racehorse is trying to dash somewhere, and you tell to this horse: «You are not a Horse, you are a Turtle today.» And the inner Horse says: «Whaaaat?»

Sometimes I forget and slide into the usual «frantic electric broom» mode.

С этой книгой читают
Книга цикла, посвящённого особой методике воспитания: сказочной педагогике. Здесь речь идёт об отношении детей к дружбе и дружелюбии, о навыках дружеского поведения. Сказки позволяют по-новому взглянуть на особенности поведения ребёнка и вместе с тем помочь ему в формировании здоровых качеств характера. Комментарии и вопросы, игровое обсуждение ситуаций и персонажей дают возможность воспитателю воздействовать на ребёнка неназойливо, но эффективно
Книга наблюдений и впечатлений, сделанных в разные времена при разных обстоятельствах без специальных творческих намерений. Она была бы гораздо больше, если бы автору на всё хватало бы внимания и интереса. Но, с другой стороны, её вообще могло бы не быть, но она есть.
Как сохранять нейтралитет среди политического хаоса и социальных потрясений? Автор, практикующий психоаналитик, делится своим опытом идеологической рефлексии. В смелой, понятной и ироничной манере излагаются фундаментальные идеи неоклассической политической философии XXI века.
Книга задумана как «вдохновлялка для мам». Моя задача как автора и счастливой женщины, состоявшейся в личной, творческой и материнской сферах, – показать, что каждая из вас способна на многое: истинную любовь к себе, мужу и детям. У меня нет цели научить вас чему-то. Важнее для меня другое – подбросить ароматных дров в огонь вашей любви к себе и окружающим. Когда в сердце есть любовь, у вас многое получается без напряга, легко и радостно. Берите
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