Igor Volkov - Neanderthal theory of Indoeuropeans

Neanderthal theory of Indoeuropeans
Название: Neanderthal theory of Indoeuropeans
Жанры: Исторические приключения | Историческая литература
Серии: Нет данных
ISBN: Нет данных
Год: 2023
О чем книга "Neanderthal theory of Indoeuropeans"

The concept of Indoeuropeans emerged in the 16 century when European missionaries in Goa noticed that they understand some words of the local population. Many indirect facts indicate repeated migrations along the line connecting Spain and Sri Lanka. Officially, Indoeuropean languages are a separate family, just one of many, but is it true? Is human civilization a bush growing from many independent roots or a tree? In the latter case, Indoeuropeans have all chances to be its trunk.

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At the end of the 2 millennium Europe took over all the other continents including West Asia where our civilization was officially born. North Europe has worse climate and less fertile soil than South Asia, but could win. Why? Because this was always. The intention of this work is to show that the roots of civilization lead to Europe and it were Neanderthals who laid the foundation and disseminated it worldwide.

The previous hominids

Homo neanderthalensis.

Neanderthals were the previous to Homo Sapiens in the chain of evolving hominids. They appeared approximately 300000 years ago, 150000 years before modern humans. These approximate numbers were adopted at the end of 20 century. Later they were shifted backwards. At the time of coexistence their experience was definitely larger. What is necessary to underline, Neanderthals were specifically European hominid. They lived in Asia too, but the main habitat was West, South, Central, and East Europe. The climate here is colder than in Tropical Africa so this species needed to adapt. These changes proceeded along 2 ways.

First – modifications of the organism. Heat production is proportional to the volume; heat loss – to the surface area. For the ball, the ratio of loss to production will be inversely proportional to its size. Also, it will grow for long objects. In the cold climate, it is more profitable to be large and round; in the hot – small and elongated. Neanderthals had wider skeleton and stronger musculature. Northern climate stimulated growth of hairs. The brain was larger.

Sapiens vs. neanderthal comparison.

Its rear part was enhanced because it contains visual areas and Neanderthals lived in dark caves and the North receives less insolation. Also they had elongated skulls. This relates Neanderthals with Paracas people in Peru. Many cultures worldwide tried to deform their sculls, but Paracas had different bones. Their scull is definitely not that of Neanderthals, but it could evolve from that. Also let's ask, why different peoples exposed their children to such a torturous procedure? Obviously, they believed that it is useful. Probably they remembered somebody with such a head who was more clever and skilled than they were.

Second – behavioral changes. Protection from the cold forces search for natural dwellings such as caves or building artificial ones. Initially historians deemed that people began to build villages with the introduction of agriculture and these villages later grew into towns. Later discoveries showed that the first towns emerged simultaneously with villages and even before agriculture. Neanderthals created their dwellings out of animal skins, large bones, tusks or horns, and stones. Building, making clothes, hunting requires more and more sophisticated tools. Neanderthals even knew technology. They attached the pike to the shaft with a glue.

Neanderthals lived in small collectives and probably used a language for communication. To what level could their society rise? Neanderthals disappeared approximately 30000 years ago. How did it happen? Several hypotheses exist. Their population could gradually decline by itself. They could be pushed aside or even actively terminated by modern humans. This work promotes another version. Neanderthals mixed with Homo Sapiens, formed the ruling class over them, and gradually dissolved in the new generations.

The Near East plays some special role in religion and human history. These places are considered sacred because something important happened there in the past. Levant aka the Mediterranean Corridor is the point of most probable contacts between Neanderthals and Homo Sapiens. Archeology reveals that this area changed hands. The time table correlates with periods of glaciation in East Europe. The 2 last occasions were 170 – 125 and 110 – 70 Ka. Neanderthals lived in the Near East before 100 Ka. Circa 130 and till 80 Ka they were replaced by Homo Sapiens. Neanderthals returned to live from 80 – 55 Ka. From 70 Ka, the second expansion of modern humans started. Obviously, as glaciers retreated, both species moved to the North in search for new territories. The reverse motion was more complicated. In both cases, mixing of populations was possible.

Our civilization took just 10 millennia to grow from primitive agriculture to space flights and nuclear physics. Divide 300000 years of Neanderthal existence by this number and you will see that they had 30 chances to do so. Hard to believe that they didn't use any single one. Meanwhile records hint that they did.

Official history begins with the introduction of writing some 5000 years ago. Before that, humans retained the past in the oral tradition. It is ancient legends that keep vague signs of previous civilizations. Religion uses several meanings for the term god. The Single God is the supreme entity which rules the whole world. Paganic gods rule their local worlds. There is yet another meaning. Non-civilized peoples used this word for a developed civilization existing alongside them. The Old Testament mentions Sons of God which took wives from humans. A clear reference to another civilization which existed in the time of Adam and Eve.

The next point to take into account is how the change of generations happens. We perceive hominids as absolutely different species which replace each other. Indeed, they are just different stages of the same evolution. There was a plateau on the time chart when a certain species was dominant. Then, a transition period followed. This period could be lengthy but much shorter than the plateau. Hence, the number of discovered samples will be negligible and we will perceive it as a sudden jump. Also the progress of archeology shows that the initial classification of Hominids was related to the lack of samples. As the new data emerged, new species were added and gaps between them were filled with intermediate individuals. The overall picture is gradually evolving global population of semi-nomadic tribes. Some clusters of this population became locked in isolated regions for millennia and adapt to their conditions. Then, they mix with others and transfer the acquired knowledge worldwide. The obvious conclusion from this picture is that the previous generation is always on top. They have better experience and teach newcomers how to live in this world.

Again, we have a confirmation from mythology. Prometeus is said to teach humans how to use fire. Archeology tells that fire was used even before Neanderthals. What we know about Neanderthal behavior is the story of Prometeus rewritten in the terms of modern science. They lived in small groups and didn't walk far away from their caves. Prometeus was linked to a rock and an eagle tortured his liver. Cirrhosis is often caused by alcoholism. Did Neanderthals already know winemaking? In any case, there are food-related liver diseases. Neanderthals predominantly consumed meat. Excessive eating of smoked meat increases the risk of cancer. Also hepatitis is a liver disease caused by infection transmitted via food. This may be both viruses and mold from stale products.

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