Юрий Белк - Parsec to Earth

Parsec to Earth
Название: Parsec to Earth
Жанры: Научная фантастика | Космическая фантастика | Социальная фантастика
Серии: Нет данных
ISBN: Нет данных
Год: 2024
О чем книга "Parsec to Earth"

"Parsec to Earth" is a fascinating collection of fantasy stories that will take the reader to the most incredible worlds and dimensions. Each story is a separate storyline. They not only create images of heroes and worlds, but also deeply touch upon current topics, giving the reader thoughts about the potential future and how unknown and amazing our Universe can be. "Parsec to Earth" is a journey that changes consciousness and expands the limits of imagination. Dive into the world of fantasy with "Parsec to Earth" and experience exciting adventures that are impossible to find in real life. Feel the wind of change and expand your consciousness with this unique collection, which will be a real discovery for all lovers of fantasy literature. Urban fantasy, along with the space adventures of the heroes of the book "Parsec to Earth" makes you think. Do we perceive our world as we see it?

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Food on the campfire

The era of the omnipotence of information, when it can read thoughts, create entities in the network that can live independently, and also control the person himself, his thoughts and desires.

Teleportation allowed a person's consciousness to move to different parts of the world, when there was a need for this, people almost stopped traveling and flying anywhere themselves.

The infinity of knowledge shifted the horizons of boundaries in learning, but although at some stage people stopped learning new sciences and skills, all the things in ordinary life and discoveries in science were made by network entities. Even a famous director made a movie with blue men once, but I've already forgotten what it's called.

SethWai's telepathy and empathy through videographs allowed us to convey emotions that people managed to quarrel and arrange conflicts in this ideal world, where a person did not need to do anything, absolutely nothing. All the actions that people did, they were voluntary.

Cloud files will startstoring not only photos and videos, but also emotions and taste memories. Tariffs were particularly popular when it was possible to record childhood memories from memory and then convert them to a video file and watch them for a separate fee in old age.

The Internet has become not just a drug, but everything.

* From the memoirs of a man who cooked food over a campfire in a cave.

The Emperor's Lost Report

Point I: A new beginning. The Emperor orders that to this day it is necessary for everyone to provide their data, who has how many cattle, slaves and bread, before accessing the Internet.

Item II: Intertwining space and time. The limits of the use of the Internet are determined by the supreme order of the Emperor and can be terminated after a citizen violates rules that violate the freedom of another citizen or the Emperor.

Item III: Education and training. The use of the Internet aspart of training seminars with teachers is possible only during the day, so as not to load the electrical networks in the evening, when workers return from work and turn on the heating, light, and radio at home, increasing the load on the electrical network.

Item IV: Culture and art. You can't use video recordings during gladiator fights or theatrical performances. When placing an order online, you must receive a written order from the Emperor.

Item V: Trade and economics. The Internet can be used as a trading platform with foreign countries, but with mandatory payment of tax to the state treasury.

Item VI: The social paradigm. You can create communities on the Internet, but you can't write private messages. All messages must be public. Aristocrats have the right to withdraw information about themselves on the Internet.

Item VII: Parenting. Rome, as the center of the Internet, should unite everyone, as well as the center of moral and educational process for young people. It is forbidden to give access to the Internetto children under 10 years of age. Item: Legacy. Information on the Internet should be duplicated in special information storage blocks using encoding. As a code, use a system of rearranging bits every three characters. The file extension must be .rom.

Spilled coffee

Vasily was a brilliant inventor. He had a lot of ideas constantly bubbling through his head, but none excited him as much as creating something that could change the course of history and science. In his laboratory, Vasily began working on his latest and most ambitious project – a time machine that worked with the power of thought.

Everything turned out to be simple in operation: one click on the red button moved you back a year, and the green button moved you forward a year.

The main thing was that it was impossible to lose this bulletfor communication with the main processor, which was located in the present time. Vasily's first development only allowed him to see holographic images of the past and future without being able to interfere with the process in any way, but even this made him insanely happy.

He held his emotions together with a great effort of will. Vasily wanted to organize a scientific conference, and he had already sent aninvitation to the most prominent scientists. I decided to make coffee and then with a mug of aromatic drink approached the window. And he saw people and cars soaring up into the sky, and he was stuck to the ceiling without taking a sip of coffee. A huge rock was approaching from the sky.


Objects could change their shape when exposed to physical force. Food could be prepared using a special device, with the push of a single button.

There are such boxes on this planet that can drive without the strength of a person, you just need to press somewhere with your feet and rotate the wheel, which is at chest level.

Mort read the beginning of a novel by a writer and, closing his left eye, the information disappeared from the wall of his house.

– It is he who is interested in what planet he lives on, it would be necessary to fly there on vacation, and why is his work called fiction? he said, and after yawning once, a table of food appeared in front of him.

On thefar shelf was a single paper book with a blue planet painted on the cover, with patches of gray in some places. It was left to him by his grandfather, who said that he was one of several people who were able to fly away from it.

Flying House

It was early morning when I found myself between the clouds of clouds. I managed to take off, even though I planned to do it after lunch, as soon as I had lunch.

The flight lasted long enough that I was very hungry, and my eyes were quite sad, I was constantly thinking about food instead of enjoying the beauty of nature from above, and most importantly – the fact that I managed to make a flying house, which took me five years to build.

I decided to go back to earth, to the place from which I took off, and I came back.

When I stepped on the ground, I noticed a lot of people approaching my house.

I had to drive them away for a long time and even guard my house when it was already night. Towards morning, I dozed off and was woken up by a small noise coming from a lonely old man outside my house.

This man, as it turned out, came up in the early morning and tapped the wings of the house with a cane, after which they melted and flowed down. A foreign object disturbed the quantum equilibrium of the plasma wing. I didn't have time to write down the composition of the metal in the plasma state in a hurry, because I had tried many components before and didn't want to waste time on it. I added a pinch of one substance or another.

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