H. Lovecraft - Poetry of the Gods

Poetry of the Gods
Название: Poetry of the Gods
Жанры: Мистика | Современная зарубежная литература | Зарубежная классика
Серии: Нет данных
ISBN: Нет данных
Год: Не установлен
О чем книга "Poetry of the Gods"

The story begins with the woman feeling outside of society and then Hermes appears and tells her that she has, though her reading of poetry learned something that only a few others have, that the gods are not dead but only asleep. They meet a series of the different gods and then artists from the past but it is time for a new poet to arrive and become a great messenger for the gods. The woman will not be that poet though but she will know it.

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Poetry Of The Gods

A damp, gloomy evening in April it was, just after the close of the Great War, when Marcia found herself alone with strange thoughts and wishes; unheard-of yearnings which floated out of the spacious twentieth-century drawing-room, up the misty deeps of the air, and eastward to far olive-groves in Arcady which she had seen only in her dreams. She had entered the room in abstraction, turned off the glaring chandeliers, and now reclined on a soft divan by a solitary lamp which shed over the reading table a green glow as soothing and delicious as moonlight through the foliage about an antique shrine.

Attired simply, in a low-cut black evening dress, she appeared outwardly a typical product of modern civilization; but tonight she felt the immeasurable gulf that separated her soul from all her prosaic surroundings. Was it because of the strange home in which she lived, that abode of coldness where relations were always strained and the inmates scarcely more than strangers? Was it that, or was it some greater and less explicable misplacement in time and space, whereby she had been born too late, too early, or too far away from the haunts of her spirit ever to harmonize with the unbeautiful things of contemporary reality? To dispel the mood which was engulfing her more and more deeply each moment, she took a magazine from the table and searched for some healing bit of poetry. Poetry had always relieved her troubled mind better than anything else, though many things in the poetry she had seen detracted from the influence. Over parts of even the sublimest verses hung a chill vapor of sterile ugliness and restraint, like dust on a window-pane through which one views a magnificent sunset.

Listlessly turning the magazine’s pages, as if searching for an elusive treasure, she suddenly came upon something which dispelled her languor. An observer could have read her thoughts and told that she had discovered some image or dream which brought her nearer to her unattained goal than any image or dream she had seen before. It was only a bit of vers libre, that pitiful compromise of the poet who overleaps prose yet falls short of the divine melody of numbers; but it had in it all the unstudied music of a bard who lives and feels, who gropes ecstatically for unveiled beauty. Devoid of regularity, it yet had the harmony of winged, spontaneous words, a harmony missing from the formal, convention-bound verse she had known. As she read on, her surroundings gradually faded, and soon there lay about her only the mists of dream, the purple, star-strewn mists beyond time, where only Gods and dreamers walk.

“Moon over Japan,
White butterfly moon!
Where the heavy-lidded Buddhas dream
To the sound of the cuckoo’s call....
The white wings of moon-butterflies
Flicker down the streets of the city,
Blushing into silence the useless wicks of round lanterns in the hands of girls.
Moon over the tropics,
A white-curved bud
Opening its petals slowly in the warmth of heaven....
The air is full of odours
And languorous warm sounds....
A flute drones its insect music to the night
Below the curving moon-petal of the heavens.
Moon over China,
Weary moon on the river of the sky,
The stir of light in the willows is like the flashing of a thousand silver minnows
Конец ознакомительного фрагмента. Полный текст доступен на www.litres.ru

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Порой в сказках бывает больше правды, чем осмеливается сказать рассказчик. А порой там просто воспоминания о чужих жизнях.
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Злоба и ненависть? Внутри. Месть и разрушение? Внутри. Война и смерть? Внутри. Надежда и спасение? Внутри. Враг невидим, но иногда и герой незаметен.
 В книге собраны разнообразные рецепты из рыбы и морепродуктов. Вы приготовите необычный салат, вкуснейший суп, удивите домашних вторыми блюдами, выпечкой и оригинальными соусами.
В издании представлены рецепты блюд для поста с использованием квашеной капусты и не только.
Жизнь настолько непредсказуема, что никогда не узнаешь, что тебя ждет не только завтра, но и даже сегодня вечером. Как все повернется, как все сложится, никто не знает в точности. Но испытаниями душа крепнет. Наши Герои, попав на известный мюзикл "Норд-Ост", не только достойно прошли все испытания и с честью подошли к финалу, но и встретили свою Любовь, настоящую и единственную. И неважно, какой сегодня оказался день недели. Если мы вместе, значи
Иногда желание кому-то помочь просто так оборачивается увлекательным приключениями.