Lewis Foreman - Promotion Series. Full

Promotion Series. Full
Название: Promotion Series. Full
Жанры: Маркетинг для новичков | Реклама | Интернет-бизнес
Серии: Нет данных
ISBN: Нет данных
Год: 2019
О чем книга "Promotion Series. Full"

This book will help you remember a lot of necessary and useful words and combinations that you are going to use in situations and small talks while talking about advertisement. The following episodes are combined in order to provide you with an opportunity of memorising some words and phrases just reading stories about advertisement. Enjoy and learn!

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This book will help you remember a lot of necessary and useful words and combinations that you are going to use in situations and small talks while talking about advertisement.

The following episodes are combined in order to provide you with an opportunity of memorising some words and phrases just reading stories about advertisement.

Enjoy and learn!


Room for rent

Second hand closet

Cleaning lady

Car part


Washing powder

Medical analysis

Food stand



Story ONE

Room for rent

Samantha is renting a flat. She studies at a local college at the second year. It’s very convenient for her as she can walk to the college. It takes her about five minutes. Her flat consists of two rooms. Lately, her roommate has left so Sam needs to find a person who will share the flat with her. She decides to place an ad in a local newspaper. This newspaper is popular among the students and the ad is likely to be read by one of them. Samantha phones the advertisement department. She leaves a message. Later she gets a call from a newspaper worker. They talk the conditions. Tomorrow Sam will go and pay for the ad. It will cost her nearly 3 dollars per month. She hopes to find someone within this time.

She waits.

Story TWO

Second hand closet

Ricky needs a closet.

His old one just broke down yesterday. He thinks of buying a used one. Ricky knows one good website to buy used furniture.

He accesses the website to learn more about the offers. There are lots of them. He studies the information carefully. Here it is. Suddenly Ricky sees a wonderful offer. The closet looks new and nice. It is the one he needs. It is going to fit in his room perfectly. Ricky clicks on the button. He completes the form and proceeds with the deal. He orders a delivery as the offer includes this option.

A few minutes later all is done.

Ricky is waiting for the furniture. It is going to be brought soon.


Cleaning lady

Suzy is looking for a cleaning lady. She has got a large apartment and she doesn’t want to tidy it herself. She feels twitchy.

She wants to find a cleaning lady for her flat to do this job. She knows how to do it.

Suzy accesses a local online classified. There are lots of offers there. She is confused. She is trying to pick out the best candidate. She sets the search with her parametres and at last gets the best one. The ad says that a senior woman is looking for a job of a cleaning staff. Suzy clicks to get the contacts. She receives a message with the phone number. Some time later everything is agreed.

Suzy is looking forward to meeting her new cleaning lady.

Story FOUR

Car part

Josh is in a little trouble. He hasn’t expected that. Suddenly a shock absorber in his old minivan broke down.

He can’t use his auto. Josh is going to buy a new one. He searches for it on the Internet. Josh needs to do that as soon as possible. He was going to see his friends on the weekend. Now it is more likely he won’t.

Josh has got a mate working at an automotive parts company. Luckily, he can help out. They are trying to sort it out. Finally, they find the part at one foreign supplier. The ad says they can order any part and the company will deliver as soon as possible. The price looks attractive.

Josh has to agree.

Story FIVE


Megan wants to order a photo session. She has had a birthday this month and got some money as a gift so she would like to spend it reasonably.

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