Tatyana Martin - Recommendations for self-healing. Experience of the center for self-healing in the city of Houston, USA

Recommendations for self-healing. Experience of the center for self-healing in the city of Houston, USA
Название: Recommendations for self-healing. Experience of the center for self-healing in the city of Houston, USA
Жанры: Медицина | Научно-популярная литература | Альтернативная медицина
Серии: Нет данных
ISBN: Нет данных
Год: 2023
О чем книга "Recommendations for self-healing. Experience of the center for self-healing in the city of Houston, USA"

Tatyana Martin has her own consulting company based on alternative methods of restoring health. Alternative healing methods consider the body's peculiarity to self-repair, using its potentialities when receiving the necessary corrective program. Based on this methodology, a Human Rehabilitation Center was created, which uses energy-information technology and equipment to adjust the program that controls biochemical processes in the human body. Our body is a unique system endowed with the ability to heal itself. So, trust and do not interfere with your body to find and eliminate the ailment's cause! The brochure will be useful for people interested in alternative healing methods who want to know what our body is and how it still works.Администрация сайта Литрес не несет ответственности за представленную информацию. Могут иметься медицинские противопоказания, необходима консультация специалиста.

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Section 1 Introduction

The greatest wealth in a person's life is his health! And look how we treat it. It can be seen in the number of hospitals built, not just any hospitals but entire complexes. People are constantly treated, taking handfuls of various drugs, and do not become healthy. The number of sick people is constantly growing. The more we medicate, the sicker we get! The constant use of chemicals causes our organs to lose their ability to synthesize them. Indigestion, not deficiency, results from a lack of micro and macro elements in the body. Often, excessive use of dietary supplements, enzymes, vitamins, and micro and macro elements leads in the future to a more complex disruption of the integrity of the body and to subsequent genetic disorders that can lead to the degeneration of the genus. And yet, the initial therapeutic effect is positive. Dysbacteriosis results from the

uncontrolled use of antibiotics and other solutions (including silver ions). People have learned to build airplanes and ships, use computers and other electronic devices, and fly into space, but what happens in their bodies is unchartered territory. And because of this ignorance, they completely trust their health doctors. And medicine these days is remarkably differentiated; the human body is so complex that there is still a lot of incomprehensible to medicine itself in its work. Consequently, the human body is the most challenging matter created on earth. The visible physical body is just the tip of the iceberg. The mistake of medicine is that it treats the symptoms, not the causes.

I am often asked what is unique about the methodology for dealing with health problems practiced at our center. In a nutshell, this method is unique in that it allows the body to find and eliminate the ailment's cause. The proposed method is something new in the recovery and treatment process, and, like everything new and beyond the usual perception, it causes mistrust and many questions. Therefore, in this brochure, we will explain the mechanism of this method, consider some theoretical issues related to the body's functioning as a biological system, and, in conclusion, give practical recommendations on using this method. I want to warn you immediately that this method is based on purely scientific research in physics, chemistry, and biology. As we said above, humans are the most complex matter created on Earth. The human body consists of energetic and cellular forms of matter plus individual consciousness. It is clear that the normal functioning of this entire system requires multilevel information and software; let us call it a life program. It is inherent to all living organisms, but unlike the animal world, people also have a program of individual consciousness. That is why violations of the human life program are similar to violations of the life programs of the animal and plant world, but they have a more extended range of these violations.

Section 2 The role of information in the emergence of the material world

The most difficult thing for a material person is to imagine the WORLD of non-material information, a space that does not exist in the physical sense. The world of information and information programs can be viewed as information that determines the physical and chemical properties of the material world. In other words, it is a bank of information created by the mind of the "CREATOR". Under the definition of "CREATOR", we can understand an intelligent, self-conscious information system that creates and controls processes in a specially created matter of space. The entire development of matter is carried out according to a predetermined program; however, it is characterized by intraspecies self-adjustment within the permissible limits. We call evolution. Unfortunately, humans are used to trusting only our senses (see, hear, touch…) and thinking infinite and weighty categories. That is why we cannot imagine the WORLD of non-material information. But alas, our senses work in a particular range and are imperfect; therefore, contrary to our sense perceptions, we have to recognize the importance of non-material information (program) in the technology of creating the material world. Show some common sense and ask yourself: how was everything in the Universe, including humans, created without a program and purpose? Imagine for a moment that you need to design the simplest thing, such as a chair. To do this, you must first make a drawing, determine the dimensions, select the material, and so on, and only then get the finished product. And here is such a complex product as the Material World?!. And how does it happen without a specific program?! I think you will agree with me that this is not possible. Thus, we must admit that matter, including the human body, is an information product and works according to a particular program.

Now let us define what we mean by information. If we turn to the Bible, then in the text, we will see that at first, the “Word” was said, and then the Material World was created in six days. The "Word" here means the information control program for constructing all the matter of the Universe, including all the matter of space up to humans. This program assigns to matter all its properties and architectural and geometric frameworks (drawings) of construction, starting from elementary particles, atoms, molecules, complex cellular organelles, cells, organs, systems, and the organism. This program contains physical, chemical, and biological properties according to which all forms of matter work. Electromagnetic and gravitational fields have been created. It should be added that the Information used in constructing the material universe does not disappear – it is eternal. It exists at any point in space and can be read, recorded to any media, stored for further use, or transmitted to an address at any distance.

The transfer of information in the material environment is instantaneous. It is due to the forms of matter existence: wave and corpuscular. The speed of movement of electromagnetic waves and fields in the surrounding space is the speed of materializing information space in matter. The atomic-molecular form of matter unquestioningly reacts to the information changing the frequency of pulsation of the field structure, creating the electron shell in the atom. Field structures respond to information by increasing the amplitude and frequency of pulsation, creating various types of chemical bonds in molecules. Information completing any form and kind of matter is associated with information that specifies its physicochemical, geometric, and other parameters and properties. Under certain conditions, it is possible to temporarily replace some physical and chemical properties in matter built according to another information program. Information artificially introduced into any form of matter to change its physicochemical, biological, and other properties and qualities is characterized by a degree of stability and depends on many factors. In other words, using the initial information about the properties of the sample (standard), it is possible to form the same properties for the object.

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