Daniel Corvus - Stonvar Castle Dungeon

Stonvar Castle Dungeon
Название: Stonvar Castle Dungeon
Жанры: Ужасы | Мистика
Серии: Нет данных
ISBN: Нет данных
Год: 2024
О чем книга "Stonvar Castle Dungeon"

An unusual work that claims to be a "story with a choice of action" genre.

You are given the opportunity to personally participate in the events, because the narration is conducted in the second person. Walk through the dungeon of the sinister castle and try to find your enemy there. This relatively small work will plunge you into a really dark and creepy atmosphere of strange horrors, loneliness and despair.

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The author's word

This work is done in the style of "a story with a choice of actions". Although there are "blocks" of text in it, you are free to choose your path according to the choices provided and go to the chapters that are named accordingly.

The author sincerely hopes that you will not neglect this advice and will not read the text completely and immediately – because then the whole essence of the uniqueness of this work will be lost.

-in the dungeons of Stonvar Castle, the beginning of the journey-

Leaning on the door with force, you open it. Before even have time to take a step, you slip on the stone steps, but you manage to press yourself against the wall at the last moment and keep your balance. An excruciatingly long moment passes when you catch your breath and try to see the way ahead through the blackness. You are still unable to get out of your head everything that happened to you and your group before.

Quite recently, there were several brave souls who went to the gloomy castle on the hill. You and your team tried to finish off an evil ghoul who recently returned to his non-life…Now, of the eight brave men, only you are left, and your goal is the almost killed undead. You, still remembering the death of each of your comrades, as if it all happened again right in front of your eyes, just can't give up. You have to finish the task started. After all, if it's not you, then no one will do it. However, one more important obstacle remains between you and your enemy – the darkest and darkest part of the castle is its dungeon.

Picking up an antique oil lamp from the floor, you hold out your hand with it forward. You see, how the steps are drawn out of the darkness, leading down. You feel a slight dampness in the air touching your face. How the cold penetrates your feet in heavy boots. Unnatural, creepy, sneaking even through fabric and skin.

Moving away from the stone wall, you more conveniently intercept your grandfather's hunting shotgun. The last two special bullets covered with silver remained in it. You feel the shirt and black trousers with suspenders soaked in the blood of the unholy creature and your comrades sticking to your body.

There is nowhere to go back and there is no time. Supplies are scarce. You only have one chance to succeed.

Understanding all this, you take the first decisive step into the unknown. A dull echo bounces off the walls, slipping far down. You can hear your heart pounding. This sound presses on the temples, and it seems that it is reflected from the walls as well as the noise of your footsteps. Soon you feel a barely discernible hum coming from the bowels of the dungeons. At some point, it seems to you that they are as if alive, and you shrink for a moment. And yet you take a few more steps down. The cold covers you from all sides. Strange moist air settles on the skin. Nasty as a graveyard, it fills your lungs. A narrow, oppressive corridor leads you somewhere ahead. Dim light helps to see only a small piece of the way out of the general darkness.

Holding your finger near the trigger of the shotgun, you go down a few steps. One more step, and you feel like you stepped on a flat floor. The narrow corridor still leads only forward, where there is darkness. Or back to where the stairs are. Here it is hardly possible to spread your arms to the sides, so with a shotgun it is unlikely that you will be able to turn back quickly. In your decision to reach the end, you are heading further, forward, into the darkness of an unpleasant and smooth stone corridor. Each step is accompanied by a nasty sound of crunching of small crumbs under boots, a rumble and an echo. First, second, here's the third step. With caution, you move on, discerning only a faint echo of drops falling from above.

The ninth, tenth step. At this moment you notice a sharp change near the walls of the passage. You stop abruptly, raise the lamp up, ready to grab the shotgun. However, very soon your fear dissipates. It is replaced by the understanding that you did not see an enemy. It turned out to be just a game of shadows: the corridor, smooth up to this point, was divided into two branches. One led to the right, the other to the left. Nothing but darkness could be seen in these passages. Here even the usual things took the form of a black, ugly mass. And it seemed simply impossible to determine what was hiding in one side or the other by eye. However, you need to make a choice – where to go next. You understand that this choice will be made blindly – until the last moment you will not be sure that you have gone the right way until you reach the end of each of them. Unless they intersect somewhere in the middle. Who can know what is hidden in the dungeons of this castle? What exactly do the dungeons themselves look like?

After hesitating, you take a step in the right direction…

>you decided to turn right

>you decided to turn left

-you decided to turn right-

The corridor is filled with the echo of your footsteps again. The light of the lamp gradually draws out of the darkness the outlines of the right arch and the corridor beyond it. All the same stone walls, barely covered with ripples of drops, guide forward. The opening seemed a little wider, but in fact it is still difficult to turn around with a shotgun in your hands. You tried not to lower your weapon too low, so that in case of anything, you could use the last cartridges on the enemy who jumped out of the darkness.

However, as luck would have it, the moment of your meeting with him dragged on and on. The empty corridor only echoed your footsteps, pressed on the mind. You feel the fear growing in you. From the unknown, from this deceptive emptiness and from the fear that the unclean beast will show itself again. But you don't know where he is.

A few more steps in this stone void. It seemed that it would never end, and it would lead you directly into the unknown for eternity. But you notice another archway, as before, without a door that led into the room. Taking another wide step, you direct your hand with the lamp to the side, then up, trying to snatch as much as possible from the darkness. Involuntarily, you barely shuddered noticeably, considering more and more new details.

This room is like a passage. The way out of it led only to another room. Even from here you can see how huge it is, compared to her and even more so the corridor. The heavy door that led there was open, you partially caught the outlines of everything that was inside. From strange wooden devices, to no less strange metal structures. In the form of a wheel, boards that intersected with each other in the middle, but hardly these boards resembled a cross. Unless it's turned on its side. Unfortunately, everything that could be on the tables is hidden in the dark, but you are haunted by a feeling of some kind of abomination that emanated from that room. You couldn't figure out what it was from yet, but vague suspicions crept into your head. After all, the walls of the room in which you were were smeared with dark, dried stains. In the corner there was a piece of bone and a small skull of a certain creature. You didn't look closely, hoping that it was still an animal's skull, although common sense suggested otherwise. This skull is too characteristic for a person.

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