Нина Бобо - Strength for Iolanthe Bruch

Strength for Iolanthe Bruch
Название: Strength for Iolanthe Bruch
Жанры: Сказки | Зарубежные детские книги
Серии: Нет данных
ISBN: Нет данных
Год: 2024
О чем книга "Strength for Iolanthe Bruch"

So beautifully written a story about love, friendship, grieve and joy.As soon as you will see a balanced description of Jacques Bruch as "a kind and strong predator" you will be hooked. Are you uncertain to turn your heart of love into real deeds?Storyteller Nina Bobo reveals the inspirational process of becoming a person, who able to bring honor to someone you love.The tale help to discover interesting thoughts, that will help you find intimacy whith your family members and support them by choosing good ways.

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Not so long ago, almost in our time, the Bruch family lived at the foot of the Quebec mountains among maple forests and sparkling rivers. They were funny green frogs. Every good morning, when the sun gently embraced the earth with thin rays, Jacques Bruch got out of a warm frog hole and ate juicy mosquitoes. He was a kind and strong predator.

Jacques understood the full responsibility of the sacred role of frogs entrusted to him by the Creator. Mosquitoes bite people painfully, so he worked day and night hunting in the swamp.

Everything was fine with Jacques until something happened. An unusual tadpole was born in the big cheerful Bruch family. Black with blue speckles. All the other frogs were brownish-green, they all grew cheerful and vociferous, and this little one, although he gave the impression of a calm frog, in fact there was a barely tame force raging inside. Frog parents have been thinking for more than one day about what to call an unusual baby. They're watching, and he's constantly pushing something back and forth.

"Let's call him Iolanthe Bruch. May the baby's strength bring something new to our family," the frogs thought.

Year after year passed, Iolanthe grew up, surrounded by the quiet waters of his native swamp. Not everyone liked his strong stubborn temper because he could often push his brother's shoulder with his shoulder. And how to feel the warmth of brotherly love?

Iolanthe Bruch's skin was not the same as that of his friends. He was able to release a poisonous liquid to protect himself from someone's unreasonable mouth. Therefore, he was often alone. He was burrowing into a hole in the swamp, working day after day, catching mosquitoes, saving the world from pests. The kind uncle Jacques was sad, he kept thinking and wondering how to help his nephew. And he began to lose weight and get sick.

The cheerful hopper Diego Cloy, a close friend of the black frog, came to visit the sick Jacques. He lived nearby, in a large hole, on the shore of a nearby swamp. When he patted the pebbles with his paws, tapping out melody after melody, the music of love sounded in the hearts of all the inhabitants of his swamp. And what a passionate dancer he was and an incredibly sweet smile! The perfect frog!

"Hi Diego, how is Mama Cloy feeling?" good Jacques asked, weary with longing.

"My mother is well, thank you. Why are you so tired?" Diego croaked, silent.

"I'm sad. I don't know how to help Iolanthe. He's not like all frogs. They don't listen to him because he's not green," Jacques croaked frankly. What should we do? Would it be a miracle if my Iolanthe got rid of the blackness, turned into our pure green or at least into brown?"

"Kva-kva-kvaak…. Diego Cloy gasped out of breath. –  You should send him to Mamba Nar. She is a kind night frog healer. Maybe Mamba will give life-giving herbs to Iolanthe so that he can drink and become like us."

"Thanks for the advice, Diego," good Uncle Jacques, coughing after a cold, roused up. Please go with me to the healer Mamba Nar because I am weak from longing, and it is so far to go to her burrow. Iolanthe Bruch is not coming with me. He's all about business, he's in love with his job, because there are so many mosquitoes in the swamp right now, he's got a lot of things to do up to his toad's throat."

"Kwa-tat-tat, toot-toot-kea," Diego Cloy croaked because he was the most dexterous drummer among the frogs of Quebec.

The wise frogs took a lot of gifts: delicious marsh grass and sweet specially dried mosquito carcasses. They had heard from other frogs about what an amazing sweet tooth this healer Mamba Nar was.

The sagacious Mamba frog lived quite far away, but the brave and kind Jacques rode so hard that his round eyes turned red from the effort, and the longing was slightly diminished. Diego, the drummer, also did not lag and cheerfully croaked his favorite song. He came up with the words of this song himself. And his song helped him smile: And we rode, and we could find hope In the whisper of the earth, The Whisper of Love. And we rode, and we found Someone who shines generously, like lanterns in the dark. lanterns in the dark. And we rode, we sang again, That there was enough strength for everything, and for love. And for love, and mosquitoes! Yum-yum!

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Новая книга детского писателя и психолога Нины Бобо из серии сказок о птице Чигидук и ягуаренке Зюди поможет родителям снова погрузиться в мир детских эмоций. Автор сказки желает всем родителям приятных ощущений, счастливого смеха и добрых прикосновений к сердцу во время прочтения ее новой произведения о дружбе Зюди и крыски Бананки, заботе мамы Лейлы и доброте барашика Бебе.
Молодая писательница Нина Бобовая однажды получила неожиданное приглашение от крупного российского издательства написать роман о любви. Молодая женщина давно уже не верила в то, что ей интересна тема любви и романтики, так как она много раз переживала чувство романтической любви и прекрасно знала, что настоящая любовь и длительные супружеские отношения в реальности далеки от эротики и подразумевают другой подход к жизни. Но сотрудники издательств
Сказка написана специально для наших милых женщин. Это приключенческо – сатирическая история с участием наших любимых, сказочных героев: баба Яга, Кащей, Горыныч, ну и конечно богатырь. История о том, почему день 8 марта стал международным женским праздником.Автор текста, рисунков и художник – Роман Тулупов.
Третий том "сказок". 300 страниц. Юмор белый, юмор чёрный, а порой вообще не юмор, а сумасшествие сплошное! Не для слабонервных!
Сказка о принце и принцессе, колдовстве и магии, предательстве и любви. О том, что зло сильно, но любовь сильнее.
Чаще всего чудеса случаются под новый год, когда все больше верят в волшебство. Так вот и сегодня дружба мальчишек и их находчивость подарили всем жителям двора настоящую зимнюю сказку.
Эта книга представляет из себя сборник небольших рассказов на разные темы.
Что общего у камеры и банка? Как совершить ограбление и получится ли избежать наказание?
- Скажи, ты любишь ее? - стук сердца отдавался в висках, а грудь будто сдавило тисками. - Я не знаю, что такое любовь, - к нему вернулось непроницаемое выражение лица. - Значит, ты уже проиграл эту битву, Ваал. Без любви не будет света и тьма навсегда поглотит все живое. Пять лет назад мы выпустили на свободу первозданную тьму. Зло вырвалось на волю, пробиваясь из Ада в мир смертных и захватив с собой посланников Инфериатоса. Всё лучшее, что ес
- Моя! — твердит каждый из наследников старого султана, а я всего лишь прикоснулась к странной находке на чердаке и оказалась в центре политических разборок и интриг Османской империи. Что делать современной девушке, когда вокруг царит хаос, а трое самых желанных мужчин империи обратили свои взоры на чужачку?! Смогу ли я когда-то вернуться домой, или мне предстоит навсегда остаться здесь и сдаться в плен одному.