Валентин Матвиенко - The Adjective and the Adverb in the English Language. 300 tests & Grammar

The Adjective and the Adverb in the English Language. 300 tests & Grammar
Название: The Adjective and the Adverb in the English Language. 300 tests & Grammar
Жанр: Языкознание
Серии: Нет данных
ISBN: Нет данных
Год: Не установлен
О чем книга "The Adjective and the Adverb in the English Language. 300 tests & Grammar"

Пособие содержит ключевые теоретические разделы по темам the English Adjective и the English Adverb. Тестовые задания охватывают лексику разного уровня, содержат достаточно материала для запоминания основных прилагательных и наречий английского языка, способствуют увеличению словарного запаса. Предназначено для учащихся школ с базовым уровнем изучения английского языка, а также для слушателей курсов, начинающих и продолжающих изучать английский язык.

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к.филол.н., доцент кафедры иностранных языков

филологического факультета РУДН

Милана Евгеньевна Куприянова

© Валентин Матвиенко, 2019

ISBN 978-5-0050-2265-3

Создано в интеллектуальной издательской системе Ridero

Данное пособие посвящено таким частям речи английского языка, как прилагательное и наречие.

Содержит ключевые теоретические разделы по темам the English Adjective и the English Adverb. Тестовые задания охватывают лексику разного уровня, содержат достаточно материала для запоминания основных прилагательных и наречий английского языка, способствуют увеличению словарного запаса.

Пособие предназначено для учащихся школ с базовым уровнем изучения английского языка, а также для слушателей курсов, начинающих и продолжающих изучать английский язык.

Из собственного многолетнего опыта преподавательской работы составитель сборника знает, что упражнений и тестов, предлагаемых любым учебником, много не бывает, а учитель всегда испытывает потребность в дополнительных заданиях. Поэтому предлагаемое пособие может оказаться уместным и полезным для работы с любой аудиторией.

1. Тестовая часть

Выбор прилагательного

1. Find the word with the most general meaning.

A) clever B) honest C) kind D) polite E) good

2. Choose the word contradicting the others.

A) beautiful B) attractive C) handsome D) pretty E) sensitive

3. Choose the appropriate word.

One hour today is… two tomorrow.

A) glad B) worth C) easy D) hard E) quiet

4. Choose the appropriate word.

In 1991 most former Soviet Republics became…

A) agricultural B) beautiful C) fantastic D) independent

E) industrial

5. Complete the sentence.

There are many national… youth organizations in Britain.

A) voluntary B) wise C) looney D) anxious E) volcanic

6. Choose the appropriate word.

Henry was very …. He dropped his glasses in the street, but they didn’t break.

A) clever B) famous C) poor D) wise E) lucky

7. Choose the appropriate word.

The teacher explained the rule and gave many examples.

But when Tom began to do the sums, his answers were wrong, because the rule was ….

A) easy B) long C) short D) difficult E) good

8. Choose the appropriate word.

John was one of the best pupils in the class. He read books on many subjects and was always ready to answer his teachers’ questions. He was ….

A) nice B) fool C) clever D) good E) bad

9. Choose the appropriate word.

In October… winds begin to blow, leaves fall on the ground.

A) hot B) warm C) bad D) cold E) frosty

10. Choose the appropriate word.

We warned them not to go skating on such… ice.

A) cold B) long C) thin D) pretty E) sharp

11. Choose the appropriate word.

They are all of the… size, I am sorry.

A) good B) black C) same D) wide E) easy

12. Choose the appropriate word.

England is not… country.

A) an agricultural B) a naval C) a wealthy D) a European

E) an industrial

13. Choose the appropriate word.

When I learned to ski, I practiced on a slope that was not too ….

A) tall B) tiny C) steep D) high E) slow

14. Choose the appropriate word.

She has to work hard to keep the house… and tidy with three small children.

A) neat B) smooth C) plain D) crafty E) dirty

15. Choose the appropriate word.

Excuse me, Mr. Smith, but there’s… message for you from your wife.

A) a hasty B) a vital C) an urgent D) a valuable E) a difficult

Степени сравнения прилагательных

16. Choose the appropriate form of the adjective.

His plan is… practical of all.

A) more B) a more C) much D) the most E) most

17. Choose the appropriate form of the adjective.

St. Petersburg is one of… beautiful cities of Russia.

A) much B) the most C) much more D) the least E) less

18. Choose the appropriate form of the adjective.

To spend summer at the seaside is… pleasant than in the town.

A) – B) less C) the most D) more E) the least

19. Choose the appropriate form of the adjective.

Her version is… original than yours.

A) much B) the most C) more D) many E) the least

20. Choose the appropriate form of the adjective.

This girl is… intelligent than the rest of the class.

A) most B) the most C) more D) the more E) much

21. Choose the appropriate form of the adjective.

He’s… intelligent than my brother.

A) most B) good C) better D) more E) last

22. Choose the appropriate form of the adjective.

Do you need any… help.

A) much B) more C) many D) most E) the most

23. Choose the appropriate adjective.

Let me know if you hear any… news.

A) many B) more C) most D) the most E) must

24. Choose the appropriate form of the adjective.

The weather is much… pleasant than it usually is at this time.

A) most B) more C) the most D) little E) the least

25. Choose the appropriate form of the adjective.

I think, the Russian television programme «The Field of Wonders» was… popular of all TV programmes in the 1990s.

A) much B) the most C) more D) many E) the least

26. Choose the appropriate form of the adjective.

Which question do you think is… difficult one?

A) – B) much C) more D) the most E) most

27. Choose the appropriate form of the adjective.

…people live in Europe than in Asia.

A) more B) the least C) most D) less E) little

28. Choose the appropriate form of the adjective.

Which are… comfortable, sandals or tennis shoes?

A) most B) little C) more D) much E) any

29. Choose the right form of the adjective.

I think it is… beautiful landscape I’ve ever seen.

A) more B) many C) the most D) best E) worst

30. Choose the appropriate adjective.

Who is… important person in the history of your country?

A) more B) less C) high D) popular E) the most

31. Choose the appropriate form of the adjective.

He was… than I had expected.

A) most angry B) more angry C) angrier D) more angrier E) angriest

32. Choose the appropriate form of the adjective.

The longer the way… tired we are.

A) the most B) the more C) most D) – E) much

33. Choose the appropriate form of the adjective.

This is… clown I’ve ever seen.

A) good B) better C) the best D) well E) bad

34. Choose the appropriate form of the adjective.

Two heads are… than one.

A) good B) bad C) worse D) worst E) better

35. Choose the appropriate form of the adjective.

I think the silk of China is one of… in the world.

A) better B) good C) the best D) longer E) richer

36. Choose the appropriate form of the adjective.

Wit bought is… than wit taught.

A) better B) best C) the best D) good E) —

37. Choose the appropriate form of the adjective.

The Maldives in my opinion is… place for relaxation.

A) good B) less C) the least D) the best E) better

38. Choose the appropriate form of the adjective.

It’s… laundry detergent I have ever used.

A) good B) – C) the best D) best E) better

39. Choose the appropriate form of the adjective.

This exercise is… than the last one.

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