Ведьма Лилит - The Apple of youth: the practice of reuvenation inside book

The Apple of youth: the practice of reuvenation inside book
Название: The Apple of youth: the practice of reuvenation inside book
Жанры: Практическая эзотерика | Саморазвитие / личностный рост | Народная и нетрадиционная медицина
Серии: Нет данных
ISBN: Нет данных
Год: 2024
О чем книга "The Apple of youth: the practice of reuvenation inside book"

In this book described my new invention – practice for healing and rejuvenation of the body.The sense of the method is that we giving commands to the body for health and youth on high concentration using a computer.Our body is programmable by our consciousness, but it takes a lot of time.That’s why need make practice some months. I wrote all practice here. Nothing is hidden. Told all. Take and use. Practical book for all life. Need only computer, time, this book and desire of results.You will know for the future how to bring back your health if chronic diseases or aging of the body will appear.New practical useful knowledge. I didn’t see any equal. Take for yourself new valuable knowledge for better life by price of a book while exist possibility.My contacts, if won't understand the practice, I wrote in book.P. S. «The administration of Litres isn't responsible for the provided information. There can be medical contraindications, will can need consult with a specialist».

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The story of how I got sick, healed myself with my consciousness and decided to become a healer

Everyone sometimes have to take a break in life, because need to care about health.

Sometimes we get distracted by the flu, stomach ache or headache. Sometimes worse things happen. One time something worse happened to me.

At first the health of one organ became bad, I tried to heal it. But this was useless. Then another disease started six months later, then a couple more. Situation only got worse in a year.

I tried to heal myself for a year. I was visiting doctors all the time. I ate a big packet of pills. I even started to worry about my liver, but it was ok.

The situation ended with the words of doctor that I will not be able to heal myself. But it's ok. Many people have chronic disease, even she by herself. They can live somehow.

After a year of running to different doctors my health didn’t improve. But started be even more symptoms in four diseased organs.

And it could stay like this forever. I was very young at that time.

I was in a bad situation. And I even started understand old people. Many parts of body often hurt and it’s difficult for them to live like this.

After being told that I won’t be cured I remember three days of endless worries. Thinking about how I could cope. And don't give up. Because need to continue live.

I really wanted find a magical pill for all diseases. I remember on the third day a good thought came into my head, like from outside.

I understood clearly how to give commands to the body for it could heal itself. It was August 2021.

I started doing experiments. And check will work this idea or not. What reaction will be?

For 10 days, 10 hours a day I was repeating the words “joints are healthy” out loud.

After 10 days, the pain in my joints in the whole body disappeared. This was my first result.

I got this method from my head. I was inspired, glad and started want to live more. I had hope for a solution and improvement of my life.

I started make experiments. And tried to save myself from disease.

Every day I was giving commands to my body for healing. First by myself, then I was using a computer for more comfortable way.

In the process of creating the practice I was often making more intense concentration of healing commands for body in month. I didn’t give up, was changing experiments and getting results.

Again after some months I was making more intense concentration, changed and tested new commands for healing of different organs.

As a result, in 2 years of experiments I invented my own method of healing. And by myself achieved impressive results.

In 2 years, I found how to make a concentration of 5 billion repeatings of healing commands in month. With this concentration, a chronic disease can be cured in a few months of constantly practice.

As a result, I was cured and now I feel good in my body. All symptoms are gone. All results saved. I completed this method and people will not need make experiment on themselves for two years.

My results, which people will can repeat in 2 months using my method from this book:

1. I healed on 100% diseases that doctors are able to cure by themselves. Without pills. Only by my own method.

2. I healed 4 chronic diseases on 95%. I calmed down about my health and how I feel myself in my body. In the future I will be able to repeat the treatment of different organs and diagnoses.

3. I made disappear the first wrinkles under eyes on 100%. I didn't need more. Because I’m young. And I will stay young for a long time. I will be able to renew my youth again.

The experiment showed the way to become healthier and younger. Why it’s realizing and how does it work?

Hello. It's great that you opened this book.

And it’s cool that, among all Internet noise, we stuck with each other.

This is because we all want to stay healthy and young as we are 20 years old. Be active. And don't think about diseases.

Read this book to the end, and I will tell how you will can repeat my new experiment by yourself.

You will learn the real secret of restoring health and youth and will be able to recover from curable and incurable diseases and renew your youth.

But first, let me introduce myself. My name is Liya Andreeva, I am the creator of a new wonderful method, a magical pill from different diseases.

For 2 years I was creating the method of healing, which will be able to heal incurable diseases.

One time I had some chronic diseases. I was searching for a magical pill for myself.

I know by myself how to feel as an old woman, whose body constantly hurts.

For 2 years of experiments, I healed 4 chronic diseases on 95%. I finally feel myself good in my body.

First a pain went away and then slowly all symptoms disappeared.

I was giving commands to my body using a computer. It was repeating healing commands, from which my body could heal itself.

In 2 years I completed the creating of a working healing practice.

And now I can tell to people, how to make disappear chronic diseases from body in 2 months.

And not just one disease, but all of them. Just if hurts in many places, this will take little bit more time.

The method is universal and able to treat all organs and many diagnoses.

What people do when they faced with chronic diseases? When everything hurts and difficult to do even ordinary things because of the symptoms.

Person went to the doctor, got treatment and realized that it didn’t work. Or doctor immediately say that he can’t heal disease. And person will have to be sick until end of his life.

1. There is way to endure or take pills all the time to alleviate symptoms.

2. Go to healers.

3. Invent a healing practice by yourself and struggle with its creation for some years, like I did.

What you can do to know, how to heal yourself in case of unforeseen incurable diseases?

For the future or when you need it right now.

I also thought that it wouldn’t affect me and that I would live my whole life healthy. Especially now, when I'm young.

But this problem can affect young people too.

Let's be honest. If you take pills, can be side effects, especially if you do it for years. And an old disease doesn’t go away.

Healers can also deceive. Or fail to cure. Will need to test many and find the good one.

To invent a healing practice every day for years doesn’t give any pleasure. You do it, because you have no choice. Because all doctors left you.

My verdict in this situation:

As one good person said – after 40 years, you have choice to be your own doctor, or suffer and feel pain. With thoughts that’s ok and have to be like this. Everyone live like this.

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