Юрий Белк - The Book of Living

The Book of Living
Название: The Book of Living
Жанры: Коучинг | Личная эффективность | Возрастная психология
Серии: Нет данных
ISBN: Нет данных
Год: 2024
О чем книга "The Book of Living"

"The Book of Living" by Yuri Belk offers the reader a unique look at the age-old questions related to the purpose and meaning of human existence.

Using metaphors, parables, and real-life stories, the author expertly reveals complex concepts in an accessible and inspiring way.

The reader will travel through the pages, discovering not only theory, but also practical tips for achieving harmony with themselves and the world around them.

Belk shows how through mindfulness and inner development, you can achieve genuine happiness and find joy in everyday moments.

Special attention is paid to the process of formation of a person, his personal and spiritual growth.

Belk discusses the importance of self-awareness, personal responsibility, and the constant pursuit of excellence. The book offers more questions than answers to work on yourself, helping the reader to form a conscious attitude to life, find your vocation and achieve inner peace.

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Appeal to the reader

Dear reader, if you have opened this page, then you are concerned about your present, your future, and perhaps even your past. On the pages of this book, we will try to understand the problems and paradoxes of life that lead to problems in our lives. You don't have to count me among the aliens, that writers are some mysterious creatures, we are just like everyone else, personally I am, and my feet touch the ground when I walk.

This will not be a book about successful success, and it is impossible, you will not be able to find answers to your questions, and you may even get a lot of new questions, the answers to which you will have to look elsewhere or first of all within yourself.

Andinformation is food that needs to be digested, and sometimes it is difficult to digest, and sometimes indigestible, then information poisoning occurs. You will have a lot of questions and no answers, these facts can make you sad or,even worse, with more sad events.

If you are not sure that you need this book, it is better not to read further, close it and look for other authors.

A book can be made quite thick, but everyone is in a hurry, not everyone has time to read thick books, in fact, to create too.

In this case, a small number of pages has its own separate metaphysical meaning.

Time, which no one has in abundance, time is the only currency of all times and peoples. But it can only be spent, it can't be returned, and the ticket burns out after payment.

What for?

Thispart of the book is included in the introductory section, so you can still change your mind to buy the book. I have a few books that are available for free, but a person who doesn't want to read won't read them anyway. Therefore, I rejected this idea inthe future. In addition, what is received for free is not appreciated and, rather, will be read less carefully, so all the effect of the magic of books disappears.

People should eventually share their knowledge, and that's what I do. The way a person differs fromthe ruminants is that they can pass on their experience to the previous generation.

From this point of view, this book is more intended for young people, but if older people read it, I will only be happy. They will be able to compare their thoughts and experiences with another person.

How do I read this book?

Take your time, read it, think about it, work on it, then read it again. Most people read books in a stream, but my opinion is that you should do it slowly, if necessary, take notes.

For reading fiction, of course, in my opinion, you do not need notes, it is still entertainment, although, on the other hand, some novels can provide more information than any other historical documents.

We, the majority, think that it is enough to know the dates of important events in the history of mankind, but how people lived at that time, what their habits were at that time, what they thought and dreamed about-we do not know at all.

You can fantasize about what our descendants will write about our era in hundreds or thousands of years. Will they learn about their habits, such as sending memes of hundreds of them on social networks to each other? But this is an important indicator of the maturityof a society, or rather, the level of its development. We don't need to take these points personally, although as we continue to read this book, we may be able to look in the mirror and see ourselves for who we are.

The task of a writer is to talk about it, a writer is not a chocolate bar, he should not be liked by everyone and in everything. So when they say a good book or a good writer, I don't understand what people mean, what criteria are applied. Is it even possible to be goodwhen the world is so complicated and the vices of society are trying to change us in different directions?

The writer, if he begins to please the public, then it is possible to reach the vulgarity.

I won't be too deliberate before reading it, but it was important for me to say it, or rather, to print it. When, for example, before starting a movie, you read "comedy" or "horror" in the description, then you will subconsciously look for these moments and, perhaps, even laugh, mentally thinking that this is a comedy, somewhere it must be funny. Personally, if I say it about myself, I always look at comedies as dramas, in my opinion, tragedies are more concentrated in them than in the tragedies themselves.

The purpose of the book is not to fill in the text, but against graphomancy, so the volume of the book is planned to be small.

I try to follow my own internal rules, which I have deduced for myself: texts should not be corrected much after the first manuscript, and it is better not to do this at all, because if you start correcting them, you can polish them to a perfect, smooth state, which will make the book taste disappear.

I can not say that this reading will be pleasant for you, like any medicine, it is not always delicious, but sometimes we need to take a cold shower to look around, look at ourselves and our thoughts. One big chapter is devotedto practical recommendations, and the next, which is called the Manifesto of Life – is all the same, but in an allegorical form and in the form of metaphors.


A time of carefree times, when we look at the world with hope, when we want to grow up faster and become an adult, sometimes it turns into an obsession.

Everyone's childhood, of course, was different: cruel, kind, hungry, boring, fun, and so on. But, having grown up, we perceive all our events in our lives from the point of view of the image that we formed in childhood. An adult is the same child, only the clothing size is different.

Of course, we change, but our perceptions of life are formed in childhood. An adult develops stereotypes that fundamentally distinguish him from a child, so maintaining a child's simplicity and even sometimes naivety will help to look at things impartially, more rationally than an adult.

Keep your child in the shower forever.

It isvery sad when a person is deprived of a childhood, it is a big trauma for the child, and in later life it is very difficult to adapt to the events that are taking place. Because, despite the fact that it is customary to say that a person is the blacksmith of his own happiness, there are events that are either difficult or simply almost impossible to influence. In such cases, it is necessary to have the plasticity of the psyche in order to survive or adapt.

Про PTSD1 we'll talk about PTSD in a separate book. I won't write it, but we'll talk. It is generally assumed that only war veterans suffer from it, which I do not agree with at all, no one agrees with this at all, it's just that these notorious adult stereotypes have worked again.

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