Андрей Тихомиров - The Book of the Prophet Haggai – a scientific commentary on the text

The Book of the Prophet Haggai – a scientific commentary on the text
Название: The Book of the Prophet Haggai – a scientific commentary on the text
Жанры: Религиоведение / история религий | Научно-популярная литература | Религии / верования / культы
Серии: Нет данных
ISBN: Нет данных
Год: 2023
О чем книга "The Book of the Prophet Haggai – a scientific commentary on the text"

The book of the prophet Haggai consists of two chapters and ranks tenth among the books of the minor prophets. Haggai called on the Jews to actively work on the construction of the second Jerusalem temple. This construction was suspended due to ill will and intrigue on the part of forces hostile to the Jews, but then resumed after admonitions from the prophets Haggai and Zechariah. The new temple was completed in 516 BC.

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Scientific commentary is given in parentheses after each verse.

Chapter 1

1 In the second year of King Darius, in the sixth month, on the first day of the month, the word of the Lord came through Haggai the prophet to Zerubbabel the son of Shealtiel, governor of Judah, and to Joshua the son of Jozadek, the great priest: (The second year of the reign of King Darius of Persia – this is 520 BC "Broadcast" by a Jewish hypnotist interested in Judaism becoming widespread).

2 Thus said the Lord of hosts: This people say, “The time has not yet come, the time has not come to build the house of the Lord.” (References to God, who claims that the time for the construction of the temple has not yet come. Hosts – (from the Hebrew tsebabot – warlike) – and in Judaism – one of the epithets of the god Yahweh. In Christianity, Hosts is identified with the first person of the trinity, with God the Father).

3 And the word of the Lord came through Haggai the prophet: (The priest-hypnotist “broadcasts” through the prophet).

4 Is it time for you yourselves to live in your adorned houses, while this house is desolate? (The Temple of Yahweh is in desolation. In Haggai, Yahweh turns out to need an earthly home no less than people).

5 Therefore now thus saith the Lord of hosts: Turn your hearts unto your ways. (The Prophet Haggai is the first of a number of prophets whose activities occurred after the return of the Jews from Babylonian captivity in 538 BC. Almost nothing is known about the personality of Haggai himself. Many researchers believe that he was not in captivity, but remained in Judea, that he knew the temple of Solomon and was in Jerusalem at the time of its destruction).

6 You sow much, but reap little; eat, but not to the point of satiety; drink, but don't get drunk; getting dressed, but not warming up; he who earns wages earns for a leaky wallet. (Everything is bad for you).

7 Thus says the Lord of hosts: Turn your hearts to your ways. (The content of the book is related exclusively to the theme of the temple. Haggai believes that in order for the Jews who returned from captivity to begin a righteous life, it is necessary to restore the destroyed temple).

8 Go up to the mountain and carry wood and build a temple; and I will be pleased with him, and I will be glorified, says the Lord. (The content of the book is related exclusively to the theme of the temple. Haggai believes that in order for the Jews who returned from captivity to begin a righteous life, it is necessary to restore the destroyed temple).

9 You expect a lot, but little comes out; and whatever you bring home, I will scatter. – For what? says the Lord of hosts: for my house, which is desolate, while you flee, every one to his own house. (The Prophet, on behalf of God, announces that all the disasters that the people have experienced in recent years were sent to them by Yahweh for their criminal slowness in building his house).

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В этом библейском исследовании используется историко-критический метод, включающий текстуальную и литературную критику, библейскую археологию, а также данные изучения религии, истории и древних небиблейских законов.
Сжато и конкретно рассказывается о практической возможности получения рицина. Сведения взяты из открытых научных источников и не является попыткой пропаганды терроризма.
И в прошлом, и в современности, и в будущем настоящим героям всегда есть чем заняться. Даже если они вроде бы как остались не у дел. На долю героев этого сборника рассказов приходится немало приключений, битв и опасностей, из которых они выбираются с честью, куда бы их не забрасывала судьба: в Париж или в глухой уголок Восточной Сибири. Книга содержит нецензурную брань.
Короткая история жизни простого человека, который попал в тяжёлую ситуацию. В один миг вся жизнь перевернулась с ног на голову. Сможет ли он устоять на ногах после удара судьбы?
Šis stāsts ir par jaunu puisi, kurš sapņo mainīt savu dzīvi, satikt draugus un atrast mīlestību. Un arī par mammu, kura bērnam novēl tikai to labāko. Bet vai viņa ir gatava dot viņam tiesības uz laimi? Viņš vēlas īstenot savus plānus, viņa viņu mīl ar smacējošu mīlestību. Kur tas ved? Krāsaini varoņi un negaidīti sižeta pavērsieni, daudzslāņains stāstījums un sociālās sekas padara šo detektīvu par izcilu grāmatu vairāk nekā vienam vakaram.