Анна Сандермоен - The Cult in my Grandmother's House

The Cult in my Grandmother's House
Название: The Cult in my Grandmother's House
Жанры: Публицистика | Современная русская литература | Документальная литература
Серии: Нет данных
ISBN: Нет данных
Год: 2021
О чем книга "The Cult in my Grandmother's House"

When eight-year-old Ania is sent to stay with her grandmother for the summer holidays, she finds a house full of strangers and a grandmother who pretends not to know her. Ania only returns home six years later. This autobiography is about childhood in an illegal cult in the USSR, involving the scientific and creative elite of the Soviet Union. The cult's leader, V. D. Stolbun, claimed to be raising a breed of superhuman immune to any physical or mental illness. Any totalitarian cult is built on a strict hierarchy and is controlled entirely by its leader, whose only motive is power. This is a book about adults betraying the children in their care. It warns us to be wary of anyone who claims to be "saving the world", and contains tools to identify a cult before it is too late. The author managed to free herself from the puppetmaster's grip, but his appalling activities continue to this day. Содержит нецензурную брань.

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Translated from Russian

by Stephanie Droop

Introduction by Kjetil Sandermoen

The story you are about to read was written by my dear wife Ania. It is a true story about a large part of her childhood, and I am sure it will move and impact you.

Among a lot of incredibly shocking anecdotes in this book, the one that touched me the most is where Ania describes how she was sent back to her grandmother’s house, so full of happy and joyful memories, only to find it full of strangers living there in what turned out to be a cult, and her loving grandmother now treating the young girl as if she was an unwanted stranger. That Ania has chosen to call her book The Cult in my Grandmother’s House is probably evidence that this particular part of her story affected her deeply as well.

When I met my wife and she eventually told me just a little bit about her background of growing up in a cult, I must admit I had to discuss with myself how this could have given rise to fears and problems that she would bring with her into our relationship.

Ania is a very strong and proud person and it is not her habit to focus on the negative aspects of life. The childhood stories that she usually shares with friends and family are the fun and nostalgic ones. However, I know that the years taken from her childhood spent in a cult is a painful past that she will always bring with her. I have therefore encouraged her to write this book about these years. It can stand as a warning to any adult who would contemplate joining a cult or a sect, or – as in Ania case even worse – sending your child away to a cult. I believe that writing the book is also a part of a healing process for Ania. It is a story worth writing down and indeed a story worth reading.

Any kind of cult is dangerous and destructive. The core of a cult is sectarianism, which is the idea that members of the cult are convinced that their salvation and success, based on their particular objectives, aggressively require to find converts from outside the cult in order to succeed with their political, religious or ideological project. It is always based on a very oppressive hierarchy, almost always under the dictatorial leadership of a charlatan whose motives are dominance, power, and sexual and material privileges.

The cult that Ania describes in this book is in my opinion extraordinarily dangerous since it claims it can cure disorders like schizophrenia and fatal diseases like cancer. The idea was that children are spoiled and become “weak” by being brought up by their parents and therefore have to be taken care of by strangers. Illness is (according to this cult) a result of negative thinking by weak humans. The leader claimed that the whole world was suffering from schizophrenia (he made a big market for himself). Only his wisdom could cure it.

These ideas were unfortunately in unison with the prevailing ideology of the USSR where they wanted to diminish the family and replace it with upbringing by the Communist Party to create the Homo sovieticus. In the USSR people were also readily accused of being schizophrenic and sent away for forced “treatment” if they had the courage to stand up against this totalitarian system.

I have observed that still today any mental disorder is nonchalantly labelled “schizophrenia” in Russia. It is as if it is not completely understood that this is a very serious, disabling and incurable psychiatric disorder. Schizophrenia involves a number of serious problems with thinking, behaviour or emotions and it requires lifelong medication and treatment. I am absolutely confident that very few – if any – members of this cult were actually suffering from schizophrenia. However, they were manipulated into obedience and treated with ridiculous methods by dilettantes.

As I understand it, this cult still exists and practices its unauthorised “treatment” in the middle of Moscow.

The worst emotional pain a child can experience is to feel abandoned by her parents. Children do not have a choice. A child cannot choose her parents and she cannot choose what is done to her. However, even when let down and treated unfairly, children are equipped with an incredible ability to love their parents. I know that Ania does not feel any hate towards her parents or anyone else. It is not up to me to cast judgments about what Ania parents did to her. The times and the conditions in the USSR were so completely different from anything I myself grew up with, that I can hardly comprehend it. I do believe however, that Ania feels disappointment and an emptiness in her heart where the love for her parents should have been. I do my best to help Ania in finding a perspective in this regard. The best healer however would have been just an honest, “I am sorry for what happened, we did wrong to you”. That would have meant a lot for Ania.

Read, reflect and learn from this excellently written book.

Kjetil Sandermoen,

September 03, 2019

Zug, Switzerland


Under tyranny it is much easier to act than to think.

Hannah Arendt, philosopher


I am a capricious, selfish, critical and permanently dissatisfied little bitch. I’m a materialistic, opportunistic animal, always calculating a few steps ahead. I’m a bourgeoise. At least, this is what I was assured of right from childhood, extensively and persistently, and, I must admit, very successfully.

But once, to my great surprise, my husband told me he liked the fact that I wasn’t some spoilt little European thing, but a steely Russian with a good (albeit a little strange) sense of humour.

I was 39 years old when he proposed to me, and I thought it would be dishonest on my part to unite my life with a person without telling him about my past, about my childhood. I wouldn’t be able to keep silent about this all my life, and if I told him it in snatches, then he might have formed an incomplete or even wrong impression of me. That might have been fine if he was Russian – Russians aren’t fazed by most far-out stories. But he is Norwegian, and he was raised in a decent family, in the sort of abundance I never dreamed of, and, most importantly, surrounded by love and care. A decent environment gave him moral guidance; wealth fostered his severe self-discipline; and love and care made his heart responsive. Therefore, he became not only a reliable partner and a rich man, but also a good father, husband and lover.

I had to go a long way before I found myself.

After all, when adults raise children incorrectly, the children cease to love not the adults, but themselves.

С этой книгой читают
Когда Ане было 8 лет, родители отправили ее на летние каникулы к бабушке. Но, приехав в квартиру, полную счастливых воспоминаний, девочка обнаружила там множество незнакомых людей – и бабушку, которая обращалась с ней как с чужой. Домой Аня вернулась только через шесть лет. Эта книга о детстве в секте. Ее лидер В. Д. Столбун утверждал, что может создать сверхлюдей, способных преодолевать любые физические и психические заболевания. Эта книга о том
«Чертово городище» – это приключенческий роман, в котором переплелись исторические загадки, политические игры, детективный сюжет с убийством и поисками виновных и логический квест с расшифровкой исторических реликвий и старых полузабытых секретных троп. Главный герой книги волею судьбы оказывается в глухой сибирской деревушке и сталкивается с тайной «чертова городища», только раскрыв которую, он может распутать убийство, произошедшее в этой отдал
В современном мире все больше детей живут в окружении разных культур и разных языков. И все чаще так бывает, что родных языков или языков свободного владения у ребенка несколько. Таких детей называют билингвами. И если в вашей семье уже растет билингв, или же вы, родители, планируете растить ребенка билингвом, то эта книга для вас.В ней вы узнаете о том, какие существуют методы и подходы к воспитанию билингвального ребенка и как они вписываются в
«Собака здорова. Рассказы о моей жизни в Советском Союзе» – книга воспоминаний Сони Вестерхольт о жизни в СССР, полной смеха и слез. Соня растет в Ленинграде (нынешнем Санкт-Петербурге) и еще в ранней молодости привлекает к себе внимание власть имущих как человек, критически относящийся к тоталитарной идеологии. Это смешная и грустная история о любви, слежке и абсурдности жизни в тоталитарном обществе.Содержит нецензурную брань.
Книга рассказывает о причинах возникновения силы природной стихии, обрушающейся время от времени на какой-то участок земной территории. В частности, речь идет о силе возникновения ураганных ветров. Она также поясняет, как правильно понимать смысл общего экологического бедствия, как воздействуем на природу лично мы сами, и каким именно способом загрязняем окружающую среду. И, наконец, предлагает задуматься над всем этим, пока еще есть время для ус
Книга доподлинно объясняет явление Иисуса Христа и первопричинную связь его рождения с экологическим состоянием атмосферы Земли того времени. Здесь же разъясняется смысл и второго пришествия со всей его значимостью и последующими метафизическими изменениями, как в пространстве, так и в душах самих людей. В целом, произведение несет в себе поясняющий характер многих процессов земной среды, предлагая заключительные выводы и ставя читателя перед фак
Дорогой читатель! Я пишу свои мысли и суждения. Выражаю собственное мнение. Приветствую дискуссию здравомыслящих людей. Уважаю их мнение. Мы ведь все можем высказывать своё мнение? Давайте будем взаимно вежливы, и не будем воспринимать так остро мнение других только потому, что оно противоположно. Как писал древнегреческий историк Геродот, если не высказаны противоположные мнения, то не из чего выбрать наилучшее.
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