Udin Daniil - The mouse Fly on the Mercury

The mouse Fly on the Mercury
Название: The mouse Fly on the Mercury
Жанры: Детская фантастика | Зарубежные детские книги | Зарубежные приключения
Серии: Нет данных
ISBN: Нет данных
Год: 2022
О чем книга "The mouse Fly on the Mercury"

Exciting adventures of a smart mouse named Fly. This book with colorful illustrations by the author will capture the attention of the youngest readers and introduce them to the planet Mercury.

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Оnce upon a time there was a mouse and his name was Fly.

He lived in the city of Pyatigorsk.

He was the greatest dreamer in the world!

What he wanted to do and what he dreamed of, you will find out from the first chapter.

Chapter I Dream

So you already know who is Mouse Fly. And now I’ll tell you what he dreamed about and what he wanted to do most of all. Here’s what he wanted: his main dream was to fly into space and visit all the planets of the Solar system. But that’s not all what the mouse wanted to do! Exactly, he also wanted to visit all the satellites of the planets of the solar system. But there is a problem here! It is a pity that mice do not fly by themselves, they need a device like real astronauts. «Well, well…» the mouse Fly decided to do it.

«And I’ll collect it!!!»

Chapter II A secret letter

A secret letter.

Mouse Fly as always went home. Where do you think he lived? Imagine: he lived at 14a Baker Street!!! When he got home and sat down in a chair, he began to draw pictures. And then something amazing happened and stood out from his daily life. Just as the mouse managed to take a pencil, there was a knock on the door and mail lion entered. A real mouse lion post. The mouse was immediately very surprised, since he didn’t seem to have any friends, relatives either: «Who can write?»

We’ll find out now. And here’s what the envelope looked like:

Dear Fly!

You probably remember me… I work as a teacher, but I was caught by pirates from the constellation of the Dragon. ey wanted me to give them money, but I didn’t agree. en they dropped me on Mercury in the basement of their base. It’s very hot there, but I’m using my latest invention, which you’ll ĕ nd out later. You probably have a question: «How do I send you a letter from Mercury?» I answer: «I sent him to the scicobite.» My invention, which is not afraid of the hostile atmosphere and Ę ies where it is told.

P.S. Come soon, miss Fokins.

Fly the mouse realized that it was necessary to fly and very quickly!!!

Chapter III. Data collection

Mouse Fly put everything aside and rushed to the library to look for information about Mercury. Three hours later, he gathered the following information: Mercury is the closest to the sun, it is 58,000,000 kilometers away from it, the surface with craters, hills and valleys. The diameter of the planet is 4878 kilometers. One day lasts 59 Earth days. Year – 88 earth days, no satellites. The temperature at night is -183 ° C, during the day 427°C. Average temperature: 67°C. Named after the Roman god of commerce and travel, who was the fastest runner in the competition. In the same way, the planet flies faster than others around the Sun. And with this information, he went to Baker Street to make an apparatus.

Chapter IV Assembling parts (beginning)

Mouse Fly realized the seriousness of the matter and began searching for parts and spare parts. That night, he snuck into the workshop of the Clock World on Avenue Street, he needed spare parts:

20 screws,

40 nuts,

15 iron rails with 4 holes,

1 kettle,

1 skein of twine and 2 plugs.

He plunged into the search… but just as he was preparing the twine and the kettle, they came into the room… Three mice!!! And he saw that these were the pirates of the constellation «Dragon». After learning that they were taking spare parts for their spaceship in the same place, he established himself that he would also succeed. After waiting until they left, the mouse continued his search and an hour later the list looked like this:

Having tied them together and loaded the bag on a stand with wheels, the mouse went home

Chapter V Assembly of the device

And so, when Fly the mouse had the details, he took up the drawings.

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