Андрей Тихомиров, Альбина Ренатовна Мусукеева - The poet is a hero

The poet is a hero
Название: The poet is a hero
Жанр: Историческая литература
Серии: Нет данных
ISBN: Нет данных
Год: 2023
О чем книга "The poet is a hero"

The chronicle of the heroism of the Soviet people includes the immortal feat of the Tatar Soviet poet Musa Jalil, a native of the village of Mustafino in the Sharlyk district of the Orenburg (Chkalov) region, who was seriously wounded and captured by the Nazis. Despite the atrocities of the fascists, he managed to organize an underground group. Betrayed by a traitor and sentenced to death, he remained faithful to the party, the Soviet people, and his beloved Homeland until his last breath.

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Orenburg residents during the Great Patriotic War

The victory over German fascism in World War II is of world-historical importance. The Soviet people and their brave army played a decisive role in this. Orenburg residents also made their contribution (residents of the Chkalov region, the so-called Orenburg region from 1938 to 1957). They, like all soldiers of the Red Army, fought on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War and behind enemy lines, showing courage, military skill, bravery and heroism. They fought heroically in the battles for Kiev, Odessa, Moscow, Sevastopol, Leningrad, Stalingrad. They were among those who fought on Malaya Zemlya and on the Kursk Bulge, stormed Berlin and liberated Prague, ensuring victory over imperialist Japan with their bravery and courage. They fought for every foot of the Soviet land, faithfully fulfilling the slogan inherited from the Civil War: "All for the victory!"

Full cavaliers of the Order of Soldier's Glory were I. S. Artishchev, A. A. Brykin, V. N. Brown, I. G. Mamykin, Yu. V. Kuznetsov, R. N. Medvedev, G. I. Usmanov and others who were awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union for courage and heroism shown in the fight against the Nazi invaders at the final stage of the war. Several thousand natives of the region were awarded military orders and medals of the Soviet Union for crossing the Oder and showing courage in the battles for Berlin. More than 10 thousand Orenburg residents were awarded the medal "For the Capture of Berlin".

The fighting of the partisans is marked by courage and legendary fame. There were many of our countrymen among the famous heroes. The Hero of the Soviet Union, Communist G. M. Linkov, a native of the village of Vasilevka in the Oktyabrsky district, performed unforgettable feats. Already in the autumn of 1941, he became one of the leaders of the movement in the occupied territory of Belarus. The partisans affectionately called him Batey.

Orenburg residents fought with the enemy on the outskirts of their homeland, in anti-fascist resistance groups. The real name of one of the leaders of the partisan detachments in the Nazi-occupied territory of Poland has been unknown for more than 16 years. Now it is precisely established that this legendary man, who caused fear and panic in the enemy camp and won the love and respect of friends, was Komsomol member V. P. Voychenko, a native of the village of Kalinovka in the Gaysky district. As a result of the daring operations of his detachment, the Nazis suffered heavy losses in manpower and equipment.

Orenburg residents will forever remember R. Shershneva, a Komsomol member of the Totsky district, who, after graduating from high school, volunteered for a partisan detachment. The brave partisan scout was in the Belarusian Gastello detachment. In one of the unequal battles, he courageously closed the embrasure of the bunker.

During the Great Patriotic War, the Orenburg Region gave 243 Heroes of the Soviet Union to the Motherland. They were not only born in our region, but also once lived here for a while or still live here. 10 of them are Heroes of the Soviet Union of Tatar origin. They all come from our region. Three heroes were awarded by the Sharlyk district, including the world-famous Tatar poet, Lenin Prize laureate Musa Jalil. 7 out of 10 Heroes of the Soviet Union gave their lives for their Homeland. Four people received this high title of the motherland for crossing the Dnieper: Abdrshin Ramil Khairullovich from the village of Novo-Musino, Sharlyk district, awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union posthumously at the age of 18; Galiev Nurgali Mukhametgalievich from the village of Sarmanaevo, Sharlyk district, Fayzullin Hanif Shakirovich from the village of Verkhniye Chebenki, Sakmar district, awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union posthumously at the age of 22 years old; Staroshirovo Matveevsky district Shamkaev Akram Bileevich.

Orenburg researchers write about the heroes who took an active part in the defense of the Motherland from the Nazi invaders. Among them are Sh. M. Abdrashitov, R. H. Abdrshin, Sh. Fayzullin and others. For the courage and bravery shown during the crossing of the Dnieper, he was awarded the highest award of the country. During the Bialystok amphibious operation, he died during the liberation of the city of Nikolaev, Ya.A. Akhmetshin performed his feat on the territory of Poland. When crossing the Tisza River, Sh.A. Gazitov was killed by a bullet. The young, who did not survive, died. R. H. Abdrshin was born in 1925 in the village of Novomusinino, Sharlyk district, graduated from the Pedagogical College with honors in July 1942, worked as a teacher for some time, was drafted into the Red Army in February 1943, and participated in battles on the Steppe Front from March 1943. He participated in the Battle of Kursk. On November 17, 1943, he was posthumously awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union for his courage and heroism shown during the crossing of the Dnieper and in the battles to hold a bridgehead on the right bank of the river. The famous Shamil Abdrashitov was born in 1925 in Orenburg, graduated from the Orenburg Military School of pilots. From April 1943 to May 1944, he fought with the Nazi invaders as part of the 4th Air Army on the North Caucasus, Crimean and 4th Ukrainian fronts. He participated in the liberation of Kuban, the Taman Peninsula, Crimea, and Ukraine. Sh. M. Abdrashitov was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union on August 2, 1944. He made 242 sorties and shot down 16 enemy aircraft. On May 3, Sh. M. Abdrashitov was killed in an air battle near Cape Chersonesos. One of the streets of the city of Orenburg is named after the Hero. H. S. Fayzullin was born in 1921, died in 1944. Khairutdinov was born in 1924 and died the same year. Yagafar Akhmetshin was born in 1924, died in 1945. The war greedily absorbed new forces, young shoots, and the color of the people. Among those who fought on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War were thousands of Tatars of the Orenburg region, who performed daily feats to establish peace on Russian soil.

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