Tom Cat Luck - The Secret of Perpetual Good Fortune

The Secret of Perpetual Good Fortune
Название: The Secret of Perpetual Good Fortune
Жанры: Финансовые инструменты | Саморазвитие / личностный рост
Серии: Нет данных
ISBN: Нет данных
Год: 2022
О чем книга "The Secret of Perpetual Good Fortune"

You will find out:

– A story based on real events.

– You will learn how to get what you want quickly!

– You will receive the formula of perpetual good fortune.

Read it and become the happiest person in the world!

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Based on a true story

Ten years ago, I discovered a great secret. I gained some new knowledge, which I still constantly use to this day.

Our thoughts become things!

We attract into our lives those things that we think about most.

This is the basic law of attraction according to Rhonda Byrne's book "The Secret".

Undoubtedly, you've already read or heard about it. Thinking about something negative, we attract it. We ourselves create unpleasant situations with our own thoughts. However, if we focus on something good, then we attract positive things.

My first encounter with Rhonda Byrne's "The Secret" occurred in 2009. I was 21 years old at the time. I saw the film "The Secret", and what I learned made a huge impression on me. I gave it some thought and then shared the film with a friend. In the evening, we decided to give this method a try.

According to the film, it's best to start using this force with something small and insignificant. At the time, I was strongly hooked on tobacco and smoked a lot, which undoubtedly affected my health. I gave up smoking a long time ago and feel just wonderful now. But back then, standing near the house, I suggested to my friend that we try attracting a cigarette. It was corny, but after a couple of minutes this guy came our way. And he treated us to a freebie. We were really surprised: although we only tried bumming one cig from him, he actually dished out two. At the time, I noted: "See, it works! You and I both wished for a cig, and, voila, we each got one!"

That day a little miracle happened.

Thoughts become things!

You can focus positive desires or thoughts on anything. For example, on holidays in various countries, buying a home or a car, searching for love and happiness, etc. All this knowledge will help you become a truly strong, happy, and successful person.

But now you have a chance to master an ability that significantly increases the power of thoughts, and to attract what you want as quickly as possible!

How can you speed up attracting what you desire?

In my book, I described in detail the techniques that will help you realize even your wildest dreams much faster! And using the formula of perpetual good fortune, you can achieve pretty impressive results!

The day after discovering the secret, I focused on money. I kept running over and over in my mind that I wanted to find money. Two weeks passed, and one morning on the way to work I found two large bills on the street. I was already starting to lose hope and faith in this power. But a miracle happened again! I picked up the money, and from that moment on, I began to take note of everything that I managed to attract with the power of my thoughts. In a sense, I began to construct a kind of map of these events. I was curious what influences the power of attraction and, most importantly, the speed of realizing desires. After all, it took two whole weeks before I found the money.

Just imagine a power that will enable you to quickly realize your desires.

Since that day, my goal has been to find a method of speeding up desire attraction.

I was working as a foot courier and was always on the move. I was living in a metropolis. Realizing that it's rather difficult to find huge sums of money, and that, most likely, I'd have to return them anyways, I focused on relatively small amounts. I would just sort of make a request that I wanted to find some money. A few days or weeks would pass, and, once again, I'd find a crisp bill on the ground. The larger the sum I requested, the more time it took before I found it. For example, one time, I made a wish to find a whole wallet full of money. But it just wouldn't happen. From time to time, I'd repeat this request in my head. And still no result, although I was constantly on the lookout. I was always searching – be it in public transport or walking to a given address, I was constantly looking around, carefully scanning the ground at my feet. I knew exactly what I wanted to find. A whole month passed, but still there was nothing. And then one day, after work, I was waiting for the traffic light to change at a busy intersection. I closed my eyes and very loudly – as if wanting everyone to hear, but only in my head! – I repeated my request: I want to find a wallet full of money. A couple of days passed, and again in the evening after work, passing by a grocery store, I noticed a wallet behind a dumpster. What I felt as I picked it up was absolutely incredible. Total darkness, not a soul in sight. Picking up that bulging wallet, I saw it was jam-packed full of money. It was practically bursting with bundles. I felt a huge rush of adrenaline and a powerful sense of good fortune! As I continued walking home, this sense of magical magnetism just overwhelmed me. I realized that it had finally happened. It's very difficult to convey what I felt in words. The feeling was very intense and lasted quite long. Thus, I discovered the first method of fast attraction: loud thoughts.

Right now, at this very moment, close your eyes and in your mind repeat very loudly:

"I want one million for personal use."

Try it!

"I need one million for personal use!"

Don't worry, I'll tell you how you can easily earn this money! And as for the currency – that's for you to decide.

Have you done it?

If not, there's no point in continuing to read "The Secret of Perpetual Good Fortune", although it's interesting!

Well, have you done it?

So, here's the question.

When will you get it?

What does it take to make this sum a reality?

To attract this serious million and make it yours?

According to Rhonda Byrne, you should start with something small: for example, focus on a cup of coffee. Or on a cigarette, as I did. And, yes, smoking is bad for your health! You'll find that the fruits of attraction will manifest very quickly. Someone will treat you to a cup of coffee, or you'll buy it yourself. Perhaps there's a chance of getting some free coffee at the place where you work. At that moment when I accidentally found the packed wallet near the grocery store, I made the first step towards understanding how this force works – specifically, how to quickly attract considerable abundance and prosperity into my life.

Imagine a magnet. Small and weak, it attracts small bits of metal. Its magnetic field isn't strong enough to attract a large metal object.

Likewise in life: to attract something weighty, you'll need more power. The more powerful the thought, the stronger the force of attraction, and the more wealth and prosperity we attract.

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