Viktor Gitin - The Testing of a Wizard

The Testing of a Wizard
Название: The Testing of a Wizard
Жанры: Любовное фэнтези | Пьесы и драматургия
Серии: Нет данных
ISBN: Нет данных
Год: 2022
О чем книга "The Testing of a Wizard"

This play was written twenty years ago. Over the years, it has been performed many times in Russian theatres and youth art studios. Ten years ago, music and lyrics were written for this play. It has become a wonderful fantasy musical. The play has now been translated into English. The play will be of interest to anyone who is fond of fantasy literature, modern drama, social psychology, and philosophy.

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QUEEN – The ageing widow, quarrelsome and nagging ruler of the country.

FADRIUS – Court Wizard, who is losing his magical powers to old age, also, Gelo’s teacher.

GELO – Young apprentice of Fadrius, awaiting to be accepted into Wizardry.

LIZY – Lady in waiting, Gelo’s fiancé

HERMIT – Lonely man, living in the mountains away from the world and the people in it.

CANNIBAL – Man-eating robber, who lives in the woods, near a highway.

FISHERMAN – Happy man, living on an island with his family.

VEDALIA – A witch and the owner of ‘Store of Temptations’, which entices people and sells them different temptations in return for part of their souls.


* * * * *

Act One

Scene One.

The hall of the Queen’s palace. A mixture between a wizard’s study and a palace’s hall. There is a table with papers, books, and retorts on the stage. On the side of the stage there hangs a big replica hourglass symbolizing the motion of time.

On Stage there are Gelo and Lizy. Gelo is attentively shifting through papers and at the same time reading books. Lizy who is bored, walks from armchair to settee humming to herself. Then she quietly sneaks up to Gelo.

LIZY – Gelo, you are so clever and well read. Why do you need to know even more, than you already do? (Whilst trying to play with his hair)

GELO(Displeased) Stop it, Lizy. You are getting in the way. You do know that I have my test soon. Before I can become a real Wizard.

LIZY – So What? Is it really that scary? Probably not as scary as the smile on the Queen’s face in the morning!

GELO – Nonsense! I cannot imagine the things Fadrius will conjure up for me. But certainly, it will be a very serious test. And elder Wizards, who Fadrius especially invited, will judge it. Only then will I be raised to the rank of a real Wizard.

LIZY – But you already know some magical spells. You can heal various wounds, create fire, and freeze water. If necessary, you could stop and freeze beasts or evil men, among various things, which I cannot remember. For our future family life and welfare, it is quite enough.

GELO.(Unhappy, that he is being disturbed) But it is not enough to be raised to the rank of a Wizard!

LIZY (Playfully) Why do you need this rank when you have me?

GELO – Lizy, how can you say that! It’s two different things!

LIZY – I am a thing?!

GELO – You know what I mean. You know perfectly well that I love you, when the time comes, we will marry, and then we’ll be together…

LIZY – I want it sooner.

GELO – What do you want sooner?

LIZY(Coquettishly) Well you know … be together.

GELO – Be patient. As soon as I become a Wizard, we’ll definitely be together.

LIZY(Upset and displeased) But to get married you don’t need to be a Wizard! Other people get along fine without a rank, get married and have children. Or cannot you do it without magic…

GELO(Very displeased) I can do anything! Stop this, Lizy!

LIZY – Do you really need to be a Wizard to be a real man?

GELO – What do you mean?!

LIZY(Sadly) Nothing much…

GELO(Irritated) I can’t get married until I get tested to become a Wizard, because a Wizard is not an ordinary person. And by the rules, when you agree to marry me you have to fully understand, who you are marrying: An ordinary citizen or to someone whose life is devoted to magic and sorcery. So, if I get married before my testing, I will break the rules and I won’t be able to become a Wizard.

LIZY – Just don’t get cross. I didn’t want to upset you. It’s just that I love you. And you don’t even notice that I’m next to you.

GELO – Yes, you’re rather hard to miss! It is easier to miss a storm or a hurricane, than trying to escape your loving capriciousness.

LIZY – But Gelo I also need attention. But you’re just stuck in your books, and don’t leave them for days. Why don’t you look at me for just a minute?

GELO(Wanting to reconcile) Lizy, you know! Everything I’m doing is not for myself. My goal – is not just to become a Wizard but a truly great one. Teacher Fadrius thinks I have everything you need to become one. But for that I need to work and study hard.

LIZY – But life is so long you will have time to learn everything you need. But sometimes you just have to take a break. To live a simple and non-magical life. To love me…just a little bit.

GELO – Lizy, don’t talk like that. I always love you. But I have responsibilities. The current situations in the kingdom are not going very well. Fadrius is very old and is losing his powers. And he cannot help out the Queen, like he used to. I need to hurry so that I can support my teacher and help the kingdom.

LIZY – So that’s why you want to read all those knowledgeable books?

GELO – That’s one of the reasons.

LIZY(Coquettishly) Aren’t you afraid that we will get old before you will read all of them? And then neither you nor me will want anything.

GELO(Laughing) Only if you turn out to be a nagging and quarrel-some old woman like our Queen. In this case I won’t be needing anything from you.

LIZY – But do you really need anything from me now?

GELO(Putting his hands around her waist) Yes, I do! A kiss for example.

LIZY – Do you think you deserve one?

GELO – Am I guilty of something?

LIZY – You men are all so self-confident! You’re assured that just because you haven’t done anything bad, you can get everything you want. But now you will have to earn it! (Runs to the side) You want a kiss – catch me!

GELO (Joyfully) You think I won’t catch you?

LIZY – Only if you don’t use your magic!

GELO – And here I don’t even need it.

They Run around the stage. Gelo tries to catch Lizy. She avoids being caught.

LIZY – You won’t catch me!

GELO – I will!

Gelo catches Lizy, hugs her and they kiss passionately. Fadrius walks on stage. At first, he looks at them puzzled, then he walks to the other side. They don’t seem to notice him. He shows a rainbow of expressions, from a smile to a frown. And then starts to cough very loudly. Lizy and Gelo are startled and move away from each other.

GELO(Awkwardly, moves from one foot to another) S-S-Sorry, teacher… We didn’t hear you come in… We were … just….

FADRIUS – I saw you – just!

LIZY(Looking sheepishly down) If I’m not needed here, I think I’d rather go …

FADRIUS – Don’t stay on my account!

LIZY – Thanks. (Running off)

FADRIUS – I hope, what I saw wasn’t the only thing you were doing while I was away?

GELO – Of course it wasn’t, teacher. I re-read carefully the manuscript of «Great Magical Achievements». And learned two new spells of wind.

FADRIUS – Wind? Perhaps, that’s why all your feeling and thoughts are all over the place!

С этой книгой читают
1. Среди легенд коми-пермяцкого прозаического эпоса много сказов о жизни Перы и его брата Мизи. Паляница или Поленица – богатырша из русских былин. Как знать, может могла существовать о них и такая легенда.2. Среди рассказов о восточных Ромео и Джульетах – "Тахир и Зухра", "Фархад и Ширин", "Лейла и Меджнун" – на мой взгляд не хватает хотя бы одной с оптимистичным финалом. Хочу восполнить этот недостаток.
Кассандра всегда отличалась взбалмошным характером. Еще бы! Танцевать в объятиях пламени в придорожных тавернах на это не каждый способен. Для Кэсс же это был единственный способ заработать себе на кусок хлеба. Только вот встретился однажды ей на пути чернокнижник... Холодный такой, насмешливый, но магии обученный и в том умелый. А значит нужно за ним увязаться и не дать больше спокойной жизни! Кто ж знал, что пламенное сердце сумеет растопить ле
Тесса Остин жила обычной жизнью среднестатистической студентки: скромной, симпатичной с любящими родителями и любимым хобби. Самой главной мечтой было организовать выставку своих картин. Но однажды она оказалась не в том месте не в то время, и водоворот случайностей затянул Тессу в приключения, полные опасностей и неожиданных открытий о тайной стороне этого мира и ее собственном предназначении. Оказалось, что среди обычных людей живут оборотни, о
Моё девятнадцатилетие! И чем, вы спросите, оно особенное? А я встретила ЕГО. Буквально всё говорило о звериной натуре гостя: и внешность, и дикая грация в движениях, и весь облик в целом. Взгляд бездонных чёрных глаз завораживал, замирала как добыча перед опасным хищником. А больше всего пугали эмоции, которые внезапно обрушивались на меня, когда находилась рядом с ним. Что нас связывает? И почему не в силах противостоять влечению?
Тексты, вошедшие в эту книгу, адресованы всем, кто продолжает искать, вдумываться, анализировать и бороться за право свободно жить, говорить и мыслить.
Русский Север – беспощадный и потрясающе красивый мир! Здесь даже летом лежат снега, а ветра над сопками не стихают ни на секунду. Вести войну в таких условиях – задача, граничащая с безумием.Конец июня 1941 года. Горные стрелки элитной дивизии «Эдельвейс» рвутся к главному форпосту Северного флота – Мурманску. Лейтенанту-пограничнику Алексею Речкину во главе небольшой группы красноармейцев удалось ненадолго затормозить стремительный рывок немецк
Это очень профессиональная проза. С наблюдательностью, с точным воспроизведением речи, с мастерским выстраиванием диалогов, с благородным лаконизмом языка, с сильными сквозными образами, с «боковой подачей» темы (когда самое главное происходит не на первом плане, а где-то сзади – как в фильмах Алексея Германа). Профессионализм стал довольно редким явлением в современной литературе – так что от души радуешься самому факту наличия профессионализма.
Александр Карасёв родился в 1971 году в Краснодаре. Окончил истфак и юрфак КубГУ. В звании лейтенанта командовал взводом внутренних войск на чеченской войне. Известность писателю принесла книга «Чеченские рассказы», ставшая открытием года Бунинской премии (2008).Эта книга о том, как вживается, втягивается в войну нормальный человек, как война становится его жизнью, становится очень быстро и незаметно для него самого. Книга содержит нецензурную бр