Emilia Dark - Under my boss' table

Under my boss' table
Название: Under my boss' table
Жанры: Эротические романы | Эротическая литература
Серии: Нет данных
ISBN: Нет данных
Год: 2021
О чем книга "Under my boss' table"

Seductive, sexy and so gorgeous a man! My boss is just a gift for me! I dreamed for so long that he would pay attention to me… And my dream came true! He invited me to become his mistress. “Just sex and no commitment!” My boss is teaching me things I never knew existed! Every day I learn the art of love right in the office! For his sake, I am ready for any adventure. He opens up new horizons of sex for me! But can I continue to put up with the role of a mistress and share him with another? # Jealousy # BDSM # Submission

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I have always despised women who separated husbands from their families and entered into relationships with married men. But it happened that I became like this.

It just so happened that a few months ago I got a job at a very prestigious company. I gave myself to work totally and completely. I was interested in joining a new team and making new acquaintances. But above all I was interested in him, my boss.

His name was Edward, he was an exceptional and very handsome man. At first it seemed to me that he was always angry and unhappy with life, but on looking closer, I noticed that he could be fun and interesting.

Of course, he didn't pay attention to me at first, even though our offices were located opposite to each other. But after a while it seemed to me that sometimes he would not stop looking at me.

At first I tried to calm down, but then I was absolutely convinced that he was looking at my body as he passed by!

Then, he noticed me! What was he experiencing? Yes, I was in seventh heaven! On top of it all, he personally began teaching me and explaining to me some of the subtleties of the job and the nuances associated with company activities. And then I definitely managed to understand that he liked me and that he was trying to start an affair with me. But as it turned out a bit later, it was just my imagination.

His attitude towards me was purely professional and he helped me only because he was interested in the prosperity of the company. As my colleagues told me, he had a wonderful young wife, whom he loved madly.

He didn't notice any woman at all, except his wife. And I, in turn, went crazy for him. I'd be a fool to forget him, but I couldn't sleep or eat at all. He became my obsession!

And I was so mad that all my clues were being ignored! I understood that he was faithful to his wife, and I had always respected those men, but not in Edward's case…

It seemed to me that this simply could not happen, because all men cheat on their wives. At least in dreams! Had he ever even thought about trying to start a relationship with another woman? What if I turned out to be better than his wife?

Dreams, dreams… My libido haunted me, day and night I thought about him, went crazy and imagined how we would be together! I dreamed that he would leave his wife and become mine! I didn't care that he was married.

I really wanted to become his lover, well, at least once! I mentally pictured myself in his strong male embrace, in the touch of his hands and lips. I fell asleep and woke up thinking about him. I thought of various plans on how to approach him, but didn't dare.

Four months later, I was still going crazy for my boss. And then there was an opportunity: his birthday. It was planned that at night the whole team would be invited to the restaurant and there I would put all my charm to work! I was going to do my best to get him!

I did my hair nicely and put on a sexy open-back dress. Of course, he was present at the restaurant with his wife.

I wanted to sink to the ground of jealousy! I was burning with envy for her! She wasn't ugly, but she couldn't be called too beautiful either. So there she was, a normal girl, of which there are so many.

Throwing my wicked glances, I soon found myself thinking that I was so addicted to the boss that I couldn't imagine my life without him. Between us there was only her, his beloved wife.

The evening was lost and I became sad, but after a while, happiness smiled at me, as she went home. I decided not to waste my time. First, I asked him to dance and he didn't turn me down.

“My God, I'm dancing with the best man on the planet!” I thought.

At one point, he closed his eyes and pressed himself against my hair. I felt him smelling it. Our bodies were so close that I felt the movement on his shoulders too!

We danced and it seemed to me that at that moment we were more united than ever! But when the music ended, I looked at him. He was completely indifferent. Of course, he congratulated me and thanked me for the dance.

The rest of the evening I was with him and I thought he might be interested. He smiled and was amused. I had already imagined how we would meet the dawn together. How he would hug me and kiss me. I really wanted this.

All the guests started to go home and I happened to ask him if I could go in his car. He did not refuse again, and I already thought that half the job was done, because it was already a success. It's just me and him in the car, just the two of us!

He said that he had to stop by the office and drop something off. But it didn't matter at all. I decided that I would tell him my feelings.

When we got to the office, he got out of the car and I followed him. I found Edward leaving the office.

He asked:

“Elvira, did you want something?”

And then, without hesitation, I replied:

“Yes only you!”

I walked over to him and practically touched his lips to mine. I felt his breath on the skin of my cheek, and at that moment I did not want to part of him. I hugged his neck and touched him gently with my lips, inhaled the scent of his body and felt my legs literally give way!

Of course, he didn't expect this and tried to back off first, but he leaned against the office door. I approached him and our bodies touched. I felt a pleasant warmth and pleasure from such intimacy spreading within me. I was in seventh heaven! I dreamed about this a lot and had waited for this moment!

He was completely angry, with an overabundance of feelings, I was so pleased. And the next second I felt how he took me so tightly in his arms, that I even whispered:

“I am all yours, in your grasp…”

He gently touched my face with his hand and I thought he liked me. Once more he touched me with his lips and I already imagined that he was beginning to kiss me back. Oh, if at that moment he would grab me and lead me to the office couch, then I would give myself to him completely without any hesitation!

But those turned out to be just my dreams and desires, which I had embraced so closely that they appeared to me always and everywhere. I have had many dreams in which my boss and I were together.

But the reality was completely different. He really did grab me by the shoulders, but only to stop me, and his words were lost like the sound of a broken heart:

“What are you doing? Stop! I'm married and I'm not interested in you at all!”

These words were like an ice shower, from which I instantly woke up. When I looked into his eyes, there was only shock and bewilderment. There was no attraction in them, they didn't need me, neither as a woman, nor as another person…

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