Нарша Булгакбаев - Unlimited Confidence

Unlimited Confidence
Название: Unlimited Confidence
Жанры: Книги по философии | Общая психология | Основы психологии
Серии: Нет данных
ISBN: Нет данных
Год: 2021
О чем книга "Unlimited Confidence"

The whole problem is that our faith is wrong and not true. In this case, there is no boundless certainty, instead there is an imaginary life, "Slave Thinking" and dependence. Nobody will tell you about this. Today's media, television, especially the Internet and social networks, do not tell you about the dangers of negative information, but rather propagandize the benefits of lying sold for money. They will attack your brain with all their might to get your attention.

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Who am i?

Wise people often ask themselves this question in order to know themselves, but in order to find the answer to this question, they live a lonely life for many years and completely renounce the world. I don’t think it needs to be repeated, and I am convinced that the answer is inside, it will definitely be found. But you need to search both externally and internally, but, first of all, the answer to this question was given to me by intuition (the unconscious part of consciousness), because I asked her this question all the time. I didn’t want to hear such answers: «I don’t deserve to be happy», «My deeds in this life are over», «I have lost and will never be cured», and I received the answer that the Creator wanted and I am infinitely sure of this: «You you deserve to be happy!»,» You will prove to everyone!»,» You will defeat this disease and be cured!».

Peace, mercy and blessing of God be with you. Let me start with the name of God! And let me introduce myself.

My name is Narsha, I am Kazakh! My profession is a general practitioner lover (I have invented such a profession for myself). I have no higher education, but I studied in the professions of «psychology» and «philosophy». But I had to leave the university not because I did not want to study, but because I had a «serious illness.» I have been fighting a very negative, unpleasant disease for 5 years, and I am very confident that I will win this fight. Because there is no incurable disease. Both the disease and its cure were created. This is my first book that I write in English. I hope you will treat it with understanding, since English is not my thinking language, my thinking language is Kazakh and I’ll say right away that the book is experimental, the main thing I want to check is how interesting people are with my thoughts and spelling. I will correct it in the future, if necessary.

About «serious illness»

Mom had a bad dream, then I got very sick a few days later, then life changed dramatically and I was diagnosed with «Bad Illness» (this was in 2017), and then I started hanging around with doctors, they have no mercy and kindness, and then I started to lose interest in everything. I moved from place to place several times and experienced many difficulties. I completely forgot about entertainment, that they exist in life at all. But for five years I didn’t just look at the sky. Despite all these difficult times (stress, depression, aggression), I understood the most important thing: doctors will not help me and no one can help me now.

I didn’t care, there was nothing to lose. Maybe I still have a little life left and I wanted to devote the rest of my life to my loved ones in order to make them happy, to make them joyful, but this did not happen, I could not give others a feeling of happiness, my parents became even worse. But then I realized the most important thing: firstly, I cannot make others happy without making myself happy myself. At first I did not feel happy, and I realized that in such a state I was not needed by anyone. Secondly, I realized that I could not do anything useful and good for others without making myself happy and without defeating the disease on my own. In general, as you noticed, if a person is «bad» or «sick,» no one needs him.

I wanted to know more about types of diseases and general medicine. It became clear to me that it takes time and a lot of work to fight the disease, before that I could not solve the problem of time and motivation for this work, the problem of faith and hope, the problem of action. That is, I must decide what to do next.

In the first years it was not easy for me to adapt, but then I learned, mastered the tactics and methods of struggle in order to change myself and by the will of God I did it. But of course I’m still struggling… In general, my main dream was to have time to write a book.

I remember in childhood, my father told me: every day you write a diary, and then in 20—30 years it will become a book and you will have your own book of life. I told him: «The angels are writing on both shoulders, why should I take a steam bath?». But then I was only twelve, sometimes I regret not listening to my father just then, although these words made me think.

At the beginning there were such thoughts «I can find something even more useful than this occupation», «Isn’t it useless?». There were thoughts like «I can’t», «I am not feeling well». Then I thought: «Maybe this is fun, the most important thing does not hurt.» But I searched a lot, found all this knowledge and nevertheless wrote a book with my terrible English language for which I apologize initially. But I hope you understand the meaning and essence of my thoughts.

A year after my illness, I began to write a book, and even before I got sick, I had a diary, but to fight the illness I needed something serious – to write a book and not to deceive myself, not to amuse myself, «I decided to write a real book, in order to help myself, I will help myself, that means I will help others, at least I will bother loved ones less». This was my first voluntary (conscious) statement.

The truth, after all, who is looking for fun, will meet trouble, who is looking for business, wealth will meet. How do you like that? Or do you think you copied it from the Internet? Writing a book is also work, we need to be able to perceive it that way.

In general, in my entire life (I am 23 years old) I have received advice, inspiration and motivation from hundreds of people and books, just being at home. So I think that this book will be useful to someone, because I still have experience in how to make a person be happy. Others may think differently because everyone has a different level of consciousness.

Many online audio / video courses (lessons) and books made a great impression on me. After all, they themselves compose, think, write, and speak. I still remember how my parents and I listened, read and discussed their ideas. We were amazed at what we heard and what we read. We can say that books and audio / video courses have revealed to us the main secrets of the universe.

In general, I think that all the useful knowledge gained will forever remain in my memory, although I advise you to repeat them more often, otherwise the effect will disappear. Thanks to all this, I have developed a way of thinking that helps me to be a happy person despite my condition and I think that she will help you too.

Why did you disappear?

The invisible person is either dead or a stranger. Many could forget that I was still alive, since for some time they did not see my face. But I had no intention of communicating with others. All my friends asked me: «Why did you disappear? Did you die?». Friends didn’t run away from me, I just didn’t want to communicate with anyone, because I thought: what other people can give me besides advice and support like «Everything will be fine», etc., in this case I had to look inside. Where did I go wrong? When did I go wrong? How did this happen to me? Where can I find the answers to all my questions? That’s just the same, I began to struggle with myself with questions.

С этой книгой читают
После изучения и освоения принципов и законов жизни ваша жизнь будет полна счастья, любви, свободы, уверенности и денег. Но нужно понимать, что никто не может дать ложного обещания: «Только я могу сделать тебя счастливым», потому что невозможно сделать человека счастливым, человек должен научиться быть счастливым сам. Цель этой книги не только мыслить позитивно, но и сделать другой, правильный шаг – научиться мыслить по законам жизни.
Адамның өз мүмкіндіктерін іске асыруға деген құштарлығы бар. Проблема мынада, бұл өсуге және дамуға деген ұмтылыс – бақытты болуға және қанағаттануға кедергі келтіреді. Бізде өмір туралы үш қате сенім бар:Біріншісі: менде жоқ нәрсе, менде бар нәрседен артық. Бізді қоршаған өмір, әрқашан біздің барымыздан артығырақ болып көрінеді.Бұл сенімдердің екіншісі – менде бар болса да, көбірек болғаны жақсы болар еді.Және үшіншісі: мен қалағанымды алсам не
Күнделікті газеттер беттерінен (менің ойымша газет оқитындар әлі бар), кинотеатрлар мен теледидар экранынан, кітаптар мен көшедегі жарнамадан, интернеттен, әлеуметтік желілерден біз басқа адамдардың дауыстарын естиміз, олар бізге не ойлау керектігін айтады, бізге қалай өмір сүру керектігін және неге сену керектігін түсіндіреді. Cол себепті бәріміз попугайға айналдық. Мен жазған идеяларды оқыңыз және олардың пайдасын өз тәжірибеңізде сынап көріңіз
Вы можете написать свой план как свою историю. Если сейчас можно творить историю, зачем ждать смерти? Все, что нас окружает, – это действительно история. Вы можете написать свою судьбу так, как хотите этого сами.
В сборнике представлена переработанная редакция краткого поэтического пересказа избранных «Диалогов» древнегреческого философа Платона
В современном обществе создалась весьма своеобразная ситуация, которая заключается в том, что понятия о многих добродетелях стали весьма расплывчатыми и туманными. И это еще в лучшем случае. А нередко эти понятия наполнились совершенно новым смыслом. Полным многочисленных и разнообразных искажений и извращений их истинного смысла. Государство перестало заботиться о духовном здоровье населения. И это естественно и закономерно породило нравственный
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С самого детства мы пытаемся найти свое место под солнцем – утвердиться в компании друзей, завоевать признание или чью-то любовь, но каждый действует по-своему. Эта история о девчонках с твоего двора, подругах. Леся старается всем угодить, но в поиске всеобщего признания забывает о себе. Ира хочет главенствовать, не понимая, что превращается в тирана. Наташа живет прошлым. А Симкина выбирает путь аутсайдера.
Спустя много лет в компанию молодых людей возвращается друг детства. У Даны и Вовы возникает необъяснимая тяга друг к другу, не в силах противиться которой, однажды они оказываются в объятиях друг друга. Любовная связь с оборотнем (которым на самом деле является Вова, в мире магии – Влад) провоцирует инициацию скрытого дара Даны и перенос в магический мир. Дар девушки многолик и могуществен, многие маги хотели бы обладать такой девушкой-сильфидой
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Если вы устали плыть по течению и хотите изменить жизнь – начните прямо сейчас! Автор книги, известный психолог Константин Довлатов разработал уникальную методику, которая преобразит вашу жизнь, – «Духовную интеграционику».Методика запускает скрытые ресурсы и способности, благодаря которым вы начинаете принимать правильные решения, привлекать нужных людей, ваше самочувствие улучшается, все складывается удачно, как бы само собой. Изменения происхо