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Venus transits
Название: Venus transits
Жанры: Учебная литература | Астрология | Практическая эзотерика
Серии: Нет данных
ISBN: Нет данных
Год: 2024
О чем книга "Venus transits"

This book is dedicated to the transits of Venus, and it can be used at any time. In the natal chart of every person, Venus occupies a specific sign and house (according to the moment of birth), influencing this area throughout life. The transiting Venus, moving through the entire zodiac in the sky, sequentially influences each house, affecting all areas of life. With the help of Venus' transits, predictions are made about relationships, the outcome of romantic encounters, financial opportunities, and much more.

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The transits of Venus help us understand when it is appropriate to begin new romantic relationships and when it is not, what these relationships might lead to, and how long they may last. They also provide insight into the best times to avoid marriage, the potential influences on your financial situation, and much more.

It is important to track the transits of Venus to minimize disappointment in love, especially when relationships that started so beautifully end up leading nowhere. Venus's transits can explain why this happens, although it is also essential to consider the placements of the natal planets and other transits.

About Venus Transits

Venus travels through the entire zodiac to enjoy the qualities of each sign and each house. In every position, Venus fulfills some of her desires and then moves to another place (another sign or house) to bring herself pleasure there as well.

The strongest position for Venus is the sign of Pisces. Here, Venus is exalted and receives the maximum potential.

The weakest position for Venus is the sign of Virgo. In Virgo, Venus is debilitated and receives minimal opportunities.

The own signs of Venus are Taurus and Libra. In these signs, Venus is slightly weaker than in Pisces.

The friendly signs for Venus are Gemini, Capricorn, and Aquarius. In these signs, Venus is not as strong as in her own signs or in the sign of exaltation, but she still performs quite successfully.

The neutral signs for Venus are Aries, Scorpio, and Sagittarius. Neutrality implies indifference and detachment. These signs neither energize Venus significantly nor deplete her energy. Here, Venus manifests in a balanced, average way—neither poorly nor excellently.

The hostile signs for Venus are Cancer and Leo. These are unfavorable placements that deprive Venus of her potential.

Venus typically stays in one sign for less than a month and completes a journey through the entire zodiac in 224 days. It becomes retrograde for about one and a half months every year and a half. Due to its fast movement, Venus does not have enough time to form any significant events. In each sign, Venus remains for approximately three weeks, and in one degree, it stays for about a day (except during its retrograde period).

The transit of Venus pertains to the realms of relationships, love, intimate connections, finances, and personal values.

Depending on the sign and house through which transiting Venus moves, as well as the aspects it forms (Venus aspects the 7th house from itself, including any planets located there) during its transit, one can assess a person’s emotional state at a given moment. It becomes possible to understand where their feelings are directed, how happy or unhappy they are, their relationships with others, their current financial situation, and who or what might be influencing these aspects.

If Venus is free from negative aspects (taking into account not only the planets in the natal chart but also the transits of other planets), it brings good fortune in matters related to the house it transits through, alleviates tension, or even eliminates it entirely. The degree of success depends on the quality and strength of Venus in the natal chart, as well as the nature of the transiting aspects.

Venus transits should be closely monitored when planning the purchase of expensive items, important negotiations, financial transactions, or a wedding.

When meeting someone new, Venus's position can indicate what to expect from the encounter. Conjunctions or favorable aspects between transiting Venus and the natal Venus, or other planets in the natal chart, can point to beneficial or pleasant encounters. Negative aspects, however, warn to exercise caution, avoid rushing to conclusions about the situation or the person who has entered your life. The houses ruled by Venus (Taurus and Libra), the house where transiting Venus is currently located, and the aspects formed by transiting Venus at the time will reveal specific areas of concern.

Harmonious aspects of transiting Venus on the day of a wedding promote the formation of a family built on mutual understanding. Negative aspects, on the other hand, may reveal the reason for the marriage (e.g., a marriage of convenience) or suggest that the couple's relationship will face challenges. Similar observations apply to other matters associated with Venus.

Favorable aspects of transiting Venus bring prosperity, success, joy, and fulfillment of desires. During such times, people tend to be softer, more agreeable, sensitive, and delicate. If tensions exist in relationships, these aspects can defuse conflicts and smooth over differences. People become more understanding of one another and even more open. There is often a desire to make changes in relationships, seek mutual understanding, and embrace love, vivid emotions, and connection.

Intimate meetings, dates, engagements, and proposals are highly relevant during this period. It is an excellent time for celebrations, parties, and weddings. Creative inspiration is also heightened, and people often feel drawn to beauty, leading them to visit exhibitions and museums more frequently. The desire to socialize brings them to public gatherings, presentations, or meetings with friends. It is a favorable period for visits, new acquaintances, and relaxing with pleasant company.

Favorable aspects can also indicate financial gain. The house where Venus is transiting and the planet it aspects (also considering planets located near transiting Venus, if applicable) will reveal the source or nature of this gain.

Unfavorable aspects of transiting Venus bring disappointments, a bad mood, despondency, laziness, apathy, depression, and difficulties in expressing emotions. On the other hand, depending on the planet Venus aspects, there may be heightened emotions, hysteria, affectation, carelessness, capriciousness, frivolity, indulgence in one’s desires, excessive emotional demands, and dissatisfaction with a partner. All these factors create tension between people, disrupt harmony in relationships, and may lead to conflicts and scandals.

Broken hopes and heightened sensitivity contribute to feelings of offense and grievances. Communication fails to bring satisfaction, leading to doubt in one’s partner. There may be a cooling of feelings, which the other partner may perceive acutely. This cooling can either be temporary or reflect a real emotional distance. During this time, a partner’s infidelity may come to light, potentially resulting in separation.

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