Юрий Буреве - Young Wife. Erotica

Young Wife. Erotica
Название: Young Wife. Erotica
Жанры: Эротические романы | Эротическая литература | Секс / секс-руководства
Серии: Нет данных
ISBN: Нет данных
Год: 2024
О чем книга "Young Wife. Erotica"

In an exciting and provocative novel, the author immerses readers in the complex world of growing up and self-determination. The main character becomes a young girl who has recently married, who suddenly finds herself facing many new trials and temptations of adulthood.

As she learns to combine the role of wife, lover and independent personality, her inner world is filled with doubts, passions and unexplored desires. Sensuality and intrigue force her to reconsider her ideas about love, loyalty and freedom. Each chapter reveals her emotional and physical experiences in a new way, leading to unexpected discoveries and sweet bliss.

The novel offers not only immersion into the exciting world of erotic fantasies, but also deep reflection on how to find a balance between personal desires and public expectations. This is a story about self-discovery, courage and finding your own way in the maze of modern relationships.

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Chapter 1. Cold

– Nat, are you coming to the party?

– Who will be there?

– All ours.

– Maybe. Everyone there will be useless, some kind of poor people, that means, – said Natalya, taking off her house pants, getting ready to go to the shower.

– Well, will you come or not?

– Let's see. Will that handsome guy come?

– Who?

– Sasha, fair-haired, he still has cheekbones.

– This is Vera's boyfriend.

– Which one is this?

– Yes, you saw her, we were at the disco together, then she left with some guy, she didn’t even say goodbye, bitch.

– And this slut, fuck her. Okay, friend, I have serious things to do here, I'm busy.

She threw the phone on the couch and took off the last of her clothes, leaving red thin panties next to the phone, and, having sniffed them, put them next to the phone. Then she picked it up again, scrolled through the feed, found some videos, forgot that she needed to go to the bathroom, sat back on the couch, lifting one leg, and her labia parted.

When she felt a little chilly without her clothes, she said, " Brrrrr ," and walked away, wiggling her firm ass, which no one saw at that time.

The bottle of shampoo she had picked up fell over and she wanted to squat down and wash her hair in that position to give her legs a rest, which had been pretty sore, aching and stretched since yesterday from standing bent over for a long time while the bartender had sex with her at the counter after her shift ended and the small restaurant she worked in closed.

But although her anus hurt, she didn’t pay attention to it, especially since it didn’t interfere with standing on her feet, and she definitely didn’t want to sit on a small plastic chair right now.

This was her favorite place where she liked to take male members, after blowjobs, which she did with ease anywhere, if the guy asked her about it twice, when, having refused after the first time, she agreed to the second, and she tried not to change this rule in the last six months, after one guy she really liked did not want to have sex with her. She could not understand this, because he was married, had children, but did not succumb to provocative hints, and, having dropped her off after driving her home at night after work, having picked her up at the bus stop, he quickly left.

She always thought that any man wanted her, and even more so if she offered sex, and so after this incident she went on a rampage and did not want to miss any member that could enter her, reminding that mainly in the anus and mouth.

She used her vagina for special occasions, when she really liked a guy and she was sure that he had a big one, because she didn't want to spoil her taste by fucking with smaller ones than she considered necessary.

After working as a prostitute for a few months after her second year of university during the summer holidays, she decided not to do it anymore, and not for moral principles or financial reasons, she just really wanted to sleep at night, and she had a hard time with the night calls, sometimes just falling asleep when another client fucked her. Of course, she couldn't ignore those who had sufficient arguments between their legs, and she couldn't doze off like that.

That same year, she dropped out of university and went on academic leave for a year, undecided whether to drop out completely or wait.

And when one morning after a night shift she went home, forgetting to put on pants, from fatigue and from getting used to the fact that she was more naked than dressed at work. Noticing only when she was standing and waiting for the elevator, and a man in glasses was looking at him very attentively, smiling.

Realizing that the bottom was naked, she, without changing her face for a single facial expression, returned to take the pants. At least she decided to take a break and now she could sleep with men only for twice the amount, which is why she had very few clients, but she had enough for pocket money and beautiful underwear, which she loved to buy, dress in them at home and admire herself in the mirror for a long time, and sometimes, excited by herself, she began to masturbate right standing in the hallway, and if this did not help, she went to the park, dressed in the tightest possible clothes, enticing guys, but this method rarely ended in sex, so she often just called friends, said various pleasant words, seduced them into sex, so that, having arrived, they would have her within the next half hour, she did not like to wait for a long time.

Finally, coming out of the shower, she stuck her finger into her crotch, sniffed it and tasted it, and then, smiling, walked towards the balcony, drying herself with a towel.

The bell rang again, bringing her back to reality.

– Yes. I told you I'd think about it.

Throwing the phone back on the same place on the couch and putting her panties back on, she stood at the mirror, looked at herself and went this time to the kitchen to have a drink and cook dinner. She understood that her friends really wanted to see her present at the event and attract guys, where they were celebrating an incomprehensible date, which Natalia didn't care about. But in order for them to come, they had to be sure that Natasha would come, and they demanded confirmation and even guarantees from her friends, to which they swore that she would definitely come, and if not, they would let them fuck them. They had to go to extremes to make her come, but they didn't dare ask her for a guarantee. They were afraid of her, thinking that she had many fans who had big connections in the city, because it couldn't be any other way.

And before going to bed she wrote that she would drop by, but not for long, and if it wasn't interesting, she would leave quickly. After which her friends began to warn other mutual guy friends that she wouldn't leave right away, they needed to dance with her more.

Every time she came to the party, all the guys were in a good and upbeat mood, which often affected the communication of these same guys with other girls, and they often drank more, and after that they began to pester them too.

It cannot be said that all of Natalia's friends were not beautiful, they were wonderful, but Nata , as her friends often called her, was beyond competition, and always caused a sensation at a party.

The party was supposed to happen tomorrow, but there was one thing that kept stopping her from going to another Sabbath with her friends, that was that the day after tomorrow she had to go to work at a restaurant, albeit after one o'clock in the afternoon, but still, she already understood that she would most likely not get enough sleep, if she could at all. What would happen and how the evening and the night itself would go, no one knew and could not know.

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