Эдгар Аллан По - Золотой жук / The Gold-bug (сборник)

Золотой жук / The Gold-bug (сборник)
Название: Золотой жук / The Gold-bug (сборник)
Жанры: Ужасы | Мистика | Классические детективы | Зарубежные приключения
Серия: Издание с параллельным текстом
ISBN: Нет данных
Год: 2017
О чем книга "Золотой жук / The Gold-bug (сборник)"

Эдгар Аллан По (1809–1849) – американский писатель-романтик, мастер новеллы, основоположник детективного рассказа и научно-фантастической повести. Мир произведений писателя причудливый и в то же время изысканный. Его законы подчиняются не общепринятой логике, а лишь игре авторского воображения. В книгу вошли рассказы «Что случилось с господином Вальдемаром», «Рукопись, найденная в бутылке», «Украденное письмо», «Колодец и маятник», «Золотой жук», в которых ярко проявился необычный писательский талант Э.А. По.

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© В. Н. Карасик, художественное оформление, 2017

© Издательство «Фолио», марка серии, 2011

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The facts in the case of M. Valdemar

Of course I shall not pretend to consider it any matter for wonder that the extraordinary case of M. Valdemar has excited discussion. It would have been a miracle had it not – especially under the circumstances. Through the desire of all parties concerned to keep the affair from the public, at least for the present, or until we had further opportunities for investigation – through our endeavours to effect this – a garbled or exaggerated account made its way into society, and became the source of many unpleasant misrepresentations; and, very naturally, of a great deal of disbelief.

It is now rendered necessary that I give the facts – as far as I comprehend them myself. They are, succinctly, these: —

My attention, for the last three years, had been repeatedly drawn to the subject of mesmerism; and, about nine months ago, it occurred to me, quite suddenly, that in the series of experiments made hitherto, there had been a very remarkable and most unaccountable omission – no person had as yet been mesmerised in articulo mortis. It remained to be seen, first, whether, in such condition, there existed in the patient any susceptibility to the magnetic influence; secondly, whether, if any existed, it was impaired or increased by the condition; thirdly, to what extent, or for how long a period, the encroachments of Death might be arrested by the process. There were other points to be ascertained, but these most excited my curiosity – the last in especial, from the immensely important character of its consequences.

In looking around me for some subject by whose means I might test these particulars, I was brought to think of my friend, M. Ernest Valdemar, the well-known compiler of the «Bibliotheca Forensica,» and author (under the nom de plume of Issachar Marx) of the Polish versions of «Wallenstein» and «Gargantua.» M. Valdemar, who has resided principally at Harlem, N. Y., since the year 1839, is (or was) particularly noticeable for the extreme spareness of his person – his lower limbs much resembling those of John Randolph; and, also, for the whiteness of his whiskers, in violent contrast to the blackness of his hair – the latter, in consequence, being very generally mistaken for a wig. His temperament was markedly nervous, and rendered him a good subject for mesmeric experiment. On two or three occasions I had put him to sleep with little difficulty, but was disappointed in other results which his peculiar constitution had naturally led me to anticipate. His will was at no period positively, or thoroughly, under my control; and in regard to clairvoyance, I could accomplish with him nothing to be relied upon. I always attributed my failure at these points to the disordered state of his health. For some months previous to my becoming acquainted with him, his physicians had declared him in a confirmed phthisis. It was his custom, indeed, to speak calmly of his approaching dissolution, as of a matter neither to be avoided nor regretted.

When the ideas to which I have alluded first occurred to me, it was of course very natural that I should think of M. Valdemar. I knew the steady philosophy of the man too well to apprehend any scruples from him; and he had no relatives in America who would be likely to interfere. I spoke to him frankly upon the subject; and, to my surprise, his interest seemed vividly excited. I say to my surprise; for, although he had always yielded his person freely to my experiments, he had never before given me any tokens of sympathy with what I did. His disease was of that character which would admit of exact calculation in respect to the epoch of its termination in death; and it was finally arranged between us that he would send for me about twenty-four hours before the period announced by his physicians as that of his decease.

It is now rather more than seven months since I received, from M. Valdemar himself, the subjoined note: —

«My dear P —, You may as well come now. D – and F – are agreed that I cannot hold out beyond to-morrow midnight; and I think they have hit the time very nearly.


I received this note within half-an-hour after it was written, and in fifteen minutes more I was in the dying man’s chamber. I had not seen him for ten days, and was appalled by the fearful alteration which the brief interval had wrought in him. His face wore a leaden hue; the eyes were utterly lustreless; and the emaciation was so extreme, that the skin had been broken through by the cheek-bones. His expectoration was excessive. The pulse was barely perceptible. He retained, nevertheless, in a very remarkable manner, both his mental power and a certain degree of physical strength. He spoke with distinctness – took some palliative medicines without aid – and, when I entered the room, was occupied in pencilling memoranda in a pocket-book. He was propped up in the bed by pillows. Doctors D – and F – were in attendance. After pressing Valdemar’s hand, I took these gentlemen aside, and obtained from them a minute account of the patient’s condition. The left lung had been for eighteen months in a semi-osseous or cartilaginous state, and was, of course, entirely useless for all purposes of vitality. The right, in its upper portion, was also partially, if not thoroughly, ossified, while the lower region was merely a mass of purulent tubercles, running one into another. Several extensive perforations existed; and, at one point, permanent adhesion to the ribs had taken place. These appearances in the right lobe were of comparatively recent date. The ossification had proceeded with very unusual rapidity; no sign of it had been discovered a month before, and the adhesion had only been observed during the three previous days. Independently of the phthisis, the patient was suspected of aneurism of the aorta; but on this point the osseous symptoms rendered an exact diagnosis impossible. It was the opinion of both physicians that M. Valdemar would die about midnight on the morrow (Sunday). It was then seven o’clock on Saturday evening.

On quitting the invalid’s bedside to hold conversation with myself, Doctors D – and F – had bidden him a final farewell. It had not been their intention to return; but, at my request, they agreed to look in upon the patient about ten the next night.

When they had gone, I spoke freely with M. Valdemar on the subject of his approaching dissolution, as well as, more particularly, of the experiment proposed. He still professed himself quite willing and even anxious to have it made, and urged me to commence it at once. A male and a female nurse were in attendance; but I did not feel myself altogether at liberty to engage in a task of this character with no more reliable witnesses than these people, in case of sudden accident, might prove. I therefore postponed operations until about eight the next night, when the arrival of a medical student, with whom I had some acquaintance (Mr. Theodore L – l), relieved me from further embarrassment. It had been my design, originally, to wait for the physicians; but I was induced to proceed, first, by the urgent entreaties of M. Valdemar, and secondly, by my conviction that I had not a moment to lose, as he was evidently sinking fast.

С этой книгой читают
Перу Эдгара Аллана По принадлежит более семидесяти новелл, его считают родоначальником логического (детективного) рассказа, психологического рассказа и научно-фантастической новеллы. Рассказы, представленные в настоящем сборнике, являются ярчайшими образцами «малоформатной» прозы По и позволят читателю составить наиболее полное представление о многогранности таланта писателя.Тема новеллы «Заживо погребенные» – одна из традиционных в творчестве ав
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Перед вами история о Богах Вечности, что появились на свет в незапамятные времена. Он и Она шли по жизни бок о бок, наслаждаясь жизнью среди. Им поклонялись, им приносили жертвы, их боялись. Но настало время, и Он решил изменить ход истории и подарить людям великую мечту о вечности и о бессмертии. Только вот Она была не рада такому повороту событий, ибо была самой смертью. С этого и началась их война, невольными участниками которой стали и люди.
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