Lewis Foreman - 33 fairy tales of puppies and kittens. MAINLAND

33 fairy tales of puppies and kittens. MAINLAND
Название: 33 fairy tales of puppies and kittens. MAINLAND
Жанр: Современная проза
Серии: Нет данных
ISBN: Нет данных
Год: 2021
О чем книга "33 fairy tales of puppies and kittens. MAINLAND"

Продолжение истории о 33 котятах и щенках. В результате извержения вулкана острова, на которых обитали друзья, больше не пригодны для жизни. Встречайте новую книгу о приключениях котят и щенков на материке.

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Lewis Foreman

33 fairy tales of puppies and kittens

part 2


Story ONE

Volcano eruption

Kittens and puppies are in a big trouble. The volcano on their island woke up yesterday.

There is a smoke over it. Kittens and puppies are very scared. They want to go away.

They are building a ship now. They want to sail away. Kittens and puppies are constructing the ship from the wood. It is quite difficult.

They build it every day. After 2 months the ship is ready and they all board it. They do it just in time.

Look! The volcano is erupting. They are sailing away! They need to find a new place to live in.

Story TWO


The ocean is so large. Puppies and kittens sail on their ship. They are looking for a new home.

Mario is their captain. He is brave and strong.

It is the morning. He can see a dark sky. It is going to storm. Puppies and kittens hide inside the ship. The ocean isn’t quite. The waves hit the ship.

Puppies and kittens are scared. They want to come to the land. Suddenly the ship stops. They go out and see that they are on the land.

Hooray! They think to find a new home here. They like it here.



Mario is going to the land. Others are waiting. They don’t know this place. It may be dangerous.

Mario and Chuck go ahead. They can see a forest. It is thick and dark. They decide to start a camp here.

All puppies and kittens are on a beach now. The sand is soft and the water is so warm. They go swimming.

After swimming puppies and kittens come back and start a fire. They cook soup and make tea. Now they feel cold. The is going to be chilly. They need to get ready.

Story FOUR


The night was quiet. Kittens and puppies were sleeping all night long. They dreamt of a new home.

Suddenly they hear a loud noise. Mario and Chuck wake up first. They ask the others to come back into the ship. They see a giant. He is going to them. He looks mean and hungry. Puppies and kittens are running back into the ship. They don’t want to be eaten. They are crying. Mario and Chuck decide to attack the giant. They are throwing some stones into him. One hits his eye. The giant runs away. Puppies and kittens sail away too.

Story FIVE


Puppies and kittens sail again. They need to find a home because the volcano erupted on their island.

Today they saw another ship in the ocean. Now they want to get to it and find somebody there. Mario and 5 kittens go to the other ship. Others wait.

Two hours pass but they don’t return. Puppies and kittens feel very nervous and scared. Chuck says that he will go to save Mario. He chooses 4 kittens and puppies and they go to the ship. He says that he will come back in an hour.

Story SIX


Chuck is walking on the board of the ship. Others follow him. They can see a stairs going down into the centre of the ship. They are stepping down.

Chuck can hear some voices. When they come to the bottom they are really surprised. Mario and his team are in one of the rooms. They are lying and eating some sweets. The room is full of these sweets. Chuck tells everyone to not eat any of it. They are pulling Mario and other kittens and puppies out onto the board and come back to their ship. Chuck orders to sail away as fast as possible!



The ship with kittens and puppies is sailing in the ocean! Days pass by.

Today shipboy can see the land again. Now puppies and kittens are not scared. They don’t know what to wait. The ship lands. Puppies and kittens go out.

They can see a high mountains ahead. The mountains look great.

Chuck and Mario think to climb up the mountains and see what is there. They prepare the gear to do it. Everybody feels excited.

Finally, everything is ready. Puppies and kittens go towards the mountains.



Finally, the mountains are behind. It was quite hard.

But look! What is there ahead? Kittens and puppies have never seen such a great wall! It looks like it has no beginning and no end.

They can see a tower in one place. Puppies and kittens go there. Suddenly a cat appears at the top.

He orders them to stop.

Mario and Chuck step forward to talk to a cat-stranger.

They tell him their story. They ask for help. The cat throws a ladder. They all go up.

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