Андрей Тихомиров - Brain

Название: Brain
Жанры: Научно-популярная литература | Общая психология | Психоанализ
Серии: Нет данных
ISBN: Нет данных
Год: 2023
О чем книга "Brain"

Humans and other living things, including plants, communicate information about themselves and the world around them to each other in various ways, including through the brain. If we define the essence of the brain, we must also speak about the concept of consciousness. Consciousness, one of the basic notions of philosophy, sociology and psychology, means the human ability to reproduce reality perfectly in thought. Consciousness is the highest form of mental reflection inherent in a socially developed person and associated with speech, the ideal side of the goal-setting activity. It performs in two forms: individual (personal) and public.

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1. The explanation for "miracles"

It would like to finally put an end to Vanga's global prophecies. There were no prophecies! The impure writers ascribe non-existent prophecies to her, and she can no longer refute the crooks. She was engaged, if I may say so, in a particular person, usually a sick person or a family member who had an accident. "Entrepreneurial" greyhounds make predictions, prophecies made by supposedly famous people: Vanga, Messing, Nostradamus, etc., often evidence that these prophecies were said by them, before the predicted events, no1. Various "healings" in large numbers under the influence of hypnosis we have repeatedly observed, for example, at sessions of Kashpirovsky or Chumak. As for surviving people with fatal diagnoses, medical errors are also quite possible. It is known that all "miracles" arise when people are ready to believe in them. At the same time, they simply do not try to explain what happened by natural causes, but immediately take for the manifestation of supernatural. Critical verification of such phenomena is extremely difficult, because various "mystical" manipulations are shrouded in a veil of secrecy, only the "chosen" are allowed to them, etc.

Originally the explanation was the following: with the dead person, his brain cannot communicate, because his brain is not functioning, but at the unconscious level, the scanning brain extracts information about the dead from his brain, the consciousness of other people who, one way or another, know him. This can also explain the phenomenon of the Bulgarian fortune teller Vanga, her brain thanks to the blindness received during the tornado at the age of 13, her predisposition from childhood to guessing (but she began to prophesy at the age of 28, as the ancients correctly noted: after that – does not mean that because of this!), changed state of consciousness because of the stress experienced, learned to scan people's brains and get the necessary detailed information. This happened to her, in fact, in her waking state. Now there is more complete information about the explanation of the phenomenon of Vanga.

Who's profiting from Vanga's name? 13 March 2008, "Komsomolskaya Pravda". happen if she has contact with your brain. Through some kind of radiation… But there are strange things. She reports dead people. The visitor knows nothing about it, it's not in his subconscious either. So it's a matter of research, not the notorious "presumption of guilt"1.

If in the first case, Vanga receives information directly from the brain of an incoming person, then in the second case, the brain of an incoming person is an intermediate link that connects Vanga's perceptive brain with biological impulses emitted by the brain of other people, containing information about this or that event, about a common relative or any acquaintance who had a significant impact on the lives of these people.

In a simplified sense, we can say that the human (as well as animal) brain in the altered state receives the necessary information at the subconscious level of biological impulses from other people (it can be compared with a certain server of the information vacuum field).

These are body interactions without visible contact, which can be explained by the interaction of various physical fields. Each field corresponds to its own electric, magnetic and similar force, in the aggregate they form the so-called biofield, although the biological fields in nature does not exist, but the term such has taken root. Physical fields include: electric and magnetic fields, infrared radiation from the body surface, radiothermal radiation of internal organs, optical chemiluminescence, acoustic signals, chemical channel, as the bioobject in the process of life creates its own gas, aerosol-ion atmosphere, which contains a lot of valuable information about the functioning of the body. There are other fields in the bioobject, such as X-rays or hard gamma rays, although they are not as informative. For example, hard gamma rays associated with natural radioactivity, which change over a period of tens of years, can in no way be modulated by the body's physiological processes. Vanga could perceive the necessary data at the subconscious level, receiving information from a person close to her. She received the necessary data on voice, timbre, human speech, knowledge of psychology, temperament, etc. Sick people, including Vanga herself (as she was blind), under psycho-emotional tension are subject to more activity of the non-specific activating brain system (NACM), which is characterized by the following properties3:

Psychic Carriers – myth or reality? – M.: Knowledge, 1989 – P.34.

Psychology. Edited by A.A. Krylov. Moscow, 1999, p.44.

1) It receives very rich afferentiation from other parts of the Central Nervous System (CNS) and especially from sensory systems (analysers). This afferentiation has a stimulating (excitatory) effect on this system.

2. Not specific active system of a brain sends efferent signals to all lower, higher and same level brain structures.

3. These efferent pathways transmit both activating (increasing excitability) and inhibitory (decreasing excitability) signals of the corresponding brain structures.

4. Since not specific active system of a brain has a lot of adrenergic synapses (i.e. where the mediator is noradrenaline), its activity increases dramatically with the release into the blood of brain hormones of catechalamines adrenal glands, which in its chemical structure and properties are almost identical to the above-mentioned mediator.

5. As a consequence of the described properties, the not specific active system of a brain activity increases significantly under psycho-emotional tension, even more under psychoemotional stress, in turn, contributing to their strengthening.

Using a piece of sugar by Vanga's clients was necessary for her to obtain with the help of skin sensitivity data on temperature and humidity of a piece of sugar about a person's psycho-emotional state and his ideomotor. Although Vanga was blind, she had strongly developed tactile functions.

It is known that scientists have learned to read the thoughts of paralyzed people. They have tried on volunteers the technology of brain scanning, which allows

to determine with high probability the preferences of a person. A test sample of the

device evaluates the activity of different parts of the brain using spectroscopy.

Activation of one or another part of the cortex leads to a change in the concentration

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Сказки, помещенные в этой книге, самоисполняющиеся. Они действительно меняют нашу жизнь! Быть может, прочитав эту книгу, вы тоже напишете свою самоисполняющуюся сказку!
Перед вами откровенный рассказ о том, как в процессе психотерапии происходит встреча с собой. Исповедь уставшей от страданий души. Души, спрятавшейся глубоко внутри, но не потерявшей себя.История о том, как можно спасти себя из самых тёмных закоулков разума, начав доверять хотя бы одному человеку.
Сказкотерапия дословно означает – лечение сказками. Это язык, на котором можно говорить с внутренним миром человека. Воздействие происходит на ценностном уровне. Сказка врачует душу; пробуждает сердце; раскрывает глубинный смысл происходящих событий. Сказки могут помочь там, где другие психологические техники бессильны. Где требуется психологическая поддержка и избавление от страданий.
Вы узнаете много нового, откроете секрет становления себя как личности. Приобретя знания успешности, возможно, сумеете изменить матрицу своей судьбы. После прочтения произведения и детального изучения практик, вы сможете наладить работу своей энергосистемы, и внутренний мир ваш наполнится новой энергией, помогающей человеку приобрести уникальные возможности. Не упустите шанс изменить свою жизнь и подняться над планкой своих проблем.
Весь наш мир проникнут жизнью, проявляющейся в разных формах, и даже тонкий мир заселён энергетическими существами, которыми когда-нибудь мы станем сами. И чтобы сохранить гармонию во всём мире, нужно помнить об этом и относиться к тонкому миру бережно и с вниманием, потому что именно туда мы отправляемся после нашей смерти, и оттуда возвращаемся, рождаясь вновь на земле.
В день коронации провидец подарил королю всего один лишь маленький листок, на котором была записана его судьба. Пророчество, что он женится на девушке из другого мира. Ну а я, простая девушка, откликнувшись на зов о помощи, попала в другой мир. И конечно, неприятности не могли обойти меня стороной. А маг, одержимый местью, планирует захватить королевскую власть. Но сдаваться не в моих правилах, ведь попаданка поданке рознь!Автор обложки Дарья Вес
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Не любовь случается. Особенно у непохожих и абсолютно разных людей. Стремительным вихрем в жизнь Дарины ворвался военнослужащий с позывным «Туман», который за доли секунды стал по-настоящему своим. Только вот с самого начала он не звал и не ждал ее. Не хотел никаких отношений с женщинами, ни временных, ни тем более постоянных. В темноте ночного города, они станцевали свое танго, и там же закончили свой невероятный танец.