Антон Калинин - Broken Reality

Broken Reality
Название: Broken Reality
Жанр: Современные любовные романы
Серии: Нет данных
ISBN: Нет данных
Год: 2022
О чем книга "Broken Reality"

Greetings dear reader! I am glad to present you the book. I wish you a pleasant reading. It is published in the author's edition with the preservation of the author's spelling and punctuation.

Приветствую дорогой читатель! Рад представить Вам книгу. Желаю приятного прочтения. Публикуется в авторской редакции с сохранением авторских орфографии и пунктуации.

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Chapter 1

The woman nervously mourned her youth. She regretted that she had lived all her life with a man who at some point had not become so important to her. And the one to whom her soul lay was now in Germany, had a law firm and his name was known to the whole world through his publicized scientific works. The year was 2050. The mask regime was abolished in 2025, but after that it took 25 years to restore the global economy and ecosystem. Nevertheless, due to the fact that zerocoding appeared, computer programmers, unlike graphic designers, did not become so respectable. Programming became available without knowledge of the code. Overnight, scientists in Russia, an already rare caste, simply did not need the country. Many hit the Internet trade, but it was more a matter of luck: supply and demand. The woman mourned her youth in the outback of Moscow, blaming herself for refusing to communicate with a good man who had exceptionally pure motives. She was shaking her brightly colored blacks. After her husband was ill, in addition to coronavirus vaccination, he lost the last glial cells. And the one who offered her 31 years ago to become a co-author of a book, and perhaps a co-owner of the course, was now on top and, at 56, somewhat resembled the editor-in-chief of a men's magazine only without hair and in earlier years. She was heartbroken, just like he was because of her 31 years ago, when she refused him. When he was only thinking about her, but she was so far away. She gave motivation to his life even at a distance. He thought that one day Sudoku would suddenly decide and they would be together, but life again put him on another bandwagon in those years and he also, as in the first grade, flew with his face into bricks, but unlike that reality, there was no one to put invisible seams, and only she could save a kind little brunette: a kind angel in the filthy reality of being. Let there were others, but he dreamed only of her, and she did not understand the true intentions of this man. She considered him a moral freak, a cynic, a calculating creature, although he was only trying to make sure that in addition to paying for an apartment and a pack of oatmeal, it was possible to invest in something else, for example, in education.

Chapter 2

Probably, this story might not have happened if circumstances were not destined to happen like this. It so happened that one day an aspiring writer, an amateur athlete, an employee of an international company and at the same time a student Ivan Sidorov did not come to the polyclinic in a new place for himself, where he had recently settled. He came to check his blood, because he had hypoglycemia, gastritis plus a broken spine. On this beautiful day, our hero, as usual, was bent from pressure, taking advantage of the vacation, the dude decided to visit a therapist. It started with the fact that a harmful aunt got through in a noisy crowd, saying that she was a social worker and could get through without waiting in line. And suddenly Vanich found a beautiful petite brunette in the corner, she was so small that from a distance one could even doubt her coming of age, but coming closer, one could understand from her serious face and charming facial wrinkles that she was over twenty. Immediately there was some sucker who began to approach her, but his rattling diction did not cause a response from beautiful lips. The queue passed unnoticed, the more the factor of the circumstances of the place affected. It was pointless to drive up, especially since it was obvious that she was busy and our great avant-garde artist missed this opportunity, but life decided to give a few more chances. Probably an anecdote about the right suicide bomber who prayed to God and waited for luck, just applicable to this case. No, well, really, what kind of brake you need to be to miss such an opportunity. Here at 15 did you manage to beat off in the final camp change in a similar situation? What was wrong here? The girl seems to be cultured, athletic, and so on, not a skin. So the next day after the Airborne Forces day, for which our character was preparing for boxing sparring, Sidorov went to the dentist. And suddenly this bird appeared in the queue again. She watched a master class on exercises without headphones, all so inaccessible inside, but accessible from the outside: beautiful denim shorts emphasized athletic juicy hips, a white blouse has now been replaced by an orange top, and the bright color of sandals (the size of heels, respectively) and toenails, said that she was "ripe". She lazily swayed her legs, giving a weak SSS, but this did not inspire hope suddenly she was called (Ivan managed to hear her last name). After the poor girl had two fillings made at once, being sentimental inside, our hero, who did not trust medicine, looked with compassion at the small body shuddering in the dentist's chair, as if a scene from punitive medicine was taking place before his eyes. He is happy that he will immediately find her profile and write to her difficult, but by the evening he was able to find out that a certain Adeline Kortneva really exists, even if she happened to be in his city for a medical examination, but she is alive, and not a fake extorting loot. Two weeks later, in the supermarket, he saw her with some moufflon. Since there was security at the supermarket, the future lawyer did not want problems not for himself, not for this couple. That day turned out to be especially disgusting for him: at first he had to take time off at his new job because of an appointment with a doctor, then the doctors spent the whole day dripping in his soul, but the most offensive thing was that they never recognized that his spine was fine, then he had to shake on the bus and at the eleventh hour, as if to complete his life I added a shovel blow to the fool with an event that he saw. After that, he realized that she would not remember him if he wrote to her online. He packed his schedule tightly: courses, communication, work, study, practice. At the end of 2017, after his sick leave, he went to the boxing section during a lunar eclipse with pressure, there was no blow to the solar plexus and a heart valve failure during the day (taking into account the threads in the heart) at work was not a punishment for him, a slightly displaced and already distorted nose was not a problem for him. In the final of the training sessions, Sidorov went to a corporate party and poured more than 800 grams into himself with older colleagues, including vodka, champagne and whiskey and cola, but this did not add to his happiness. After throwing up a couple of times, he thought only of one thing: in the first days of January, I will write to this beauty and let this imbecile do whatever he wants for her. But he was much more afraid of her rejection. Therefore, it was not surprising when, a year and a half later, he wrote to her and received an answer that she was engaged. It was so insulting at this very moment that he defended his diploma, working and practicing at the same time. Only the humor of his comrades at work and practice saved him from depression. Then the crisis of 25 suddenly came unexpectedly.

С этой книгой читают
Приветствую дорогой читатель!Я посвящаю эту тему моббингу во взрослой жизни.Желаю приятного прочтения.
Приветствую дорогой читатель!Представляю мою новую книгу. В ней я обосную научно и практически почему данный термин был задолго до того, как о нем заявили.Приятного прочтения.
Приветствую дорогой читатель! Эту книгу я посвящаю тем, кому сейчас 25 и 25+. Кризис 25-ти, как бы это абсурдно не звучало, имеет место быть. И в этой книге я раскрою свои ошибки и научно обосную то, почему не стоит на этом "загоняться" и почему пока вы в состоянии этого кризиса вы упускаете возможности и самое главное: не видите плюсы этого мира. А также я дам лайфхак: как поменять свое мировоззрение в лучшую сторону. Желаю приятного прочтения.
Приветствую дорогой читатель! С годами все мы пускаемся в сантименты. Этот рассказ не исключение. Я предлагаю рассказ о грустном, написанный смешным слогом. Для любителей драмеди (и не только), я рекомендую данную книгу к прочтению.
В мире, где опасность и предательство подстерегают за каждым углом, разворачивается история, поднимающая жанр криминального триллера на новый уровень, превосходя работы Грэма Грина, Донны Тартт и Марио Пьюзо. Главный герой, адвокат с прошлым разведчика, втянут в глобальный заговор, где каждая ошибка может стать фатальной. Смелый и многослойный, этот роман погружает читателя в эпицентр интриг, где напряжение не спадает до последней страницы.
Второй шанс даруется не всем. Главное, не терять надежды, и верить в силу любви.Героиня теряет и веру, и надежду, как ей кажется, и намерена расстаться с жизнью, не видя смысла в её продолжении. Но, видимо, не готова к такому. Она хочет жить и любить. И находит свой подарок.
История Мирославы и Ярослава, которая началась с дождя и лжи. А вот закончилась совсем неожиданным концом. Мирослава расскажет, как со многим справилась именно она: со смертью друга, смертью любимого и любовью, которая была ее всем, но так и не превратилась в рай.
“Кальдрон” – это книга о мире, в котором анархия стала законом, а картели – единственной властью. Здесь дети взрослеют слишком быстро, а смерть становится повседневностью. Маркус, сын правой руки одного из наркобоссов, вынужден жить в сером, жестоком мире, где даже семья – это не убежище, а поле битвы. Среди крови, предательства и боли он ищет ответы и путь к свободе, но находит любовь.Её мир – роскошь, влияние и власть, его – бедность, борьба за
Данная книга посвящена вопросу формирования нашей солнечной системы, планет и всему процессу развития жизни на них, – с духовно-научной точки зрения. Содержащаяся в ней информация позволит читателю приблизиться к пониманию общего смысла жизни как таковой, и ее роли в процессах Мироздания…
Не герой. Не злодей. Скорее, жертва обстоятельств. Салазард Де Круэлвей, четвёртый сын знаменитого имперского учёного, становится соучастником невероятных событий и трагичных переворотов. Жизнь заставляет его рано принять ответственность за собственное будущее. Удастся ли ему сделать его безоблачным?
В мире, где солнце всегда в закате, а ведьмы всегда в почете, живут две сестры: старшая – Лира, младшая – Ши. Лира мечтает стать первоклассной ведьмой, вот только способностей у нее к магии нет, зато у сестры – налицо. Ши ведьмы не прельщают, она дала кое-кому важному одно обещание, смысл которого как раз заключается в полном отказе от магии. Решение свое, правда, придется пересмотреть, ибо мир, столько лет стоявший неподвижно без изменений, внез
Хранителям удалось отстоять Дом Земли, но враг затаился и ждет подходящего случая, чтобы нанести новый удар. В этот раз Лине предстоит суровое испытание Темным светочем – древним артефактом Дома Огня, открывающим темную сторону магической силы. А ещё хранителям придется заглянуть в прошлое, ведь именно там кроется разгадка тайны Серого колдуна.