Андрей Тихомиров - China: countering terrorism

China: countering terrorism
Название: China: countering terrorism
Жанры: Политология | Национальная политика | Историческая литература
Серии: Нет данных
ISBN: Нет данных
Год: 2023
О чем книга "China: countering terrorism"

The People's Republic of China makes every effort to counter international terrorism. Acting within the framework of cooperation with foreign countries, the PRC leadership understands the need to combat the spread of terrorist ideology, radical ideas that give rise to terrorism, stop recruitment, and prevent the movement of terrorists and foreign fighters.

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Implementation of China's cooperation with foreign countries in countering international terrorism

Russian President Vladimir Putin visited China on an official visit in June 2016, during which he held talks with Chinese President Xi Jinping and discussed, among other things, issues of Syrian settlement and stability in Central Asia, taking into account Afghan issues, as well as cooperation in the field of energy . As a result of the negotiations, more than 50 documents were signed. Putin later met with Xi Jinping on the sidelines of the SCO summit in Tashkent. The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) believes that the main direction of common activity is ensuring security in the SCO spaces. It is necessary to further increase the potential of the regional anti-terrorist structure, improve the coordination of law enforcement agencies within the UN and other international organizations, speed up the preparation of the draft SCO Convention on Combating Extremism, and update the anti-drug strategy and program for its implementation. The SCO countries also spoke out against the unilateral build-up of missile defense systems, territorial integrity and the political process in Syria, and agreed to help Afghanistan. In the economy – the development of a single space in Eurasia, trade and transport routes, energy systems. During his visit to China, Putin also met with the Prime Minister of the State Council of China and the Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress. During Vladimir Putin's visit to China, an agreement was signed between the Russian Federation and the People's Republic of China on the creation of a new passenger airliner. A specially created Russian-Chinese joint venture is working on the project. It is engaged in the development, production, sales and after-sales services of wide-body long-haul aircraft. The scope of his activities will also include investment and financial activities for the project.

Moscow and Beijing stressed the need to prevent the emergence of terrorist safe havens and the importance of combating the spread of terrorist ideology, radical ideas that give rise to terrorism, stopping recruitment, preventing the movement of terrorists and foreign fighters, strengthening border controls and having effective legal aid and extradition mechanisms. Moreover, emphasizing the need for a strong international legal regime based on the principle of “zero tolerance for direct or indirect support of terrorism,” the parties called on the international community to make real efforts aimed at adopting a Comprehensive Convention on International Terrorism in the near future. The countries are drawing closer together militarily, holding their first joint naval exercises in the South China Sea, and working together to oppose US plans to deploy a missile defense system in South Korea.

The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) is an international organization founded in 2001 by the leaders of China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan. With the exception of Uzbekistan, the rest of the countries were members of the Shanghai Five, founded as a result of the signing in 1996-1997. agreements between Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, China, Russia and Tajikistan on strengthening confidence in the military field and on the mutual reduction of armed forces in the border area.

In accordance with the decisions of the Council of Heads of State and the Council of Heads of Government (Prime Ministers), heads of line ministries and/or departments of member states regularly hold meetings to consider specific issues of developing interaction in relevant areas within the SCO. To prepare and conduct meetings, by prior agreement of the Member States, working groups of experts may be created on a permanent or temporary basis, carrying out their activities in accordance with the work regulations approved at meetings of heads of ministries and/or departments. These groups are formed from representatives of ministries and/or departments of member states.

The regional anti-terrorist structure of the member states of the Shanghai Convention on Combating Terrorism, Separatism and Extremism of June 15, 2001 is a permanent body of the SCO. Its main tasks and functions, principles of formation and financing, as well as the procedure for operating are regulated by a separate international treaty concluded between the member states and other necessary documents adopted by them.

The Secretariat is a permanent administrative body of the SCO. It provides organizational and technical support for events held within the SCO and prepares proposals for the annual budget of the Organization.

As for membership in the SCO, the organization is open to admitting other states in the region that undertake to comply with the goals and principles of the Charter, as well as the provisions of other international treaties and documents adopted within the SCO. The decision on the admission of new members to the SCO is made by the Council of Heads of State upon the proposal of the Council of Foreign Ministers on the basis of an official application from the interested state sent to the current Chairman of the Council of Foreign Ministers.

BRIC (BRIC), since 2010 BRICS (BRICS) (from the English. Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa – “Brazil, Russia, India, China”, South Africa”) – a group of countries with the largest area and population, that develop, a term that is often used in economics.

For 2010-2015 a specialized fund that invested money in the BRIC countries decreased by 8 times. In the fall of 2015, Russia and Brazil were mired in recession, China's growth slowed to its lowest rate since 1990, and the South African economy stalled. The project completely lost its investment appeal, and on November 8, 2015, the investment bank Goldman Sachs announced the closure of this fund. This term was coined by Jim O'Neill, a global economist at Goldman Sachs in 2001.

Following South Africa's accession to Brick on 18 February 2011, the Indian Finance Minister announced that the group would henceforth be known as BRICS. The large size of these countries and their large populations ensure rapid development and, according to Goldman Sachs, by 2050 their economies together could exceed the combined size of the economies of the richest modern developed countries (the G7).

Goldman Sachs did not assume that there would be coordination of economic policies between the BRIC countries. Moreover, the BRIC countries were not supposed to form an economic bloc or an official trade association like the European Union. However, over time, there have been signs that "the four BRIC countries are seeking to form a political club" or "alliance" and thus convert "their growing economic power into greater geopolitical 'influence'." One of the recent signs is the summit of foreign ministers of countries in 2009 in Yekaterinburg. BRICS members are the largest among countries that are developing rapidly. The favorable location of these countries ensures the presence of many resources important for the global economy:

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