V. Cooney - Cunnilingus. Pornstar's Candid Secrets

Cunnilingus. Pornstar's Candid Secrets
Название: Cunnilingus. Pornstar's Candid Secrets
Жанры: Эротическая литература | Секс / секс-руководства
Серии: Нет данных
ISBN: Нет данных
Год: 2021
О чем книга "Cunnilingus. Pornstar's Candid Secrets"

Statistics show that most men around the world do not know how to do cunnilingus. The secret of female satisfaction is beyond them. Oral sex is not just a formality, it is the best way to bring a woman to a state of arousal. A fun and informative guide that details the experience of a porn actress that allows her to constantly satisfy a woman by providing her with regular pleasure. Содержит нецензурную брань.

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Attention!!! Check with a professional before taking any of the recommended actions in this book.

Instead of a preface

You rarely see porn stars on the covers of glossy magazines or on a blue light on New Year's Eve. The word blue in this context takes on a completely different piquant context. Filming in porn is much more difficult than acting in the theater. When a huge black man inserts his coal black rod into your anal, and the director shouts: “I don’t believe! Another take! " At this moment, I want to insert a huge black prick into the director's screaming throat. And let the whole world wait, when the blue car of love passes by. Caress and joy, this is my professional vocation. While the director decided to take a technical break, in this short book I will tell you what usually happens on the other side of the screen in the field of erotic cinema. That you will agree, in itself is not enough!

For a long time I could not have sex on camera, I just did not experience an orgasm. But now I feel more confident. I spend 14 hours in front of the camera almost every day and I know everything about sex! I am writing this book under a pseudonym, because even porn stars also have their own personal lives. Therefore, there is no point in looking for me on social networks.

The beginning of the creative path

A medium-sized porn film requires about 30 people, including a crew and about 6 actors. I remember we once filmed a role-playing episode – mom plus daughter. And they slipped me a fat aunt as a partner, who was supposed to play my mother. This mom of mine had an unshaven vagina. "Hey! – I say to the director. – Either she shaves these thickets between her legs, or the shooting will not take place! I didn’t find myself in the garbage to participate in such fetishism. ” Half an hour has passed … Again my partner appears, but only with a shaved pussy. This is a completely different matter! I remember I made her a cool cunnilingus … She turned out to be a good aunt, a former Ukrainian, we still communicate.

So my first year passed. To be honest, it was amazing! I finally got paid well. Actually, I learned how to do a lot of things, but most of all I still liked doing cunnilingus. When the first big money appeared on my hands, there were thoughts of going to university, unlearning to become a producer, but then I changed my mind. What the fuck am I a producer ?! If you ask any actor in the porn industry, "Where is the borderline for them?" Most of them will say, “It's just a job, what the hell are the boundaries? This is not real closeness, but just a game. " Therefore, as one poet used to say: “What is our life? A game!". Sit back as I solemnly announce the launch of the new sport, Lesbian Games. Hurray, comrades!

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