Андрей Тихомиров - Enterprise development

Enterprise development
Название: Enterprise development
Жанр: Малый и средний бизнес
Серии: Нет данных
ISBN: Нет данных
Год: 2024
О чем книга "Enterprise development"

A modern production enterprise is a complex, the dynamism and coherence of its work is ensured by a management mechanism that establishes internal connections and takes into account the activities of all levels and employees of the enterprise – from the worker to the director. The level of development of organizational culture influences the development of any enterprise.

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The development of an enterprise is a single mechanism, each link of which performs its intended function, interconnected with the functions of other links.

Management is a synthesis of means and methods for preparing management decisions and organizing their execution.

The tasks facing management bodies differ at each enterprise depending on the specific internal and external socio-economic situation. However, the management of an enterprise, even if it consists of 3-5 people, is obliged to solve the entire complex of problems, regardless of their actual quantitative and qualitative content – otherwise the reproduction cycle will end.

The relevance of studying the level of development of organizational culture and the degree of its influence on the management of the social organization of an enterprise implies the importance of the current situation and tasks of managing a modern enterprise.

Social-production relations determine the role and place of each worker in the process of production, exchange, distribution and consumption.

Tens of thousands of people interact in a single production process, and the final result—the result of the activities of a huge team—depends on the quality and efficiency of the work of each of them.

That is why it is necessary to have scientifically based principles for organizing production management at enterprises, which ultimately constitute the potential of the country’s economy as a whole.

The following principles of organizing production management are distinguished: functional (professionally oriented), quantitative, spatial and temporal. On their basis, both general and private (characteristic of individual enterprises, areas of activity) specific management principles are built: target compatibility and concentration; continuity and reliability of the system; planning, proportionality and dynamism of management; democracy in the distribution of rights, duties and responsibilities; science and validity of decisions made; management efficiency; compatibility of personal, collective and state interests in management.

The principle of target compatibility and concentration lies in the creation of a connected, purposeful management system, in which all its links form a single mechanism aimed at solving a common problem. The work of individual workshops, production areas, laboratories, departments is structured in such a way that ultimately, at a given time, exactly the products that the consumer needs at a given time appear.

The essence and main components of the organizational culture of an enterprise

The principle of continuity and reliability means the creation of such organizational, economic and technical conditions under which stability and continuity of a given production process mode is achieved. The solution to this problem is determined by:

reliability and coherence of functioning of both the control system itself and its organs, and the controlled object;

the presence of feedback between all components of control bodies and controlled objects;

pre-established procedures and specific measures to eliminate emerging interference.

The principle of planning, proportionality and dynamism is expressed in the fact that the management system should be aimed at solving not only current, but also long-term problems of enterprise development. The economic management system links in time the actions of people, the quantity, range and quality of consumed resources. To do this, the work and functions of the cooperating units and each employee are strictly delimited, and after that they are gradually linked into a single synchronously operating system. Completion of one stage of work in the production of blanks is the beginning of the next stage – processing of blanks.

It is possible to connect all successive stages of the production process, the future activities of an enterprise with its specific work in a given period only with the help of long-term, current and operational planning, which, according to American experts, should be aimed not at controlling current, but at designing future activities companies.

The long process from the decision made to master the production of a new product to its entry into the market must be gradually linked to specific performers, as well as to the volume of resources and sources of financing. Taking into account that most enterprises specialize in the production of not one, but dozens of products, each of which must be systematically updated and improved, without, however, going beyond the existing financial and material resources and while ensuring a stable rhythm of current production, it becomes It is obvious that only a rigid system of related long-term and current plans and balances allows the enterprise to operate stably and develop production.

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