Гусейн Исмаилов - Fly Away

Fly Away
Название: Fly Away
Жанры: Детективная фантастика | Триллеры | Мистика
Серии: Нет данных
ISBN: Нет данных
Год: 2024
О чем книга "Fly Away"

Когда военная пилотесса Маргарет Харпер пропадает без вести, напряжение охватывает временный лагерь поисковой группы в уединённом лесу. Исчезновение известной личности вносит хаос в сообщество, и поиски становятся всё более отчаянными. Джозефина и Смит, имеющие личные связи с Маргарет, оказываются в центре расследования.Лес, окружающий лагерь, не просто фон, а живое существо, скрывающее тёмные тайны и шёпоты. Путешествуя по его опасным тропам, Джозефина и Смит находят зловещие улики, указывающие на более глубокую и опасную загадку. Поиски Маргарет становятся не только физическим, но и психологическим испытанием, полным неожиданных поворотов и сверхъестественных элементов."Fly Away" Гусейна Исмаилова, написанный на английском языке, мастерски сочетает напряжение, эмоциональную глубину и сложные характеры. Роман исследует темы утраты, стойкости и неустанного стремления к правде, погружая читателя в атмосферу и психологические интриги, которые оставят незабываемое впечатление.

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Chapter 1

‘You’ll never come back.’

A dark summer afternoon stood outside as a woman was strolling beside the main street. The neighborhood was calm as everyone was sitting in their homes after picking up their kids from school. Suddenly her phone rang as she was walking near a well-lit small house.

“Hello?” – she asked.



“Come by. It’s urgent.”

Stumbling towards the tree she grasped it.

“It happened?!” – Margaret queried.

A moment of silence arose after which a short answer followed:


The call ended. She put the phone in her pocket immediately and took off running.

A chair on the porch was squeaking as Charlie was smoking in it with his glasses on. They were quite exquisite with blue outline, definitely expensive. Midnight hit: only a couple of people were walking in the streets and Margaret was one of them as she neared the stairs of the house and stood there.

“Why are sitting here?! Show me!” – Margaret screamed running up the stairs.

He took his time making her wait in silence and said:

“Are you sure, Margo?”

“What are you talking about?! Of course I am!”– she stated immediately letting it be known.

Someone’s voice could be clearly heard from a distance:

“Hey! Keep it down, asshole!”

“Let’s go inside and discuss it, ok? No need to scream outside.” – Charlie said.

A famous day and a prophecy.

The theater was full of people who were all looking at personas sitting at the table on stage. A young woman walked up to the microphone; it was her turn to ask a question.

“Good day, Margaret. My name is Anny and I want to ask a question about how you go about dealing with what you endured in the past?” – she paused, and Margaret saw her hands shaking.

“It’s ok, Anny. Take your time, don’t worry.” – she said.

“Umm, thank you.” – Anny said with a big smile on her slightly chubby face and proceeded. – “I’m really nervous. Do you ever think about what had happened?”

Silence arose in the room as Anny’s voice stopped echoing in the theater. Even people at the very end got silent and were waiting for an answer.

“That’s a good question. What I’m going to say is very cliché, but bear with me.” – a slight laugh went around the room and disappeared as she continued. – “Yes, of course I think about that, I think about all of it. But…” – she massaged her eye and proceeded. – “You must live on and inspire people by telling them the truth. Even if they capture me, I’m fine with it.”

People’s faces in the room changed – it got serious and almost prophetic. Suddenly, the woman sitting to Margaret’s left in the costume spoke out:

“That’s it for today, guys. Thank you for your questions.”

Margaret glanced at her with a very serious face and looking back at stage said:

“Thank you, guys. Love you all.”

The whole audience stood up and were clapping, chanting at the same time:


Halfway leaving the stage, she turned around and looked at everyone in the audience –filled with joy and gratitude, they were clapping, every each one of them; a slight smile appeared on her face.

“Come on, we got to go!” – the woman in a costume said with a very commanding voice and Margaret felt a hand on her shoulder. The stage got empty, but the clapping proceeded, even got a little louder.

Chapter 2

“Thank you for coming today,” – Smith said and looked at the ground. – “I’m sure Margaret would’ve appreciated your effort if she was here.”

Daylight was sneaking in through the windows of the church. About a dozen people gathered inside the walls of the church for only one goal.

“Only information that’s available to us is her last location, nothing more unfortunately. We’re going to head out there to start our search tomorrow. Thank you all for coming, be at the bay at 6 p.m.”

People were confused and were looking around about the time of the search operation and Smith noticed.

“We chose 6 p.m. only because there are some works being done in the forest before, some environmental works.”

Smith wandered back from the microphone and stood there for a moment, looking at the priest nearing the stand.

“Let’s pray together.” – he said into the microphone as soon as he came.

In almost a trance Smith walked off the stage, feeling dizzy. The girl standing in the front row saw him wander and almost ran to him.

“Hey, you’re good? Where are you going?”

He glanced at her blonde hair mixed with black and said while rubbing his face.

“Oh, Josephine. Yeah, I’m good, just to the bathroom, need to wash my face.”

He suddenly rushed forward and disappeared, turning into the corner of the hallway. Josephine turned around and kept looking at him until he went away.

“Please everyone, pray with me!” – the priest said louder, and Josephine went back. She closed her eyes and held her hands together saying the first words of the prayer.

The first day.

A big group neared the forest from the bay far away and stopped before entering. The man in front turned back to the group and said with a megaphone:

“Thank you all for coming guys! My name’s Isaac, I’m the head of the operation. We are on the south side of the Menny forest, and we’ll be exploring the west side today, be attentive and alert, stay near each other. Let’s get to work.”

Smith looked at the forest behind Isaac with high green trees which created a dark ambiance as he looked further.

“I really hope you’re here, Margo.” – he said quietly.

They spread out on the west side, covering it completely. Day time made it easier for them to start the search and take the first steps into the forest.

“Go, Atlas! Go!” – Smith said walking on the left side of the group. Atlas ran forward and stopped, sniffing something as it got his attention. Smith was walking up to him, curious.

“Hey, you’re holding up?” – a female voice sounded behind him.

“Wow, you scared me Josey, why would you sneak up on me like that. I’m… holding up, I guess.”

“Yeah,” – she said and looked at him for a moment, then spoke again. – “I’m sorry, but I got to ask – her mother died a couple of months ago and she was never the same after that. Do you think it has anything to do with it?”

“What is it, Atlas?” – Smith asked.

Everyone walking around looked over at the dog. As Smith got closer, he saw feathers covered in blood.

“It’s just a bird, Atlas. Come on.”

Atlas stood at the same spot, loudly barking.

“Come, Atlas! Let’s go!”

The marching of the group continued in its rhythm with its focus back on their surroundings as the dog left the spot.

“It’s strange, there wasn’t blood and feathers anywhere else. Got to be somewhere nearby.” – Smith thought.

A couple of hours went by – somewhere around 4 hours with no signs from any of the four groups. All four groups gathered by the local lookout. Isaac spoke:

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