Mamanov Abdurahim - General View of the Historical Development of Human Societies. Monograph

General View of the Historical Development of Human Societies. Monograph
Название: General View of the Historical Development of Human Societies. Monograph
Жанр: Общая история
Серии: Нет данных
ISBN: Нет данных
Год: Не установлен
О чем книга "General View of the Historical Development of Human Societies. Monograph"

Following the emergence of Marx’s foundational theory regarding the historical progression of humanity, there arose a widespread disillusionment with overarching theoretical frameworks. Consequently, scholarly attention shifted predominantly towards localized and regional issues. However, it is imperative for historians to possess a comprehensive understanding of the broader trajectory of societal development; lacking such insight is akin to a sailor navigating the seas without a compass.

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© Mamanov Abdurahim, 2024

ISBN 978-5-0064-0532-5

Created with Ridero smart publishing system

Mamanov Abdurahim





Following the emergence of Marx’s foundational theory regarding the historical progression of humanity, there arose a widespread disillusionment with overarching theoretical frameworks. Consequently, scholarly attention shifted predominantly towards localized and regional issues. However, it is imperative for historians to possess a comprehensive understanding of the broader trajectory of societal development; lacking such insight is akin to a sailor navigating the seas without a compass. Presently, the prevalent reliance on event-based narratives within textbooks contributes to the difficulty historians face in constructing a cohesive overview of human historical development. The pamphlet in your possession serves as a response to this challenge, and we eagerly anticipate your feedback on its contents.

Mamanov Abdurahim

Researcher at the Samarkand State University




It was mentioned in our previous studies that without creating a general picture of the path of historical development of human society, it is a difficult task to correctly understand and evaluate the historical events that happened in the life of this or that nation.1

It is indisputable that contemporary history textbooks for high and secondary schools often contain numerous shallow concepts, uncertainties, and erroneous conclusions regarding both global history and the specific history of Uzbekistan. We believe that one of the primary reasons for this discrepancy is the absence of a developmental theory capable of illuminating the trajectory of human societal progress.

The history of human society encompasses the narratives of countless nations, many of which have risen and fallen over time, with their positions often assumed by other peoples. Some nations confront crises, while others continuously advance and evolve, ultimately becoming leading global powers.

Is there a discernible pattern within this perpetual cycle of ascent, crisis, emergence, decline, destruction, and prosperity, or is it merely a matter of random chance?

We believe that the historical progression of human society unfolds according to overarching principles. The task of uncovering these principles falls under the purview of the theory of historical development, which is essentially the philosophy of history.

While chance certainly plays a role in historical processes, it is essential to recognize that beneath the apparent randomness lies a foundation of law. Events that may appear coincidental to us are, in fact, mechanisms through which these laws manifest and actualize.

As an illustration, the rise of Islam in the Arabian Peninsula during the early 7th century constituted a significant event. This emergence was deemed necessary as the nomadic Arab tribes, characterized by their polytheistic beliefs where each tribe worshipped its own deity and engaged in perpetual warfare with others, required a unifying faith to consolidate into a cohesive nation.

However, the dissemination of this faith through the teachings of Muhammad – its specific manifestation – was also influenced by various incidental factors.

Those who refute the presence of overarching laws in the historical evolution of human society perceive historical development as a chaotic sequence of happenstance events. They elevate the role of chance to such an extent that they entertain the notion of a breeze altering its course from the East to the West, thereby influencing the temperament of an emperor and drastically reshaping the course of human history.

If life were truly governed by such arbitrary occurrences, individuals and nations alike would be unable to anticipate the future or formulate any coherent plans.

Human history can be likened to a vast edifice with countless chambers. Each nation’s history forms one of these chambers within the larger structure. To accurately determine the exact dimensions, elevation, and arrangement of each of these numerous chambers, it is imperative to first ascertain the overall elevation, position, and shape of the entire edifice. Without establishing this overarching framework, it becomes evident that determining the placement, level, and configuration of the individual chambers becomes an insurmountable task.

Reflecting on a past experience, I once observed a group of individuals preparing a site for a new house. Despite possessing measuring instruments and intermittently moving about, they failed to complete the task. It became apparent that none among them possessed the expertise required for such an endeavor: one was a district’s chief physician, another his driver, a third an agronomist, and the fourth a foreman. It is likely that their inability to define the outer dimensions of the house precisely as a rectangular shape hindered their ability to position the chambers within the designated layout.

Realizing that their efforts would likely be in vain, I obtained their consent and proceeded to establish the outer dimensions of the forthcoming building according to precise rectangular guidelines. Subsequently, we measured and arranged the rooms within this framework with precision.

The principles governing the construction process have been established for millennia, requiring no alteration or objection. However, a universally accepted theory of historical development, capable of satisfying all perspectives and immune to criticism, has yet to be formulated. As previously mentioned, history is a realm where national interests often clash. Each nation, recognizing itself as such, contends for its own interests, interpreting historical events accordingly, and formulating its own theory of historical development.

Numerous theories have been devised to articulate the interests not only of distinct peoples and nations but also specific social classes. For instance, the theory of historical materialism, championed by Marx and Engels, primarily represents the interests of the proletariat, the world’s impoverished class.

However, it is crucial to recognize that the architect of a theory of historical development does not confine their philosophy to the interests of a particular people, nation, or social class. Instead, they endeavor to present it as the trajectory of historical progression applicable to all of humanity.

Indeed, the true nature of a theory, whether it accurately reflects the trajectory of historical development for all humanity or merely serves the interests of specific groups, will ultimately be determined by time itself. Time stands as the ultimate arbiter.

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