Alice Meyer - How sex affects a woman’s figure. How much can you lose weight with sex?

How sex affects a woman’s figure. How much can you lose weight with sex?
Название: How sex affects a woman’s figure. How much can you lose weight with sex?
Жанры: Прикладная литература | Здоровье | Спорт / фитнес
Серии: Нет данных
ISBN: Нет данных
Год: Не установлен
О чем книга "How sex affects a woman’s figure. How much can you lose weight with sex?"

A slender body, taut muscles are attractive and sexy look – the image to which most men and women seek.To achieve the desired, you need to eat right, play sports… and have sex. In the manual, research data on how sex affects a female figure, calculating calories and other interesting facts.

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© Alice Meyer, 2018

ISBN 978-5-4493-0726-2

Создано в интеллектуальной издательской системе Ridero

A slender body, taut muscles are attractive and sexy look – the image to which most men and women seek.

To achieve the desired, you need to eat right, play sports… and have sex. In the manual, research data on how sex affects a female figure, calculating calories and other interesting facts.


Sport – about one thought about this, we start to think that this is not for us, it’s very hard, we have to run in the mornings, go to the gym. Agree with this attitude, few will reach the desired result. But what if you combine business with pleasure, for example, lose weight and gain form with the help of sexual intercourse.

As a rule, when we hear the words sex our brain is cheered up and begins to draw nice pictures. And, as well as how much it is possible to grow thin, we will disassemble in detail.

The muscular system of the body is divided into several groups, but despite this all the muscles work together smoothly. With the load, the muscles that are located in the perineum immediately begin to work the muscles of the press. Then the muscles of the buttocks and others enter the game, soon the energetic work is transferred to the whole organism.

With intensive work of the whole body, the sweat glands begin to work, which helps to get rid of excess toxins. Many girls can note for themselves such an important fact, like a massage in the hip area that will get rid of cellulite.

The more intense the load during sexual intercourse, the brighter will be the orgasm that will please both partners.

When making love, we experience a lot of positive emotions that will awaken in us the desire to repeat it again and again.

A distinctive feature of sex from sports will be that the body will receive the same loads, but without heavy adaptation.

Lose weight with the help of sex, you can, but you need to consider what position you will take.

Active role in sex for rapid weight loss

If you decide to take a passive role and just enjoy the partner’s actions, the result will be zero. But if each time to take an active position, the result will not take long. During an active position you will sweat, and lose excess weight.

To get the desired result, try to have regular sex in an active position. Paying attention to this type of exercise a small amount of time, spent calories quickly return.

There are two types of activity in bed. The first type is when both partners take an active position. Working in tandem, they support each other, motivate, benefit and enjoy.

The second type of activity – when only one of the partners is engaged in active activities, and the second chooses a passive position. In this situation, both partners get pleasure, but only one will achieve the result.

The active position has its pluses both physical and psychological. If every one of your contacts with a partner is active and more lasting, the effect from such a session will be much higher. With a two-hour session of active coition, you can use up most of the calories that were obtained during a three-course dinner.

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