Александр Либиэр - How to find out the date of the last incarnation?

How to find out the date of the last incarnation?
Название: How to find out the date of the last incarnation?
Жанры: Практическая эзотерика | Эзотерика / оккультизм | Зарубежная эзотерическая литература
Серии: Нет данных
ISBN: Нет данных
Год: 2024
О чем книга "How to find out the date of the last incarnation?"

Date of birth is one of the most important keys through which we can gather a lot of information about a person. Sometimes, through this key, we can learn more about a person than they know about themselves. The book describes a method for determining the date of a person's previous incarnation.

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Preface, or What is this book about and who is it for?

Greetings, my dear reader! My name is Alexander Libier. I am the head of the virtual community of the Esoteric club "Atzilut", whose mission is to spread the Teachings of the Tradition on the Runet and the Internet. I am also the author of more than fifty trainings and more than ten books on various esoteric disciplines and directions. My key competence is to help people become experts in the field of esotericism and further monetize their expertise. You can always find more detailed information on the Internet by typing the words "Александр Либиэр" in the search bar.

In this book, I will not be proving the validity of the hypothesis that the soul of a person comes into our world to gain certain experiences, the accumulation of which usually requires more than one incarnation, and thus, the soul of a person has to come here again and again. The validity of the theory of reincarnation as a working hypothesis has already been established in another of my books titled "On This and That Side of Existence". Therefore, I will not repeat it here again.

The main goal of this book is to provide people with a practical methodology through which they could determine the date of their previous incarnation. Why is this necessary? – someone among you may ask, thereby indicating a certain level of development of their soul. To such a reader, I can confidently answer that they do not need to know about the previous incarnation of their soul at this time.

For that reader who understands the importance and value of this knowledge, I offer an exciting journey, at the end of which they will discover a priceless treasure – the knowledge of when they came into their previous incarnation. This journey is structured in a specific algorithm, i.e., a strict sequence of steps. By following these steps, you will obtain a specific result – the date of your past incarnation.

We will obtain this knowledge using certain tools that are utilized in practical work by various esoteric practitioners. Therefore, this book is intended for a certain level of preparation and skill.

What is this level? In general terms, this level presupposes the possession of skills such as the ability to construct and read the Pythagorean square. In short, this book is written by an expert for experts – true master practitioners. This expertise pertains to the realm of esoterica and occult sciences. Therefore, in this book, I will not devote much time to explaining how to read the Pythagorean square correctly, as it is assumed that the reader can already do so.

In this book, I will teach the reader how to calculate, using a specific methodology, the date of a person's previous soul incarnation, with one essential condition: it is necessary to know the birth dates of their parents. By computing the date of the previous soul incarnation, we obtain the primary code for our further work. Using my personal example, I will demonstrate to the reader all the stages of this process, and by following these steps, they will be able to obtain the desired result – the date of a person's previous soul incarnation.

С этой книгой читают
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В книге проводится обзор основных школ, принадлежащих Единой Примордиальной линии в эзотерике.
Александр Либиэр является руководителем виртуального сообщества Эзотерический клуб "Ацилут" и в этой книге рассказывает о том, что такое эзотерика и какое место она занимает в современном мире. Вы узнаете о том, как ученики ЭК "Ацилут" делают свои первые шаги к экспертности в эзотерике, чтобы обрести дополнительный заработок на полученных в Клубе навыках и знаниях.
Вниманию читателя предлагается первая публицистическая книга Александра Либиэра, отражающая поиск на основные философские вопросы о смысле жизни, Боге, устройстве мира и его познании.
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