Alexey Psikha - Misssing girl on the island

Misssing girl on the island
Название: Misssing girl on the island
Жанры: Книги о приключениях | Современная русская литература | Зарубежные детективы
Серии: Нет данных
ISBN: Нет данных
Год: 2021
О чем книга "Misssing girl on the island"

Story about missing girl on the island and the guy trying to help with the investigation. Based on true story.

Содержит нецензурную брань.

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6:30 a.m. Koh Chang Island…

"2 steps left and make smile" – I said.

Nancy did it.

"Very nice Nancy, arms behind the head" – I said.

Nancy did this well.

"Ok, Nancy. Break now." – I said.

Nancy stopped posing and came to me. She looked not slept enough.

"Want some water?" – I asked.

"Yes, please" – she answered.

I gave her one little bottle.

"Feel good?" – I asked.

"Yes, Jas" – she answered.

After 10 minutes…

"Let's continue?" – I asked.

"Ok, ok" – she answered.

"Come close to the tree, turn your back" – I said.

Nancy posed as I said. We work good together.

"Ok. Let's finish for today, Nancy?" – I asked.

"Ok, Jas… Everything you say" – she answered.

"You want go to eat something?" – I asked.

"Good time for breakfast" – she said.

I packed my camera. And we left our place of photo shooting. I didn't have car. But cafe was close to our place. We got fast to the place. Manager met us with smile. And we smiled too.

"Take a sit, please" – manager said.

"Thanks" – I said.

I took menu and was going to start my order.

"Nancy, you first" – I said.

"Scrambled eggs, bacon, 2 toasts, jam, orange juice" – Nancy said.

"English breakfast set" – manager said.

"Same" – I said.

"Ok. Would you like a coconut?" – manager asked.

"Yes, 2" – I said.

"Ok. 1 minute" – manager said.

After couple minutes 2 coconuts arrived to us. Yes. Nice place. Nancy liked too. She smiled and enjoyed the drink. I was happy yo get her. Maybe, Thai massage? I asked myself. I think no.

About after 10 minutes… Our order arrived to us. Nancy started fast. She was hungry. I know how models get hungry after photo shooting. Ok… No problem. I started eating my meal.

"Anything else?" – manager asked.

"No, thanks…" – I said.

After some time… I paid the bill. We left the cafe. We came back to the bungalow and checked out. We should leave the island. We got to the ferry and were ready. We left Koh Chang… and now we must get to Pattaya city. We took taxi. 4 hours more and we will get to our point.

"How you feel, Nancy?" – I asked.

"Good" – she answered.

"How you liked our photo shooting?" – I asked.

"Yes, I'm happy. It was nice place and you were nice" – she answered.

"Thanks. I'm happy that you liked it" – I said.

Our way was to the city… I had bottles of water.

"Want some water?" – I asked.

"Yes… too much" – she answered.

"Take one" – I said.

After about 4 hours we arrived. I opened the door of taxi and driver helped me get my bag out of the trunk. Driver was a good man. Just my thoughts. Ok, no problem.

"Nancy, thank you. Happy to work with you. Bye" – I said.

"Me too, bye" – she said.

I closed the taxi door and went to my room. I got upstairs and opened the door. I dropped my bag and closed the door. I had a very good thought. What thought? Take shower. Yes, nice thought. Good man, good idea.

After 1 hour… I opened the fridge and took out a bottle of cold Thai tea. Must try it. It should be awesome. Yes, I feel life again. I must unpack my bag. I took my camera out and now I should transfer all media files to my computer.

Incoming call (cell phone) …

"Hello" – I answered.

"Hi, it's me Jim. How are you?" – he asked.

"Hey, Jim. Nice. What about you?" – I answered.

"Much better than before" – he said.

"Happy to hear it" – I said.

"Do you want to go to play poker with company?" – he asked.

"Where?" – I answered.

"This is a small two-Storey condominium" – he said.

"When?" – I asked.

"Tonight, about 11 p.m." – he answered.

"No problem, you know me" – I said.

"Have you been to Koh Chang?" – he asked.

"Yeah… I did my job" – I answered.

"Ok, ok… man" – he said.

"So, see you today?" – I asked.

"Yeah, sure… call you…" – he answered.

"Bye, man" – I said.

"Bye" – he said.

I uploaded files from camera to my computer. I placed them and put price. Time for lunch. There was a good cafe in the next house. I went down the stairs. And 3 minutes' walk. I'm in the cafe.

"Hello, Rosty" – I said.

"Hi, hi" – he said.

"How are you doing today?" – I asked.

"Doing well and you?" – he answered.

"Same" – I said.

Rosty was the American owner of this cafe in Pattaya. He was friendly. Nice place, nice company. The waitress came up to me. And I got the menu. Many good dishes on the menu.

"Hamburger, French fries and orange juice" – I said.

"Ok, sir" – she said.

Time for waiting. I had plans for today. Some cash, some business. Jim was a good friend. Money always good reason to stay tipsy.

"Sir, here's your order… hamburger, French fries and orange juice" – the waitress said… and put it on the table.

Time for a good meal. I ate slowly. And what do you think? Yes! I need to call Nancy… check… how is she? I took out my cell phone. And started my call.


"Hello" – Nancy answered.

"Hello, it's me" – I said.

"Oh… Jas" – she said.

"Are you at home?" – I asked.

"Yes, everything is fine" – she answered.

"Ok, ok… I hope to see you soon" – I said.

"Me too" – she said.

"Bye" – I said.

"Bye" – she said.

I almost finished my lunch.

"Check bill, pls" – I said and finished drink orange juice.

I paid the bill and left the cafe. I got upstairs and turned the TV on. So many ADs about villas and condominiums, swimming pools, ocean views… Pay money, be king!

Not my option.

About 8 p.m. / I got out of the bed and opened the fridge. I took out a bottle of water. Time to refresh. I drank water. So good… now! Ok… no problem. Time was going…

Incoming call…

"Hello" – I answered.

"Hey Jas. How are you?" – he asked.

"It's ok. And you?" – I answered.

"Nice, nice… Are you ready to go?" – he asked.

"Yes, I'm ready" – I answered.

"Ok, be ready on time" – he said.

"No problem" – I said.

22:50 p.m. / I drank a bottle of water. I checked my computer… got message about my photos. I replied. Have chance to earn some cash. Money is always honey. Ding– ding. Incoming call…

"Yes" – I answered.

"Come outside, I'm near" – Jim said.

"Ok" – I said.

I got down and went close to the road. I saw Jim's car.

"Jas… how are you doing?" – Jim asked from the car.

"Hey… Jim, not bad. We are going?" – I answered.

"Yes, get in… man" – he said.

I got into the car. Jim turned madly. And pressed down on the gas pedal. Crazy driving, crazy thoughts… damn! We must get to our place in time. I don't know, maybe not!

"Jim, how is weather today?" – I asked.

"Damn bad weather" – he answered.

"Do you know where to go?" – I asked.

"Yes, we almost come" – he answered.

He made turn and drove through the back streets. We got to our point. Jim parked the car. We left the car and got upstairs. It was two-Storey building. I saw a beautiful veranda. It was our place for poker and talking.

"Hey, Jas" – said one guy sitting there.

"Hey, man" – I said. (I knew this guy before).

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