Alexey Psikha - One night with you (20 stories)

One night with you (20 stories)
Название: One night with you (20 stories)
Жанры: Короткие любовные романы | Эротические рассказы и истории | Книги о путешествиях
Серии: Нет данных
ISBN: Нет данных
Год: 2022
О чем книга "One night with you (20 stories)"

20 stories about situations in Thailand. Love, coke, drinks, friends, adventures. Based on true stories.

Contains foul language.

Содержит нецензурную брань.

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So lovely day

Warm night. The palm trees are glowing, the girls are strolling…

There is a table on the beach where they sell pineapple slices. I'm driving out of my condominium parking lot on my Toyota. Everything is very beautiful and impressive. I'm getting close to the food cart and deciding to buy a flavored sausage. Hot on a stick and a little sweet. What could be more awesome than this day? I know the answer on this question. Good massage. Nice massage. And for only 250 baht. Maybe cheaper. Massage with strong female hands and a good effect after… felt immediately. It was definitely very good and awesome day. After the massage, I went out and decided to buy some pineapple juice. Quenches thirst and tones up. Also good for my figure. What can be noted. Not so expected, a guy came up to me and asked about my t-shirt. And I answered.... I got her there and there. But I don't remember the price. But this all-everyday life.

My fellow calls me at 4 p.m. and he make an appointment. He will be in a silver Honda near my condominium at 8:30 p.m. I decided to get to the bar and drink a bottle of beer. Everything went well that day. Even nice waitress didn't want to get rid of me so quickly. Because I sipped one bottle long enough. Stepping outside the bars, I got to the beach. There were a lot of tourists and half-naked butts. To be honest, I didn't really care. I came to buy a coconut with a straw to quench your thirst. The sun was rising, it was getting hotter… My seats warmed up in my car and it could burn my ass. I decided to leave my car near 7Eleven mini market. I should have had lunch… and I decided Japanese food would be perfect. I wanted soup and sushi… semi-raw fish with rice… oh yeah… I went to one of the cheap restaurants with Japanese food… where you could get relatively inexpensive soup and sushi. The shrimp soup was expensive… Oh yeah… But I wanted it… and I decided to order one, but at the same time I will save money in the evening… when I meet my fellow. Oh yeah… soup was awesome… a bit tasteless indeed, but I put pepper and soy sauce… and it became better. Day was going in the right direction. Hot green tea quenched my thirst. I already imagined how I would wear my t-shirt and sports shorts… Of course, I will have to dress appropriately. And although there is no difference. The main thing is comfortable and tasteful. After lunch, I decided to get to the mini market and buy some milk and cold Thai tea in a bottle. When I left the mini market, I had to park my car in the parking lot. The sun started down and car cooled down. I got behind the wheel and parked my car near my condominium. Everything was super. When I got back to my room, I turned on the TV to watch a Russian channel. No news, but they talked about luxury housing on the island and in Singapore. Stunning loggias and pools, the balconies were especially amazing… with armchairs to watch the view. View of the ocean and sandy beaches. After watching TV, I went to the bathroom and refreshed myself. It was time to went out to the balcony and watched the view. Sunset was approaching… and people in the pool were less and less. Drinking tea and getting ready for a walk was a good idea. Suddenly a call from my fellow. Oh yeah. He was washing his car and got ready to move on. He had some thoughts on his mind. But he didn't share them, but I felt them. He had them and they were crazy as fuck. I decided to go down with my clothes, what I wear to the party. They stroked them for me for 30 baht and I was ready to go out. Everything has progressed well. I went back to my room. I started opening my fridge and what I see? Chivas 18 years / one quarter left /. Of course… I should drink one glass, no ice was… too sad. I'm filling the glass and drink one. Yawned. But feeling was good. Everything was good. Could eat something, but nothing was unfortunately. Some more time passes. Fellow called and let know he is leaving out some bar. I didn't get details. One hour passed and he was coming to my place. I got dressed and was ready to leave my room. I went down and saw him. He had a happy smiling… and he shakes my hand.

"How are you, man?" – he asked.

"Ok, ok my friend" – I answered.

I opened the door and got in. He got behind the wheel and quickly left this place.

"So, how are you?" – I asked.

"Shit day, man… washed car and got into a puddle. We can't sit well at the bar… Every 10 minutes they offer something to order. Not allowed to sit still" – he answered.

"Yeah… yeah… shitty" – I said.

"We are going to a good place… deep street. We can sit there for a while" – he said.

"What place? Details?" – I asked.

"Generally, it's quiet there. Intimate and beautiful ladies' work. I like it" – he answered.

"What are we going to do there?" – I asked.

"Let's sit, have a drink, I'll introduce you to the owner " – he answered.

"Really, something interesting will be, as I understand it?" – I asked.

"She loves when new people come… and sometimes talkative" – he answered.

And here we are getting to our destination and there was a warm welcome. We found a good sit and with pillows on the sofa… very comfortable and soft. They offered fresh pineapple at the same time. My question was next:

"She doesn't have a boyfriend and just very friendly here?".

"Be yourself and you will see" – he answered.

She brought us 2 fresh juices… and left us at the same time. I watched her figure. And damn… this day got better and better. I was dissolved. Our fresh juices came to the end. Time to order alcohol. I ordered a whiskey with and soda. My friend too. After the ending of this… she came to us. And my friend asked the question.

"I was served by another waitress last time… is she working today?".

It was a great question… distracting attention.

"Yes, she is absent today… the guy came in a Mercedes convertible 2 weeks ago. She tried to like him. But he ordered nothing but juice and left us fast" – she answered.

"Damn, that's what it means not paying attention" – he said.

"Yes… and why are you not alone today? Is it your friend?" – she asked.

I felt a little uncomfortable… because I got deep into myself and didn't take my eyes off her bottom.

"Yes, it's my friend… today… we come to drink together for a little time" – he answered.

"What are going to order else?" – she asked.

"Double Jack Daniels and apple juice" – he answered.

"What about your friend? Eat something or drink?" – she asked.

Damn, I flew away from this phrase when she said it.

"What will you order?" – friend asked me.

"Same same… and something to eat on your taste" – I answered.

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