Валерий Жиглов - Mistake of Gods

Mistake of Gods
Название: Mistake of Gods
Жанры: Археология | Историческая литература
Серии: Нет данных
ISBN: Нет данных
Год: 2023
О чем книга "Mistake of Gods"

This is a science education book that discloses the most interesting and the most global themes – the age and the origins of the human civilization. Among other things, it reveals the most mysterious and the most unknowable – aliens, visiting the ancient Earth, and their amazing genetic experiments, which they carried out here. Based on multiple evidences, the author describes the significant difference between Celestials and ordinary Earth humans in every detail.Revelations of a scientist may often look unexpected or even fantastic. There are unique archeological discoveries, ancient records and legends, which ignite thinking in those, who hesitate to believe, and which invite such people into the amazing journey back in time, looking for the truth about oneself, and about the World around us.

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The materials were presented during the Scientific and Practical Conference by the International Academy of the Information, Communication and Control in Technology, Nature and Society, and the materials were approved and recommended for publication.

Reviewed by:

E.I. Borovkov, Prof. Dr.-Ing., the President of the International Academy of the Information, Communication and Control in Technology, Nature and Society; the Director of the Astrobiology Problems and Space Safety;

Y.V. Galtsev, Doctor of Medical Science, the Vice-President of the International Academy of the Information, Communication and Control in Technology, Nature and Society, the Head of the Department of the Forensic Examination;

V.V. Kovalionok, the Colonel General of the Aviation, the twice Hero of the USSR, the space pilot in USSR, the President of the Space Exploration Federation of Russia.

The 2>nd edition

This is a science education book that discloses the most interesting and the most global themes – the age and the origins of the human civilization. Among other things, it reveals the most mysterious and the most unknowable – aliens, visiting the ancient Earth, and their amazing genetic experiments, which they carried out here. Based on multiple evidences, the author describes the significant difference between Celestials and ordinary Earth humans in every detail.

Revelations of a scientist may often look unexpected or even fantastic. There are unique archeological discoveries, ancient records and legends, which ignite thinking in those, who hesitate to believe, and which invite such people into the amazing journey back in time, looking for the truth about oneself, and about the World around us.

The materials, which are presented here, and which refer to multiple fields of the ancient Knowledge about the alien roots of the human civilization, and about a sequence of tragic events, which resulted in the Flood, is the ready-made scenario for an amazing science fiction movie, which, too, might have the title «Mistake of Gods», and might visualize one of the most true-like versions of the human civilization past.

The book lifts the curtain that hides the sacred mysteries of our existence, to allow better understanding of who we are, where we are from, and where we go.

Who were Celestials?

I will reveal to you, Gilgamesh, a thing that is hidden, a secret of the Gods I will tell you!

From Sumerian Epic Tales

There is the ancient Knowledge, which is reflected in Sumerian and in Egyptian texts, in Slavic and in Indian Vedic texts, and even in tales of the American Indians, and the ancient Knowledge is about the technologically advanced civilization of Celestials, which existed on Earth very long time ago, together with people. Celestials had biological and physiological features similar to ours.

The ancient texts comprise multiple evidences of marriages between humans and Celestials, where both males and females were from both sides.

Mari El, an area in Russia, according to once folk tale, was given its name to commemorate the marriage between a human, who married Mari, the daughter of El the Celestial!

As a matter of fact, the word El, or Elohim, has the meaning «Saint», «Divine», and it is associated with God. This might easily be the name of one of the first rulers among Anunnaki the Celestials, who is also known as the kind God with names Ea, Enki, Poseidon, Elulim; the Slavic Vedas refer to him as to the Lel the Loveful, whose reign in Eridu lasted for 28800 years, and who has multiple progenies, including from those from the Earth women. Other rulers among Anunnaki the Celestials also reigned for tens of thousands years.

The fact, that there are peoples among those living in Russia for thousands years, who did not break their association with their ancient past, makes me proud. Those peoples are at least aware of their true origins, and their future is promising.

Who were the Celestials?

The first difference between Celestials and humans was the height. Celestials were giants if compared to humans

Let us again refer to the Epic of Gilgamesh, who was a real person living between the end of XXVII and the beginning of XXVI centuries B.C., the fifth ruler of the Sumerian state capital of Uruk, which is also known from the Bible as Erech.

Gilgamesh, the ancient epic hero, was given birth by a Celestial woman, whereas his father was the progeny of a Celestial and an Earth woman. Although ¾ of Gilgamesh’s blood was from Celestials, his life was as short, as the life of all ordinary humans. Understanding this fact made Gilgamesh suffer, he had no intention to come in terms with his fate. Together with Enkidu, his friend, Gilgamesh made some highly risky, but ultimately unsuccessful and tragic attempts to disclose the secret of Celestials’ very long life, and to regain the immortality that he was longing for. The Sumerian Epic tales tell about this in every detail.

According to the ancient images of Gilgamesh, which we have, his height was between 5 and 7 meters, and a terrifying male lion shown held with his arms looks like a small cat. Apparently, a real cat would have been all on his hand.

The ancient Sumerian Epic tales mention that Gilgamesh, accompanied by fifty his fellow travellers, all unmarried men, arrived to Earth in a Celestial Boat, also known as the Magilum Boat. The words «Magilum Boat» may be literally translated as «the Boat of Elum the Mag», or «the Boat of El the Celestial»!

Ancient Greek legends, which tell about Titans, born from those mixed marriages, also mention the gigantic height of the progenies from Celestials and humans.

We read the same in the Bible, the Book of Genesis:

6:1 When human beings began to increase in number

on the Earth and daughters were born to them,

6:2 the sons of God saw that the daughters of humans

were beautiful and they married any of them they chose.

6:4 The Nephilim were on the Earth in those days —

and also afterward – when the sons of God went

to the daughters of humans and had children by them.

They were the heroes of old, men of renown.

The ancient Slavic Vedas also mention some old time Giants, who were 9—12 meters tall and even taller, they were named as Volunts.

Apparently, Volunts were of the ancient Atlantic Race, with the body height of 5—7 meters and even taller. According to legends, almost all of them were destroyed during the destruction of Atlantis, although those few who survived, turned epic heroes two-three meters tall, among ordinary people.

The word «volunteers», originates from the word «volunt», who were giant assistants, and they helped with constructing large stone facilities. For example, the weight of some large stones, which were stacked one on another in such facilities, exceeded unthinkable 300 ton, some weighed even more unthinkable 500 ton! Even now, modern mechanisms cannot just take one such piece of stone and just put it on another such piece. Remember the enormous stone columns of Baalbek, which are so large, that a human looks like an insect near them? The modern word «volunteers» lost its original meaning, they are now only assistants, although their selfless labor may still move a mountain.

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Искусственный интеллект открывает беспредельные новые возможности по созданию оригинальных художественных творений, в том числе и эротических сюжетов, которые безусловно могут быть востребованы обществом. В данной книге представлен каталог ярких и реалистичных эротических картин, созданных искусственным интеллектом. Давайте вместе с вами ознакомимся с этими оригинальными творениями.
В этом захватывающем эротическом романе вы погрузитесь в мир будущего, где граница между человеком и машиной становится расплывчатой, а любовь является самым ценным и опасным сокровищем. Акико – не просто кукла. Она – искусственная гейша, созданная для того, чтобы удовлетворять капризы богатых и влиятельных людей. Не пропустите выход романа «Искусственная гейша»!
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