Artur Zadikyan - Quantum entanglement, or The destiny rock

Quantum entanglement, or The destiny rock
Название: Quantum entanglement, or The destiny rock
Жанры: Научная фантастика | Книги о приключениях | Современные детективы
Серии: Нет данных
ISBN: Нет данных
Год: 2024
О чем книга "Quantum entanglement, or The destiny rock"

Would you like to influence the past to change the future? Would you like to prevent something that displeases, alarms, frightens you? But do you know the future? What if you know someone else's future, but one that awaits you? Knowing someone else's story, we will try to change our own. Having considered past events, let's try to guess the probability of future events. Let's go to parallel worlds, very peculiar, to change the events that will be reflected in our world by the influence of the phenomenon and paradox of quantum entanglement.

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It seems to us that we live in the present. In fact, we live in the future and the past at the same time.

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This story may have started the same way as the story you are remembering now, or it may have started differently. It all depends on how and from what "angle" to look at your story. For example, when were you born? When you appeared in this world? But imagine if your soul was living… or maybe it already was. Waiting for you as flesh, as a body. Waiting to be allocated a body… or to be made a body. For once a body is made, all the diversity of the inner spiritual world fills it, from the totality of that which was created by clearly not the two, who created you. So when were you born anyway? Maybe when your parents decided to conceive a child? Or maybe when they met through the many labyrinths of fate? Or maybe when their parents did? Or when your distant ancestor escaped death? Or maybe we are all children of Adam and Eve? Or maybe of a god? Or maybe we were born when one of the humanoid primates began to think and decided to use that ability to become a leader (and most likely his idea was to create numerous copies of himself, that is, to capture females first)? Behind the banality and simplicity of such a desire hides the very mystery of life, its preservation, development into higher forms and transition into the incorporeal rulers of the universe. Or maybe our life began when life as such appeared? Or were we born when, already being in a body, we realized ourselves as a being, as a person? But it was obviously not at the moment of our birth… and certainly not at the moment of conception, although even in the womb we were already living people. So when? And what happened to those particles, from which, in the end, having made quadrillion-trillion-trillion combinations, a certain group of molecules closed the chain and began a series of copies, which we call life?

Now imagine a black hole. A so-called black hole… I mean, that term probably confuses us completely. There's probably no black hole.

For you, my dear reader, I will give explanations, many of which for your convenience I will cite from open sources, though I will try to explain more in simple everyday language. Otherwise how to understand such terms, necessary for our narration, as event horizon and quantum entanglement.

So, what is a black hole? Scientifically, it's kind of like this: a star dies and goes from one state to another. It kind of weakens, it can no longer push fuel from the inner part into the upper layers, and under their weight it starts to shrink. More precisely, the upper layers fall on the lower ones, and if this process stops at a certain stage, the star still shines, burns and lives for billions of years. Eventually it all burns up and falls even more towards the center. So there's no logic to it. That's something we're going to run into a lot – a logic that doesn't exist. There is no logic where it should be iron, i.e. firmly scientific.

If the black hole attracts everything to itself, as if swallows it, then the process must eventually lead to the fact that it must start the reverse process of restoration. So the question is: where is all that it attracted? Did she recycle it all and send it somewhere else, and unnoticed? That is why it is still a mystery of science, although there are already assumptions that it is some kind of a pipe that swallows from one side and throws out the recycled matter somewhere very far away, maybe in a parallel world. Parallel – in the sense that, perhaps, in the black hole electrons turn into protons, protons into antiprotons, and all substances, particles acquire "anti", i.e. opposite properties, so they are not visible for our senses and equipment, which we have created on the basis of "understanding".

Eventually it seems like the star is so compressed that it turns into a fantastic magnet that doesn't let anything out. It attracts everything and even sucks it in. Not even light can't escape from there, it's sucked in. So the boundary where it starts to happen, that is, the place where you can no longer escape from the attraction of the black hole, is called the event horizon. Even time is said to be different there. Speaking of time. How do you feel about its eternity? What about the eternity of space? And the eternity of matter? These are three important components of the world we live in. The world we can understand based on our senses. The world that these three-dimensional sensations "show" us. We can fantasize, compose, imagine, imagine, imagine, imagine, think about any other perceptions, dimensions, realities, but the reality for us will remain that which we can understand on the basis of our senses.

Okay, now a little more about eternity. Have you really visualized it yet? Have you imagined, for example, your life in a million years? What about a billion? How about a billion billion billion? Is it hard to imagine such a long life? It's quite realistic. But we'll talk about that later. For now, imagine that you still live at least a thousand years and are always flying somewhere. Not just like that, but without a body. Your thoughts are flying. In fact, you are your thoughts, your understanding of what you are, not your body. Imagine if you don't realize anything, but you have a body. Do you exist in that case? As a person, no. But if you don't have your body, but you still have the ability to think, then you will exist as your Self. So, if we imagine our world, our whole universe as a kind of computer world, where we all sleep or live in some kind of virtual reality, then in such a world we could fly to the Moon, for example, in a second. I mean as energetic beings, without a body, as an astral body of thoughts. If such a life – in the energetic or computer world – seems something improbable to you, then I will tell you: prove the opposite when you sleep. After all, everyone has dreamed dreams – as if all this were really happening. Imagine if you fell asleep and slept for the rest of your life. And now this, for example: to take and put all your vital signs into a certain matrix, formula, and then to calculate by all your moral and psychological data your worldview and on the basis of it to predict your deeds. For example, horoscope or fortune-telling is also based on this somehow. Thus it is possible to make your digital, computer image, that is, say, it is possible to make a character with your data for a computer game. Now if you imagine that god or aliens have already done this, then we are all in some kind of cosmic simulation. What I mean by that is that within that simulation, within the computer game, signals are traveling at the speed of light. This brings us back to what I've written about before – eternity. If you live for a billion years and fly at 300,000 kilometers per second, which is simply not only incredible, but also unimaginable, it would take you 14 lifetimes to fly to the edge of the universe. Even with those capabilities, you need to live 14 billion years. Can you imagine such a thing? Many people have even thought now: what to do all this time? Ha, really funny. Let me make it clear. If you still live that long and move that fast, after 14 billion years, you will still not be at the edge of the universe. Why not? Because we know the distance from where the farthest light supposedly "flew" to us at that speed. And as it traveled, everything changed.

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